How to pronounce z in Japanese

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Why is z pronounced as zetto?2021/9/9 21:13

My child asked me this question and I didn't know how to answer. I didn't even know that's how it was pronounced!

by Menj (guest)Re: Why is z pronounced as zetto?2021/9/10 06:18

It's probably the closest that can be expressed in kana of the British pronunciation [zed].
[zi:] is the American pronunciation.

by kamahen (guest)rate this post as usefulRe: Why is z pronounced as zetto?2021/9/10 07:10

Thank you! I also didn't know the British pronounced z as zed. I learned something new today! :)

by Menj (guest)rate this post as usefulRe: Why is z pronounced as zetto?2021/9/10 07:52

All English speakers pronounce Z as zed. Only American pronounce it as zed.

Zeds and Tees get a -o addition to the end of an English-roman pronounced word when spoken as Japanese.

by H (guest)rate this post as useful

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