How to remove subfolders in Outlook

So you want to hide these annoying folders under Outlook such as Journal, Notes RSS Feeds, Tasks.

You have tried everything, clicked right mouse button, tried settings, hit delete nothing, right?

They are just taking space and attention and are absolutely useless for an email client. Nobody needs them and if you ask around, nobody uses them. So why are they there? Nobody really knows. Probably not even Microsoft.

Here is the solution. With only one simple action, you can make them disappear its like a magic trick!

Just follow these steps precisely and you shall have them removed in no time.

But before you do, imagine these folders as a pencil:


Make sure you have not selected or marked the Inbox, Sent or any other important folder before you run the script described below.

It seems that many users had so much fun removing folders, they have accidentally removed important ones and have difficulties unhiding them.

Its recommended that your read the user comments below the article.

If youre not sure about this, dont run the script!
Getting back accidently hidden folders is a hassle!

Step 1: Preparations

Go to the File at the menu and click at Options, then go to Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, in there click Macro Settings and select Notification for all macros like this:

Step 2: Click on the useless Outlook folder

Yes, click the folder you want to make disappear. Lets start with that folder RSS Feeds. I mean, who uses RSS Feeds nowadays that was 15 years ago gosh!

Step 3: Writing a script

Now you are going to write a script but dont worry. Ill tell you exactly how.

Open the Visual Basic Editor (older Outlook versions: press ALT+F11). Alt F11 doesnt work on Outlook 365 anymore, you have to do these steps instead:

On theDeveloper tab find and click Visual Basic. If there is no such menu, you have to activate it: File/Options/Customize Ribbon/Main Tabs/Developer.

If a security warning pops up called Microsoft Outlook Security Notice, just press Enable Macros to continue.

A new windows should open up called Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications that should look like this dont be scared. Thats your salvation!

All you have to do now is to go to Microsoft Outlook Objects, press right mouse button, then go to Insert and then Module. Here, let me show you:

A new window should appear on the left side. Now put this code in there:

Option Explicit Public Sub HideFolders() Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Dim PropName, Value, FolderType As String PropName = "//" Value = True Set oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder Set oPA = oFolder.PropertyAccessor oPA.SetProperty PropName, Value Set oFolder = Nothing Set oPA = Nothing End Sub

This is how it should look like on your end:

Step 4: Run that script!

Now select the folder you want to delete on Outlook.
IMPORTANT: If you have any other folder selected such as Inbox, it will dissapear!

Run the script and the folder will disappear. How to run the script? Easy see that Run feature on the menu its this one here:


You can repeat this by selecting any other folder, than going back to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window and run the script again, until all these useless outlook folders are gone.

How to Unhide a Folder

If you accidentally hid a folder such as Calendar, Inbox or want to unhide any other folder, just change this line:

Set oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

to this one:

Set oFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)

and also change this line

Value = True


Value = False

This is how it should look like if you want to unhide the Calendar for example:

Option Explicit Public Sub HideFolders() Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Dim PropName, Value, FolderType As String PropName = "//" Value = False Set oFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) Set oPA = oFolder.PropertyAccessor oPA.SetProperty PropName, Value Set oFolder = Nothing Set oPA = Nothing End Sub

Comments and discussions are on the bottom of the page. Thank you.

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