How to get famous in Google

So I have this new addiction and it will benefit my business greatly.

Im on a quest to become Google famous.

Not for vanity purposes but for authority purposes.

Heres what I mean

If you type in the name Mark Cuban youre going to see something cool.

You will see he has a panel by Google that brings all his information together.

Its Googles way of saying

Hes famous.

However, virtually anyone can get one.

As long as you follow the algorithms they have in place.

Everyone can get one but few actually do.

When I realized this was a thing I instantly was intrigued.

Its something that could double what you make.

For example

Youre on the phone with a client and theyre like 98% there.

Only problem is theyre not sure you can really do what you say you can do.

Imagine telling them to do one thing to help them believe.

And that one thing will be why they give you a credit card to run a $10k transaction.

All because youre Google Famous.

They see you have a Google Panel and you stand out like a celebrity.

Thats why in 2020 its my goal to build up my Google Knowledge Panel.

Everyday it gets harder to get one.

But I aim to do it.

I think its fun and its teaching me to do something that I should have done years ago

Learn to document.

Publish daily.

Be everywhere.

The other cool thing is that Im trying to figure out the secret code.

Google doesnt give out their rules on how to get the panel.

You have to try to figure out.

And that just makes it even more cooler.

Heres what Ive learned so far

You have to point to the same website.

You have to stick with the same name.

You have to be published everywhere.

You have to be original.

You have to love creating content.

You have to learn PR, like really good.

You have to be patient.

You have to enjoy this game of content creation.

And Im not sure of this

But I think you need a book.

I dont know that, but by my research it seems between that or being on Wikipedia

It really helps.

Im still experimenting though.

Because thats what were all about, right?

Were turning out business into marketing labs.

Were always trying new things.

Thats what makes the Power Closers great.

Want to learn how Im doing this and other cool things?

Make sure to join us at that the Power Closers.

