How do you remove duplicates from a list of strings in Python?

Python – Ways to remove duplicates from list

This article focuses on one of the operations of getting the unique list from a list that contains a possible duplicated. Remove duplicates from list operation has large number of applications and hence, it’s knowledge is good to have.

Method 1 : Naive method
In naive method, we simply traverse the list and append the first occurrence of the element in new list and ignore all the other occurrences of that particular element.

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# removing duplicated from list
# using naive methods
# initializing list
test_list = [1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1]
print ("The original list is : " + str(test_list))
# using naive method
# to remove duplicated
# from list
res = []
for i in test_list:
if i not in res:
# printing list after removal
print ("The list after removing duplicates : " + str(res))

Output :

The original list is : [1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1] The list after removing duplicates : [1, 3, 5, 6]

Method 2 : Using list comprehension
This method has working similar to the above method, but this is just a one-liner shorthand of longer method done with the help of list comprehension.

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# removing duplicated from list
# using list comprehension
# initializing list
test_list = [1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1]
print ("The original list is : " + str(test_list))
# using list comprehension
# to remove duplicated
# from list
res = []
[res.append(x) for x in test_list if x not in res]
# printing list after removal
print ("The list after removing duplicates : " + str(res))

Output :

The original list is : [1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1] The list after removing duplicates : [1, 3, 5, 6]

Method 3 : Using set()
This is the most popular way by which the duplicated are removed from the list. But the main and notable drawback of this approach is that the ordering of the element is lost in this particular method.

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# removing duplicated from list
# using set()
# initializing list
test_list = [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1]
print ("The original list is : " + str(test_list))
# using set()
# to remove duplicated
# from list
test_list = list(set(test_list))
# printing list after removal
# distorted ordering
print ("The list after removing duplicates : " + str(test_list))

Output :

The original list is : [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1] The list after removing duplicates : [1, 3, 5, 6]

Method 4 : Using list comprehension + enumerate()
list comprehension coupled with enumerate function can also achieve this task. It basically looks for already occurred elements and skips adding them. It preserves the list ordering.

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# removing duplicated from list
# using list comprehension + enumerate()
# initializing list
test_list = [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1]
print ("The original list is : " + str(test_list))
# using list comprehension + enumerate()
# to remove duplicated
# from list
res = [i for n, i in enumerate(test_list) if i not in test_list[:n]]
# printing list after removal
print ("The list after removing duplicates : " + str(res))

Output :

The original list is : [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1] The list after removing duplicates : [1, 5, 3, 6]

Method 5 : Using collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys()
This is fastest method to achieve the particular task. It first removes the duplicates and returns a dictionary which has to be converted to list. This works well in case of strings also.

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# removing duplicated from list
# using collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys()
from collections import OrderedDict
# initializing list
test_list = [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1]
print ("The original list is : " + str(test_list))
# using collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys()
# to remove duplicated
# from list
res = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(test_list))
# printing list after removal
print ("The list after removing duplicates : " + str(res))

Output :

The original list is : [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1] The list after removing duplicates : [1, 5, 3, 6]

How do you remove duplicates from a list of strings in Python?

Article Tags :
Python list-programs
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How to Remove Duplicates From a Python List

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Learn how to remove duplicates from a List in Python.


Remove any duplicates from a List:

mylist = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "c"]
mylist = list(dict.fromkeys(mylist))
Try it Yourself »

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  • .set but remove both repeats
  • set python why not duplicated
  • how to delete duplicate items in items of a list in python
  • append to certain place in list python
  • does remove removes duplicates values of list in python
  • python string remove duplicate strings from list
  • how to get distict values in an array pythto remove duplicates from array pythonon
  • remove duplicates from list python names
  • remove duplicate numbe rfrom array python
  • eliminate duplicated items list python
  • how to remove duplicate item from list in original order python
  • python remvoe same value from list
  • python list drop duplicates by
  • python update a list no duplicates
  • check to not append duplicate to list python
  • remove duplicate nubmers python
  • deleted 1 out of 2 duplicate value python
  • remove duplicaets using a list
  • remove duplicates pythin list
  • filter duplicate int list python
  • python array duplicated terms out
  • how to remove duplicate elements from list
  • list string remove duplicates online
  • how to eliminate duplicate elements in list in python
  • python list remove repeat
  • remove duplicates from two list python
  • how to remove all duplicate items from a list python
  • delete one duplicate in list python
  • remove duplicate array pyhon
  • algorithm to remove duplicates list in list
  • remove duplicates in loop python
  • get rid of duplicates list python
  • how to pop duplicate values from list python
  • delete all duplicate values i nlist
  • how to remove duplicate values in python list
  • remove duplicated from a list
  • remove duplicates function in python
  • remove duplicates in this list.
  • replace duplicates list python
  • python delete duplicate
  • remove all duplicates from a list
  • removing duplicates in list of list python
  • 10.13python eliminate duplicates in list
  • remove duplicate list from list of list in python
  • how to remove duplicates in list via for loop
  • if a value in list is repeated delete it
  • how to remove duplicates from index in python/
  • remove duplicates in python inbuilt function
  • how to delete duplicate an element from an array in python
  • remove duplicate within list
  • how to remove matrix that contains duplicate lists in python
  • removing duplicate items from list python
  • remove duplicates from 2 list python
  • delete duplicates in two lists python
  • remove duplicates from a 2d list python
  • python remove dupliaction from list
  • how to ignore duplicates in a list in python
  • remove duplicates from array with python
  • python find and delete duplicate in list
  • how to compare two lists and remove duplicates in python
  • erase duplicates in list python
  • how to remove duplicates from a list of names in python
  • how to remove duplicates from a list pandas
  • how to delete repetitive values in list
  • array remove duplicates python 3
  • python remove duplicates from list and add
  • list pop duplicate
  • how to remove duplicate records in list in python
  • python take out all duplicatew
  • online list remove duplicates
  • removing duplicate values in python
  • python remove duplicate lists from list
  • how to remove duplicates from the list
  • print a list with nonduplicates python
  • remove all repeated items in list
  • delete duplicate values in liost python
  • how to remove string element from list if it repeats it self in python
  • python remove duplicatr from list
  • removing duplicate elements in list python
  • how to remove repeats in a list
  • how to remove identicals in a list
  • removing trupicate items from list python
  • pyt remove duplicates
  • list remove duplicaters
  • remove the duplicate elements in list python
  • how to drop duplicates of a list
  • remove duplicates with order in python
  • how to remove repeated elements in a list in python
  • how to remove repeating number from list python
  • remove similar items from lists
  • remove duplicates in list python without new list
  • remove the numbers that appeared duplicate in a list
  • with a given list l of integers, write a program to print this list l after removing all duplicate values with original order preserved.
  • delete same elements in array python
  • function to get rid of all duplicates python
  • remove duplicates from list and preserve order python
  • how to not add duplicates in list python
  • python list of strings remove duplicates
  • how to duplicate string in a list python
  • how to remove duplicate elements in list in python
  • remove duplicate list pandas
  • remove duplicated inlist py
  • function of list in python that removes duplicates
  • python, remove duplicates from list
  • duplicate python list
  • python list remove duplicate numbers
  • remove duplicates strirng from list python3
  • remove repeated element in list
  • remove duplicates in python panda
  • python remove all duplicate elements from list
  • how to eliminate same item in list python
  • function in python that gets a list and removes duplicate numbers
  • what is a list without repeated elements
  • how to remove duplicates from a list in python without using loops
  • no dups python
  • pyhton, subtract dupicate items from list
  • delete duplicate strings in list
  • how to remove array duplicates in numpy
  • how to remove dupliactes list python
  • how to delete the original elements and the duplicate elements in python
  • remove duplicate dictionary from list python
  • how to delete duplicates in pandas
  • string remove duplicates python
  • python delete duplicates inl ist leave one
  • python remove duplicate form list
  • remove duplicates item intger in list
  • if element duplicated in the list remove that element python
  • python dedupe list
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  • python remove duplicate from list.
  • remove duplicate forom python list
  • print list without duplicates
  • python program to remove duplicates from a list without using set
  • python 3 remove duplicates from list
  • how to remove and report the number of duplicated numbers in python
  • how to remove duplicates in list without using set in python
  • remove repeated numbers in an array python
  • how to get rid of one pair of duplicates in a python list
  • python remove duplicate using set
  • how to remove duplicates in the list python
  • duplicate removal list
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  • python remove duplicates based on date
  • how to delete duplicate data inpython
  • avoid duplicate entry in array pyhton
  • how to remve duplicates form list pythom
  • delete duplicates with same sequence python
  • remove duplicates in the list
  • python remove duplicates keep two duplicate
  • python list with no duplicates
  • list without duplicated items python
  • how to remove duplicate values in list of dictionary python
  • python how to eliminate repeated objects of a list
  • how to remover duplicated values in pandas
  • remove duplicates pandas python
  • remove duplicates from directopry python
  • remove duplicate line in python
  • remove dups python list
  • remove all the words that occur more than once using a remove dups function
  • if duplicate remoce completely from list
  • python remove same element from list
  • remove repeated number python
  • prevent adding duplicate item to list in python
  • remove duplicate of vertice in python
  • pandas column list remove duplicates
  • remove serie duplicates python
  • remove elements oncce of one list from another having repeated elements
  • fastest way remove duplicate in list
  • python drop dup
  • wap to remove duplicates from a list without using set python
  • can i remove tuple duplicates in python
  • umpy remove duplicate
  • python union and remove duplicates
  • remove duplicates df python
  • does append remove or duplicates python
  • how to remove duplicates rows in numpy array
  • pandas delete duplicate
  • python how to remove same element from list
  • pandas remove duplicates list
  • how to delete duplicate row in python
  • hoe to remove all duplicates in a string in pyhton
  • remove duplicates from sorted array solution python
  • how to delete all duplicates from string python
  • do in operatier remove duplicates in python
  • how to remove duplicates "python" based on conditin
  • drop the duplicates of the series in python
  • drop duplicates with list
  • remove duplicate elemnts from array in python
  • duplicates drop python
  • filter duplicates python
  • python drop duplicates not working
  • which of the following methods is used to remove duplicates pandas
  • make .remove not remove from duplicates python
  • python remove duplicate in string
  • remove duplicates from set in python
  • find duplicates in array python
  • python code to remove duplicate from string
  • remove duplicate string python
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  • remove duplicates onlibne
  • python tuple remove duplicates
  • remove duplicates in python keep order
  • how to remove duplicates in string python
  • how to remove duplicates from variable in python
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  • remove the duplicate elements in list in python
  • python remove int duplicate list
  • python list remove duplicates in same order
  • remove duplicate elements from list
  • drop duplicate from list python
  • python how to remove duplicates from an array
  • remove duplicates from list python if statement
  • remove duplicates python3 list
  • remove duplicate values from python list
  • removing duplicates from the list in python
  • how to remove and count duplicates from a list in python
  • function to get rid of duplicates python
  • python eliminate repeats in a list
  • delete duplicates from a set of lists
  • how to remove duplicate in a list python
  • remove duplicate list python specific
  • python sort and delete duplicates
  • python remove duplicate values from the list
  • i dont want to remove duplicates from a list while using filter function in python
  • remove dublicate element in python in array
  • array remove duplicates pytohn
  • how dilete duplicate list
  • method remove duplicates in list python
  • python program to remove duplicate elements from list
  • delete duplicate lists in python
  • python list remove duplicates set
  • remove duplicares from list
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  • function to delete duplicates in list python
  • remove duplicates fully from list in pythn
  • remove only onnne duplicate list python specific
  • remove duplicates in a list of strings python
  • remove dupicates from a list
  • how to get rid of a duplicate number in a list python
  • remove duplicates from unsorted array list
  • how to remove duplicate values from a list
  • how to remove the duplicate array list
  • how to avoid duplicate in list python
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  • how remove duplicate values array python
  • how to remove duplicate element in list in python
  • how to remove duplicate elements from list in pyton
  • remove one duplicate element from list python
  • python how to remove duplicate string from list
  • how to remove repetition in list in python
  • delete duplicates python in list
  • how to find and remove duplicate values in python
  • python delete duplicates
  • remove all duplicate elements list in python
  • remove duplicates in django list
  • remove duplicate strings in python list
  • remove duplicate element in python
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  • remove duplicate after pattern in list python
  • how to remove duplicated element in list
  • how to remove element that repeats in list python
  • remove duplicates loop python
  • list methods remove duplicates python
  • python remove duplicates values from list using for loop
  • remove duplicates value list
  • remove duplicates in python lisr
  • remove duplicate values in list in python
  • remove duplicates from unsorted list python
  • 12. write a python program to remove duplicates from a list.
  • removing all duplicates in a list python
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  • remove duplicate element python
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  • python eliminate repeated values in an array
  • remove duplicates in a list pytohnm
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  • how to remove duplicated element from list
  • remove_duplicates python
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  • how to remove duplicate python
  • how to prevent duplicate entries in python array
  • how to delete duplicates in list using fold
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  • lists python duplicates in two lists -remove
  • list remove duplicates python doesn't work
  • how to remove duplicates number in python
  • remove duplicate values in python
  • remove duplicate elements in list
  • delete duplicates in list of lists python
  • python remove duplicateddictionaries from list
  • append in list remove duplicates python
  • compare two lists and remove duplicates pytohn
  • eliminate duplicates in array python
  • how to remove duplicate num from an array python
  • how to remove the duplicate value in the list
  • remove duplicate entries string python
  • python remove all values that are duplicated from list
  • can we remove duplicate elements of a list how
  • how to remove the repeating element in the list
  • remove duplicates python based
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  • remove duplicate elements in a list and keep the list order unchanged
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  • remove duplicate list pyhton
  • python remove all duplicate matching values from list
  • how to delete all duplicates in a list pytohn
  • remove duplicates from list python 3
  • how to delete duplicates in python array
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  • how to remove duplicate strings from list
  • python list delete duplicate elements
  • how to delete duplicats in a list
  • remove the duplicate from list
  • function to find repeated elements in a list python and remove one of them
  • python find duplicates in list and delete
  • how to remove the all duplicates of all the elements from a list in python
  • removing duplicates in a list in a dictionary
  • removesecond duplicates form list python
  • delete duplicate in list
  • how to remove duplicate list python
  • drop duplicates for array pythn
  • remove duplicates in list python
  • how to remove duplicates from list in python
  • remove duplicates from list
  • remove duplicates list python
  • remove duplicates from sorted list
  • pandas remove duplicates
  • delete duplicates in list python
  • how to remove duplicate elements from list in python
  • how to remove duplicates in python
  • python array remove duplicates
  • python remove duplicates from string
  • python remove duplicate strings from list
  • how to remove a duplicate row with condition in py
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  • python list without duplicates
  • drop duplicates from list python
  • how to remove repeated elements in list in python
  • python list delete duplicates
  • remove duplicates in a list
  • remove duplicate values in list python
  • write a python program to remove duplicates from a list.
  • remove duplicates from array in python
  • remove duplicate from list
  • delete duplicates from list python
  • remove duplicates from sorted list python
  • remove duplicates python array
  • how to remove duplicates from a list
  • python remove repeated elements from list
  • remove duplicates from tuple python
  • remove duplicates from list python using for loop
  • remove duplicates in python list
  • remove duplicate values from a list in python
  • how to remove duplicate items from a list in python
  • remove duplicates in string python
  • how to remove duplicates in a list
  • remove duplicate list from list python
  • python remove duplicates
  • remove duplicates from a string in python
  • how to remove duplicates from list python
  • remove duplicates from string in python
  • take out duplicates in list python
  • how to remove duplicate values from list in python
  • python how to remove duplicated items in the list
  • delete duplicates list python
  • remove the duplicate elements in array in python
  • python drop duplicates from list
  • how to remove duplicate strings in a list python
  • remove duplicate values from list python
  • filter duplicate values python
  • remove duplicate values from a list python
  • how to remove duplicate list in python
  • how to remove repeating elements in a list in python
  • remove duplicate items from list python
  • remove duplicate list in list python
  • remove duplicate dict in list python
  • how to remove repeating values in list python
  • remove repeats in list python
  • remove duplicate from list online
  • python delete repeated elements list
  • how to remove all repeated elements in a list python
  • remove duplicates from the list python
  • how to remove repeated elements in a list python
  • list python remove duplicates
  • how to remove same element from list in python
  • how to drop duplicates in a list python
  • remove all duplicates from a given string in python
  • remove duplicates from arraay python
  • delete duplicates in a list python
  • set remove duplicates python
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  • python list duplicate remove
  • how to remove duplicates in an array python
  • remove duplicate items in list python
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  • how to make python remove the duplicates in list
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  • remove all duplicates in list python
  • remove duplicate items froma list
  • removing repeated elements in a list python
  • how to remove duplicate item from list in python
  • how to remove all duplicate items in a list
  • remove repeated strings in list python
  • how to remove duplicate numbers from a list in python
  • duplicate remove in python
  • how to remove dublicate value in list python
  • how to remove duplicate elements in a list python
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  • remove duplicates from unsorted list
  • remove duplicates in nested list python
  • remove duplicate in array python
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  • how to remove duplicate in list
  • python drop_duplicates
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  • how to delete duplicates from list in python
  • pyhtondeleting duplicates
  • python compare tow list and remove duplicates
  • remove duplicate items python
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  • py remove all duplicates from string
  • how to remove duplicates from list?
  • how to delete duplicate values in list python
  • python remove dupes from list
  • remove duplicates list comprehension
  • python remove all duplicates
  • remove repeated from list python
  • how remove duplicates in python
  • python remove duplicated from list
  • remove duplicate string in python
  • write a program in python to remove duplicates from a list.
  • list duplicate remove python
  • python how to remove duplicates from list
  • how to remove repeats in a list python
  • remove duplicates from array python 3
  • how to delete duplicates in python list
  • how to remove duplicates from python list
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  • remove duplicates nested list python
  • how to delete duplicate elements in list in python
  • python removing duplicates from list
  • write a python program totransform into a list with no duplicates
  • python delete duplicates in array
  • remove duplicates item from list python
  • remove duplicate from string python
  • python remove duplicate item from list
  • remove duplicate elements in a list python
  • how to remove duplicate values in list
  • remove duplictaed numbers python
  • remove duplicates from an array in python
  • python remove similar elements from list
  • how do you remove duplicates from an array in place python
  • remove all duplicates from array python
  • how to drop duplicates in list python
  • list drop duplicates python
  • delete duplicates in list
  • how to remove duplicates in an array in python
  • python filter duplicates from list
  • python delete duplicate in list
  • python set with duplicates
  • how to remove duplicates from a list of lists in python
  • compare two lists and remove duplicates python
  • list string remove duplicates
  • how to remove duplicate items from list python
  • remove all duplicates from list
  • how to delete repeated points python
  • python deduplicate list
  • remove repeated values in list python
  • python delete duplicates of list
  • how can we remove duplicate values in list
  • how to remove duplicates from the array in python
  • how to delete duplicates of numbers from list in python
  • python remove duplicates and none values from list
  • how to delete duplicate in list python
  • how to pop list of duplicates in python
  • list t remove duplicates
  • eliminate duplicates array python
  • remove duplicates in python
  • how to remove duplicate nested list in python
  • remove duplicate lists in list python
  • remove duplicates in pyhton
  • remove duplicates lists from list python
  • python list filter out duplicate
  • list remove duplicate python
  • pythonarray remove duplicates
  • python program to remove duplicate elements in an array
  • how to remove duplicate elements of a list in python
  • python remove duplicates from list and place in another
  • pythonloop through array and remove duplicates
  • python fastest way to remove duplicates from list
  • remove all numbers with duplicates from a list python
  • remove the duplicate entry in the list
  • remove duplicates in list module python
  • remove duplicates in numpy
  • remving duplicate from list
  • python remove duplicates sets
  • remove duplicates in place python
  • python string remove duplicates with comprhension
  • pandas remove duplicates
  • python filter remove duplicates list from lists
  • how to remove duplicate values in python
  • python list remove duplicate objects
  • how to ignore duplicate values in a list in python
  • remove duplicate sorted array in python
  • remove duplicate append python
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  • how do i eliminate duplicate in a numbers in array in python
  • python delete duplicate of a list
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  • remove duplicates of list python
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  • python how to remove duplicates from a string
  • remove duplicates using filter python
  • python remove string duplicates from list
  • remove duplicate elements from a given list
  • delete duplicates in list online
  • how to remove repeated int in list python
  • python remove duplicates from list with keys
  • python remove duplicates from list but keep order
  • remove duplicates in an aray python
  • python list clear duplicates
  • how to remove recurring elements from an array in python
  • python remove duplicae items from list by index
  • array remove duplicate python
  • duplicated list
  • remove() method on a list having duplicate elements
  • delete duplicate elements in an array python
  • removing duplicates index in list python
  • how to remove duplicate numbers from an array python
  • how to remove duplicate from a list in python
  • list comprehension to remove duplicates
  • python remove duplicates in array
  • duplicate remover python
  • drop duplicates fromm list
  • remove duplicates from list using loop in python
  • how to remove duplicate in a list
  • find and remove duplicates in a list python
  • list remove duplicates oneline
  • how to remove the duplicated value in list python
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  • remove duplicates in a python list
  • python remove duplicate sets in list
  • remove duplicates array list
  • remove duplicate using python
  • eliminate duplicates list python
  • how to remove repeating items in a list python
  • python get rid of duplicates in a list
  • how to remove duplicates in array py
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  • how to delete duplicate elements in an array in python
  • python set to remove duplicates
  • how to clear duplicates in a list python
  • how to remove duplicates from list of list python
  • remove list duplicates
  • delete duplicates in a list until theres 1
  • how to remove repeating items in a list in python
  • delete duplicate from list
  • list of items removes duplicates by value
  • how to remove duplicates in a python list
  • remove duplicates list python in-place
  • how to remove duplicate elements from list python
  • python remove duplicate string from list
  • compare two list and remove duplicate python
  • how to eliminate duplicates in a list python
  • do not append duplicate python
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  • i have multiple lists and want to remove duplicates from them python
  • a function that removes python duplicates
  • remove duplicate from sorted array python
  • remove duplicate items in python list
  • eliminate duplicates in python
  • remove duplicate elements from python
  • no duplicates in array python
  • remove all the duplicates from python file in an array
  • delete repeated values list python
  • remove duplicate lists python
  • remove duplicates python in order
  • how to avoid duplicate appends in a list in python
  • python program to remove duplicates from a list in o(n) time
  • remove duplicates to pythin
  • how to remove duplicates after eachother in python list
  • how to check and remove repeated items in a list
  • how to remove duplicates in list python using set
  • how to remove gel that repeats in list python
  • remove all duplicates from a given list in python
  • remove duplicates from str py
  • how to append list without redundancy
  • python remove duplicate from sorted list
  • delete duplicates array python
  • remove duplicate value in an array python
  • create list in python and remove duplicate
  • remove duplicated items in lists python
  • python remove duplicates from dictionary list
  • python remove duplicates from list if in order
  • how remove duplicate elements from list in python
  • how to filter the list with repeated values in python
  • how to remove duplicates in set python
  • concat lists python and remove duplicates
  • how to make a new list by deleting duplicates from two lists
  • eliminate duplicates from list python
  • python remove all duplicates including the original
  • delete duplicates without index change python
  • remove duplicate rows in list python
  • remove any duplicates in the list in python
  • list comprehension remove duplicates
  • remove all same string in list python
  • remove duplicates from a list of strings python
  • how to take out duplicates in python
  • how to delete a repeated number from an array in python
  • how to get rid of duplicates in python lidst
  • drop_duplicates in python
  • remove duplicates but also keep order python
  • python remove duplicates in a row from arrat
  • delete repeated items from a list python
  • remove repeated elements list python
  • hiow to remove duplicate in a list
  • drop duplicate list python
  • how to remote duplicates in python
  • python remove duplacates
  • how to remove consecutive duplicates in python
  • filter duplicate values in list
  • write a function that takes a list, removes repeated elements, and returns a new list with unique elements.
  • python how to eliminate duplicates from list
  • program to remove duplicate elements in an array in python
  • how to remove every same item in a list pyhton
  • python all sort and remove duplicates
  • how to remove repeated string elements from a python list
  • python3 remove duplicates
  • removing duplicates in array python
  • remove duplicates from each element of a list
  • remove duplicates from list in ordered way
  • delete duplicates in file python
  • python list remove equal
  • python combine 2 lists and remove duplicates
  • remove duplicates in zip python
  • how to remove duplicate values from a list using python
  • python sort and remove duplicates
  • remove duplicate elements from string python
  • remove duplicate lines in python
  • python remove list of list duplicatess
  • how to make string duplicates remove in python
  • removeing duplicates in python
  • np array remove duplicates
  • how to delete duplicate items in list python
  • python filter out duplicates
  • remove duplicate elements from a list python
  • remove duplicate numbers in array python
  • remove duplicates in an array/list pytjon
  • pandas print without duplicates
  • how to delete duplicate rows in python
  • how to eliminate duplicates in string in python
  • python delete duplicate rows
  • how to remove duplicates in a list python for unhashable in a sorted list
  • delete repetition list python
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  • how to drop duplicates in python
  • duplicate a list python
  • how to remove duplicates in list but keep one python
  • remove duplicates from list python\
  • pandas delete duplicates
  • python get list without duplicates
  • python remove duplicates from multiple lists
  • python pandas remove duplicates
  • removing duplicate lines python
  • remove dups from list python
  • remove adjacent duplicates in list python
  • how to remove duplicate values in array python
  • delete all duplicates in list python using for loop
  • delete duplicate elemets in array python
  • method to remove duplicates in a list
  • how to remove duplicate from unsorted list
  • remove duplicates from python df
  • remove duplicates from list
  • how to eliminate duplicates in a list in python
  • remove redundant elements in list python
  • python list dedup
  • how to remove a duplicates in tuple in python
  • how to remove duplicate from a list,
  • create list and remove duplicates in python
  • how to find and delete duplicate list in python
  • python remove dulplicates from list
  • python removing duplicatrs from a list
  • python duplicated item
  • how to reomove duplixates in python list
  • remove duplicates sorted array python
  • make a list and remove the duplicates python
  • how to remove duplicates form a list
  • remove duplicates in python list of list
  • filter duplicates in list python
  • removind duplicates from list
  • python remove duplicated items from array
  • remove duplicate from python list
  • python how to remove duplicate values
  • python remove duplicates from list of string
  • how to delete duplicate values in py list
  • avoid duplicates in python list
  • delete duplicates element list python
  • converting to array list and removing duplicates
  • remove duplicates using fromkeys
  • remove duplicate objects from list python
  • list remove same item in python
  • no duplicate list python
  • remove duplicate items in list
  • remove duplicate words in python list
  • remove duplicate from given 3 lists
  • remove duplicate list from list of list python
  • remove duplicates from list of list
  • how to remove duplicate from a list contains strings in python
  • how to remove duplicates values in list in python without using set
  • replace duplicates in list
  • remove all duplicated from list python
  • how to delete all elements in one list that repeat in another python
  • how to get rid of duplicates in a list python]
  • remove near duplicates in list python
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  • how to remove duplicates from a string python
  • python remove duplicates from list number
  • remove duplicated list in my list pythn
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  • write a python program to remove duplicates from the list of list
  • list without repeats python
  • python built in function to remove duplicates
  • python erase duplicates in list
  • get rid of duplicate in list
  • remove duplicatesin python
  • how to remove duplicate from array in python
  • how to remove repeated numbers from a list
  • remove duplicates from list algorithm
  • python list remove one duplicates
  • python how to remove duplicates in a list
  • python remove all duplicates in list
  • get rid of repeats in list python
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  • python loop through array and remove duplicates
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  • write a python function “remove_duplicates” to remove duplicates from a list.
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  • list of dict remove duplicates in pytoin
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  • python list how to remove duplicates
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“how to delete duplicate string in list python” Code Answer’s

remove duplicates python
python by Important Iguana on May 26 2020 Comment
python remove repeated elements from list
python by Ana
How do you remove duplicates from a list of strings in Python?
on Aug 28 2020 Donate Comment
Add a Grepper Answer

  • python remove duplicates
  • python remove duplicates words from string
  • delete the duplicates in python
  • deleting duplicates in list python
  • how to make python remove the duplicates in list
  • Python remove duplicates from list
  • remove duplicates from list python
  • duplicate in list python
  • python remove duplicates from list
  • python remove duplicate numbers
  • sort and remove duplicates list python
  • Python program to remove duplicate characters of a given string.
  • remove duplicates function python
  • python remove duplicates from a list
  • python remove duplicates from list of dict
  • remove duplicate space in string in pytoon
  • remove duplicates from tuple python
  • rename duplicates in list python

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  • remove duplicates python
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  • how to remove duplicates from a list in python
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  • python how to remove duplicates from a list
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  • how to remove duplicates from string in python
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  • how to delete duplicates in a list python
  • remove all repeating elements in list python

Remove duplicates from list using Set

To remove the duplicates from a list, you can make use of the built-in function set(). The specialty of set() method is that it returns distinct elements.

We have a list : [1,1,2,3,2,2,4,5,6,2,1]. The list has many duplicates which we need to remove and get back only the distinct elements. The list is given to the set() built-in function. Later the final list is displayed using the list() built-in function, as shown in the example below.

The output that we get is distinct elements where all the duplicates elements are eliminated.my_list = [1,1,2,3,2,2,4,5,6,2,1] my_final_list = set(my_list) print(list(my_final_list))


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Remove Duplicates from a list using the Temporary List

To remove duplicates from a given list, you can make use of an empty temporary list. For that first, you will have to loop through the list having duplicates and add the unique items to the temporary list. Later the temporary list is assigned to the main list.

Here is a working example using temporary list.

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4 ,6, 2] print("List Before ", my_list) temp_list = [] for i in my_list: if i not in temp_list: temp_list.append(i) my_list = temp_list print("List After removing duplicates ", my_list)


List Before [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 2] List After removing duplicates [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Python: 5 Ways to Remove Duplicates from List

How do you remove duplicates from a list of strings in Python?

In this article, we will learn what is a list in python. As a python list is a collection of multiple elements even containing duplicates, sometimes it is necessary to make the list unique. Here, we are going to study the multiple ways to remove duplicates from the list in python. So, let's get started!

Remove Duplicates From List in Python

Python Python List

Created: February-06, 2021 | Updated: February-21, 2021

A List in Python is a data structure that is used to store data in a particular order. The list can store data of multiple types i.e. int, float, string, another list, etc. Lists are mutable, which means values once created can be changed later. It is represented by square brackets [].

myList = [2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 6, 4, 8] print(myList)


[2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 6, 4, 8]

You can remove duplicate elements from the above list using a for loop as shown below.

myList = [2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 6, 4, 8] resultantList = [] for element in myList: if element not in resultantList: resultantList.append(element) print(resultantList)


[2, 1, 3, 0, 6, 7, 4, 8]

If you don’t want to write this much code, then there are two most popular ways to remove duplicate elements from a List in Python.

  1. If you don’t want to maintain the order of the elements inside a list after removing the duplicate elements, then you can use a Set data structure.
  2. If you want to maintain the order of the elements inside a list after removing duplicate elements, then you can use something called OrderedDict.