How to block a website from showing up in search results

When youre on the internet, making your way through one search result to another, there are some websites you dont want to appear in Google Search. Maybe youre working, and you keep seeing Twitter in those results and now youre distracted. Or you know if you see that shopping website, youd end up on it and poof! There goes your salary. Or maybe you know that a particular website is just spam, or even malicious and you dont want to risk clicking on it by mistake.

Whatever maybe the reason, if you dont want a website to pollute your search results, you can block them from appearing in your Google search.

The easiest way to block a website is by installing an Extension to your browser and let it do the rest.

How to Block a Website on Google Chrome

Open the Chrome Web Store on your browser by clicking the Apps shortcut from your bookmarks bar. If it is not being displayed, right-click on your bookmarks bar and select the option Show Apps shortcut. You can also click here to open Chrome Web Store in your browser.

Click on Apps from your Bookmarks bar.
Open the Web Store.

In the Chrome Web Store, click on the search bar on the left side of the page that says Search the store.

Then search for Personal Blocklist, uBlacklist or any other blocker by typing Website Blocker. Here we are going to download the extension Personal Blocklist. It used to be run by Google, but isnt anymore so it says Not by Google with it.

Click on the Add to Chrome button to install the extension in your browser.

Install Personal Blocklist extension by clicking the Add to Chrome button

Chrome will prompt you with a conformation dialog box. Click on Add extension to add it.

The extension will be installed and its icon will be added next to the address bar in the browser.

Now when you search for anything on Google, all the search results will have an option to Block <websites name> displayed under them. Click on Block to block a website.

Blocking a website from appearing in Google Search

Note that blocking a website will only bar it from your search results. You can still open the website by directly entering its web address.

See also
How to Use Smart Copy on Microsoft Edge

How to Block a Website on Microsoft Edge

There are presently no extensions available in the Microsoft Store for blocking websites. But you can add extensions from Chrome to Edge if you use the New Microsoft Edge, since it uses Chromium same as Google Chrome.

To allow installation of Chrome extensions on Microsoft Edge, click on the ellipses () on the right side of the address bar and select Extensions.

At the lower left corner of the screen, you will see an option namely, Allow extensions from other stores. Toggle the switch and it will ask for a confirmation. Click Allow.

Now you can add Extensions from any store to Edge. Open Chrome Web Store in Microsoft Edge by clicking the button below.

Open Chrome Web Store

On the Chrome Web Store, click on the search bar on the left side of the page that says Search the store, search for Personal blocklist extension. Then click the Add to Chrome button next to it to install the extension in Microsoft Edge.

Installing Personal Blocklist extension in Microsoft Edge

When you get a confirmation dialogue asking for your permission to install the extension in your browser, click the Add extension button.

The extension will be installed and its icon will be added next to the address bar in the browser.

Now when you search for anything on Google, all the search results will have an option to Block <websites name> displayed under them. Click on the option and the website will be added to a clock list in your browser.

Blocking a website from appearing in Google Search

Removing a website from the Block List

It is just as easy to remove a website from the block list. Simply, click on the extension icon next to the address bar. It will display a list of all the websites you have blocked. Click the Remove option to remove a website from the block list.

The list of blocked websites will be displayed here.