How to add songs to a collaborative playlist Spotify web player

With names like "COVID-19 Quarantine Bangers" and "Corona Virus Playlist for the End of the World," those of us "Flattening the Curve" have finally discovered what individuals on house arrest have known all along — when you're stuck indoors, you're probably going to make a Spotify playlist.

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But you're not a DJ. Hell, you might not even have good taste in music. How are you possibly going to make a playlist anyone else is going to want to listen to?

Easy. You get your friends to make a "Collaborative Playlist" with you.

How to create a collaborative playlist on Spotify

Maggie Tillman, US contributing editor · 15 October 2021 ·

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(Pocket-lint) - Spotify offers a collaborative playlist feature that makes it easy to invite others to join a playlist and add to tracks to it. Here's everything you need to know about collaborative playlists on Spotify, including how to make one.