How long should a literature review be in a 8000 word dissertation?

8000 Words Dissertation Breakdown:


The introduction is one of the main chapters of your dissertation. You will have to write it just after the table of contents. The length of this essential chapter of the dissertation is 10% of the whole dissertation. In 8000 words dissertation, the introductory section should consist of 800 words. In these 800 words, first, you should present the topic and context of your dissertation. It means that you should start the dissertation writing task by introducing the topic and by providing the necessary background information. You should present the topic and context just within 250 words. After that, you will have to discuss the scope and focus of your research. This focus and scope should be presented just within 50 words. You should present the research purpose of your dissertation just within 300 words. At last, you will have to discuss the aims and objectives of your dissertation. These aims and objectives should be presented within 200 words.

Literature Review:

In a dissertation, you will have to provide an overview of the scholarly work in the form of literature review. The length of the literature review chapter of the dissertation is 30% of the whole dissertation. In 8000 words dissertation, the literature review chapter should consist of 2400 words. While writing the literature review of the dissertation, first, you should present the historical overview of the existing literature. You should describe the historical overview of the literature just within 400 words. After the historical overview of the literature, you should present the contemporary review of the theory. The contemporary review of the theory should be presented just within 1400 words. At last, you will have to present the context of the study. The context of the study should be presented just within 600 words.


While writing the dissertation, you will have to follow a research methodology to gather the data. In the research methodology section, you will have to discuss the methods that you have selected to gather the data for your dissertation. The length of the research methodology section of the dissertation is 15% of the whole dissertation. If you are writing 8000 words dissertation, the length of the research methodology section of the dissertation should be 1200 words. While writing the research methodology section, first, you will have to explain the philosophy of the research. The philosophy of the research should be explained just within 300 words. After that, you will have to explain the data collection technique in 300 words. In the research methodology section, you should also explain the sourcing and data selection technique in 150 words. You should also explain the research ethics within 150 words. At last, you should explain the data analysis tools within 300 words.


After analyzing the gathered data, you can write the results section of the dissertation. In this section, you will have to explain the main results of your dissertation. While explaining the main results of the dissertation, you should relate these results with the research questions. The length of the finding or results section of the dissertation is 5% of the whole dissertation. If you are writing 8000 words dissertation, the findings or results section of the dissertation should consist of 400 words. In the first 100 words of the findings or results section, you should present the data of your research. In the next 200 words, you should analyze the results of your research. You should also relate these results with the research questions. At last, you will have to present the main findings of the research in the next 100 words.


Discussion is also the lengthiest chapter of the dissertation along with literature review. Just like the literature review in 10000 words dissertation, the length of the discussion chapter of the dissertation is also 30% of the whole dissertation. If you are writing 8000 words dissertation, the discussion chapter of the dissertation should consist of 2400 words. In the discussion chapter of the dissertation, you will have to explain the importance and relevance of the results. You should explain to the readers what you have found and how your findings are related to the research results. In the discussion chapter, first, you will have to summarize the key findings of your research. These key findings should be represented just within 200 words. After that, you will have to give your interpretations in the next 800 words. You should discuss the implications in the next 600 words. In the next 600 words, you should try to acknowledge your limitations. At last, you should state your recommendations in the next 200 words.


It is the last chapter of the dissertation. In this chapter, you will have to summarize all the main points of your dissertation. The length of this essential chapter of the dissertation is 10% of the whole dissertation. In 8000 words dissertation, the length of the discussion chapter of the dissertation should be 800 words. In these 800 words, you will have to summarize all the main points of the dissertation. In the first 200 words of the conclusions section of the dissertation, you should clearly state the answers to the main questions. In the next 200 words, you should try to summarize your research and you should also try to reflect on the research. You should also try to make recommendations for future work in the next 200 words. At last, you should also try to show your contribution to the new knowledge. You should discuss this contribution in the next 200 words.


The introduction is one of the principal parts of your thesis. You should compose it soon after the chapter by chapter guide. The length of this fundamental part of the thesis is 10% of the entire exposition. In an 8000 words thesis, the basic area should comprise 800 words. In these 800 words, first, you should introduce the subject and setting of your thesis. It implies that you should begin the thesis composing task by presenting the point and by giving the important foundation data. You should introduce the subject and set just inside 250 words. From that point forward, you should talk about the extension and focal point of your exploration. This concentration and extension ought to be introduced just inside 50 words. You should introduce the exploration motivation behind your exposition just inside 300 words. Finally, you should talk about the points and targets of your paper. These points and goals ought to be introduced inside 200 words.

How to...Write a dissertation

Most undergraduate business courses and post-graduate MBAs require students to complete a dissertation. This is an extended piece – often structured like a report – which usually involves undertaking research or a project (this may be based your placement or previous work experience) as well as reflection on and discussion of that work.

The focus of this article will be on writing the dissertation – that is, producing the finished report.

The whole project and dissertation process can cause students a lot of grief. It differs from what most have previously produced in requiring more of most things – more research in greater depth, more reading, more time, more independence (students select their own topics and work on them in isolation), more planning, and above all, a more extended piece of writing.

As distinct from an essay, where you critically evaluate other people’s ideas, you will need to report on your own research or work and offer your own thoughts and interpretation. However, you will also need to include and critique the ideas of other writers in order to provide a theoretical framework for your own ideas.

Writing a literature review

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How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

The length of a literature review depends on the audience and its purpose. The level of study also determines the length of a literature review.

Literature reviews of topics done by undergraduate students are expected to be shorter than literature reviews of postgraduate students.

Literature reviews of essays are also expected to be shorter than literature reviews done for a thesis or dissertation. But how long should it be?

Overall, The length of a literature review should be between 20% and 40% of the total project. This is because the length of your paper also determines the length of the literature review. Papers with a lot of content have longer literature reviews than papers with lesser amounts of content.

There is a general rule that the length of the literature review should be proportional to the length of your paper.