How to keep our environment clean essay

As a citizen, you can play the right role to control maximum pollution by following a few of easy steps that starts from your home. You can discover different ways to keep the environment clean, green and healthy. Read on to know 10 practical ways to help clean the environment.

1. Reduce the usage of your electrical appliances

This serves as the best means to conserve the energy. You can buy appliances that are not only environment friendly but energy efficient too. One of the best ways to conserve electricity is by switching off all the lights and appliances when not in use. You can wash your clothes in a washing machine using both warm and cold water instead of using hot water. Try solar power for heating water instead of an electrical appliance.

2. Drive your car less

You can drive your car less and acquire other means of transportation instead. Many countries recommend repairing of leaking air condition of your car that adversely destroys the upper layer of ozone atmosphere. You must also be careful while filling your car with gas and see that it doesn’t spills off the tank. You can also use motor oil that is energy-efficient.

3. Reduce the usage of your wooden stove

Wood stove tend to generate excess smoke into the air which is harmful for the health of your entire family. Instead you can cook food on energy efficient appliances that promises low cost and quick cooking too.

4. Maintain a healthy eco system

It is the need of an eco system to have good interaction with green plants, organisms and animals in a healthy environment. These three helps to keep the entire eco system healthy and alive for many years together. It is due to excessive air pollution and global warming that the entire eco system is negatively affected today. With a little change in your daily lifestyle, you can definitely help to protect the entire planet with its ecosystem is a healthier way.

5. Reduce usage of chemicals and pesticides

It is always advisable to eliminate maximum household chemicals and pesticides that directly pollute the green environment. Instead you can make your own solutions for cleaning purpose using distilled vinegar, lemon and baking soda. There are many ‘green’ cleaning products available in the market that is environmentally friendly and conventional cleaners too.

6. Recycle the waste products

Many waste products like glass, plastics, aluminum and paper can be recycled instead of been disposed off in the dustbin. This will prevent any air pollution accumulated on burning these products. You can also use reusable towels and reusable bags rather than using disposable plastics or bags.

7. Reduce carbon footprints

There are many ways to cut back carbon footprints causing excess air pollution. You can lower the temperature of your water heater, wash dishes manually instead of using a dishwasher, reduce the use of air conditioner or heater and buy energy efficient lights to lower the energy consumption and heat generation level.

8. Grow your food locally

Planting of the food locally helps in reducing the overall commercial transportation of food items that require pesticides and preservatives to preserve them. These preservatives directly pollute the air. It is also a proven facts that organic food is more sustainable that the one which is preserved using harmful pesticides and chemicals, thereby casing harm to the entire global ecosystem.

9. Reduce contaminants

It is always a better option to reduce the usage of contaminants and toxic materials at home. A healthy environment begins from your home. You must also take care to dispose off all the waste material in a proper way rather can simply disposing them off in the bins.

10. Avoid the pollution

Try not to throw away trash or waste materials almost anywhere in and around your house. You must try to dispose off biodegradable as well as non-biodegradable wastes in a proper way and avoid littering it all over your home environment. Any excess air or water pollution can negatively affect you and your family’s health while destroying the entire environment globally.


The environment provides food and shelter to all the living organisms (plants and animals). Keeping it clean and pollution-free ensures we have a steady supply of fresh air. However, water contamination, climate change, and pollution are degrading the environment at an alarming rate. Keeping our environment clean involves minimizing environment-degrading acts and processes and taking initiatives aimed at eliminating dirt already discarded to the ecosystem.

Human beings must act with speed to reverse the destructive processes like combustion of fossil fuels, destruction of water catchment areas and oil spillages. No one should think their individual efforts are too small to make a huge difference. When each of us makes an effort to keep our environment clean and green, our efforts will collectively make a huge difference. Some of the steps you can take are minimizing wastage of natural resources, avoiding littering parks and walkways and volunteering to support organizations formed to preserve the environment.

Importance of keeping the environment clean

  1. Lengthen lifespan; decrease in lifespan is closely linked to the increasing pollution. Cleaning the environment reverses pollution effects.
  2. Healthy living; failing to keep the environment clean paves way for pollutants and toxins that have harmful effects to your health.
  3. Reduces global warming; some dirt emits greenhouse gases that trap heating leading to an increase in average temperatures.
  4. Creation of safe haven for future generations; your future family will appreciate your efforts towards a conducive environment.
  5. Biodiversity; keeping the environment clean ensures members of the ecosystem have habitats to thrive.
  6. Appreciation; the environment gives us a lot for free and it is only natural that we appreciate it by keeping it clean.
  7. Creation of renewable energy sources; keeping our environment clean creates renewable energy to reduce stress on non-renewable
  8. Attracts multinational companies; MNC’s establish companies resulting in huge economic growth in the area.
  9. So it can sustain us; the environment is and will be our home for eternity. For the ecosystem to provide for us, we need to preserve it.
  10. Safety; cleaning the environment ensures that it is free from clutter that makes it hard navigate safely.
  11. Social responsibility; keeping the environment clean, safe, healthy and conducive is our social responsibility.
  12. Saves money; cleaning the environment eradicates germs and harmful insects that would otherwise require a lot of to exterminate.
  13. Imparts positive values on children; keeping the environment clean imparts a civic sense in all community members.
  14. Unity; keeping our environment clean by collectively picking dirt brings people together thus fostering unity.
  15. Preserves food chain; environmental pollution can destroy one organism in the food chain putting a negative impact on human beings.
  16. Ensures the survival of vanishing organism; some extinct species can vanish entirely if we do not keep our environment clean.
  17. Inner satisfaction; being self-responsible by cleaning the environment goes a long way in giving us fulfillment.
  18. Promotes tourism; tourists enjoy vesting places that are clean and well-maintained increasing revenue in the region.
  19. Employment opportunities; keeping the environment clean attracts foreign investors who will establish industries in the region.
  20. Creates more space; huge heaps of garbage and debris occupies a lot of space preventing us from utilizing it.


Some of the ways to keep our environment clean include recycling plastic products as opposed to throwing them away, adopting eco-friendly measures and planting trees. Use
water economically and avoid wasting this crucial resource at all costs. Also, throw dirt in the designated area and teach your children to always clear and clean your compound, the yard and their playground. This way, we will collectively reduce pollution and enjoy living in a peaceful, fresh air laden environment.

By: Joni Kim

There are trees,herbal plants people can’t live without this environment. All of us want this environment to spend our life. So we get many things from environment. Example water,trees,erratic. Elf you clean this surroundings all of us can healthy and strong life-So we must clean our environment. But today’s population are increasing. These population live with environment. So day by day,the people destroy this environment. Specially,I want to tell about the air pollution. Len our country,have many industries.

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So this industries throw chemicals and vessels. N this case,collect lot of reverberation air then pollute environment. So many people put garbage to the water. Some times this activity do industries. They put their garbage,chemicals to this water. We can get many information regarding this from T M and newspapers-So what happened this case pollute the water. Many time the fishes are killed. Alt will be poisonous. And also many people set fire to chance cultivating.

Alt pollutes the environment -We can see so many garbage on road sides. Villager collect the garbage and they use these garbage as their plants. So if you pollute this imprisonment Will note able to grow foods.

Essay Example on Why Must We Keep Our Environment Clean

So we will decide not to pollute the environment-I grew up in a environment where pollution, disease, and other problems are a big issue. Cars and factories release greenhouse gases into the air, and forests are being cut down. In other countries, many people are behind on cures for diseases.

Many people talk about how the polar ice caps are melting and the ozone layer depleting. An Inconvenient Truth opened my eyes to see how today’s technology and garbage affect these environmental disasters, and want to do something about it. Do some things to make myself more environmentally friendly. Ilk to school instead of driving because I live bout two blocks away. I also take the bus when I go downtown or my friend’s house. When need to get somewhere and many people are going I carpool with some friends. I recycle any cardboard boxes and milk cartons, and I reuse water bottles and fill them with filtered tap water instead of buying more water. I take short showers and I don’t leave the facet on when am brushing my teeth. At school, am constantly learning about the environment and how we are affecting it I noticed recycle and compost bins in the cafeteria and an old Asian woman picking up cans and bottles in the gym. In the A. P.

Environmental Science class, I see how other third world countries are less fortunate than us and how we just dump our trash in their countries. We need to find a way to use less resources and produce less trash so other countries can improve their standard of living. During the summer of 2008, I was a intern at North East Medical Services (NEWS), which is a clinic near Chinatown. Worked as a lab technical assistant and they had strict safety regulations. I always had to wash my hands and wear latex gloves because I was transporting blood samples. My mentor told me that a clean work place reduces the chance of people spreading any diseases.

He also told me that many people are ill because their houses or work places are unsanitary. A clean environment is good for everyone, but we are far from one. If we continue what we are doing, most of our natural resources would be gone and our future generations would have nothing to survive on. We should focus more on renewable energy sources like the wind, sun, and maybe even rain instead of wasting all of our fossil fuels. We also need to do more with our trash instead of burning or burying it. Hope that if apply my studies to environmental problems and coming up with a solution to them, can help make a better future for everyone.

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