How do you link data values in excel?

MS Excel affords cells in one worksheet connected to cells in other worksheets in the equivalent or separate workbook. In our daily work, we may need these types of things to do. This article will show you how to link data in excel from one sheet to another using various methods.

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For showing this process, let’s assume we have three workbooks: fruits unit price, fruits quantity, and fruits total price.

How do you link data values in excel?

For finding the total price for each fruit, we need to link data one with another. I will show how to connect the data Fruits_Total_Price workbook with the other two Fruits_Unit_Price and Fruits_Quantity workbook. We will use the =C3*D3 formula in the E column to find each fruit’s total price. 

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 1: Open the Fruits_Unit_Price file and select the Unit price column.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 2: Right-click on it and select copy or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 3: Open the Fruit_Total_Price file and select the first cell of the Unit Price column.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 4: Right-click on it and select the Paste Special option.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 5:  Select the Paste link option.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 6: All the cells will be copied from Fruits_Unit_Price, and the formula will be like this picture.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 7: Do the same process for the Quantity column to copy from the Fruits_Quantity file. Also, the Total Price will be calculated after that for each fruit.

How do you link data values in excel?

These are the steps for linking data to different files in Excel. Here the formula is generated automatically, but we can input the formulas manually.

Read More: How to Link Multiple Cells from Another Worksheet in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

Let’s consider the same example above in different ways. Instead of having different workbooks, we have only one file name Total_Fruits_Price.

How do you link data values in excel?

Inside this workbook, we have three different sheets, separate workbooks in the previous process like Fruits_Total_Price, Fruits_Unit_Price, Fruits_Quantity.

How do you link data values in excel?

Now we will calculate the same total price for each fruit by linking data with other worksheets using the formula =D6*E6 in the F column.

Step 1: Open the Fruits_Unit_Price sheet and select the Unit Price column.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 2: Right Click on it and select copy or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 3: Go back to Fruits_Total_Price sheets and select the first cell of Unit Price.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 4: Right-click on it and select Paste Special option.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 5: Select the Paste Link option. 

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 6: Then, you will see all the Unit price is copied from Fruits_Unit_Price is copied and linked to Fruits_Total_Price’s Unit_Price column. And the be a formula like this picture.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 7: Same Way, we can copy the Quantity from the Fruits_Quantity sheet, and after that, it will be like this. Also, the Total Price will be calculated automatically.

How do you link data values in excel?

Read More: How to Link Cell to Another Sheet in Excel (7 Methods)

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  • Reference from Another Excel Workbook without Opening (5 Examples)
  • How to Link Files in Excel (5 Different Approaches)

For linking data, we enter the formula manually. Suppose we consider the above example. We can connect the data manually. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Select the desired cell which will contain the linked data and type = (Equal) sign 

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 2: Go to the workbook from where you want to link the data. Like here Fruis_Unit_Price workbook. And select any cell and press enter.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 3: After pressing enter, the selected value will be copied to the destination.

How do you link data values in excel?

Read More: How to Link Sheets in Excel with a Formula (4 Methods)

Sometimes we may need to link data based on conditions for different purposes. In MS-Excel, we can manipulate our linking data depending on various conditions. For example, let’s have two sheets in one workbook, Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet1 has some values, and we want to get the data from Sheet1 to Sheet2, which are greater than or equal to 100.

Step 1: Enter the data in Sheet1 

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 2:  Go to sheet2 and enter the formula =IF(Sheet1!C3>=100,Sheet1!C3,"") in the first cell.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 3: Copy down the formula, and all values greater than or equal to 100 will be shown.

How do you link data values in excel?

Read More: Transfer Specific Data from One Worksheet to Another for Reports

Importance of Data Linking in Excel

Generating links can provide help for maintaining the same data in multiple sheets. This saves our valuable time, diminishes errors, and develops data integration for various purposes. As for the above example, if we need to update the total fruit price, we need to input every worksheet or file. We can easily manage data changes using this data linking procedure.

It is always efficient and faster than manual copy over data linking. For the above example, I need to update the Unit Price of any fruit then. If I update the primary Fruit_Unit_Price workbooks, then automatically, all the other workbooks Fruits_Total_Price will also be changed accordingly. Here is the explanation for this. It is workable for both the same or different workbooks in Excel. I am showing the example in other workbooks.  

Step 1: Change any fruit’s Unit Price. I have changed the Cherries Unit Price from $14 to $9.

How do you link data values in excel?

Step 2: Go to Fruits_Total_Price, and here the price of the Cherries will also be updated, and the Total Price will be calculated correctly.

How do you link data values in excel?


This is how to copy or link data in MS Excel. Here I have focused on two ways of data linking. Both processes are broadly discussed and show the process with a proper screenshot. Also discussed the importance and the actual benefit of using data linking in Excel.

Further Readings

  • How to Link Word Document to Excel (2 Easy Methods)
  • Link Excel Workbooks (4 Effective Methods)
  • How to Link Two Workbooks in Excel (5 Methods)
  • Link Data from One Spreadsheet to Another in Excel
  • How to Link Sheets to a Master Sheet in Excel (5 Ways)
  • Link Two Sheets in Excel (3 Ways)
  • How to Reference Worksheet Name in Formula in Excel (3 Easy Ways)
Combine text from two or more cells into one cell.
Select the cell where you want to put the combined data..
Type = and select the first cell you want to combine..
Type & and use quotation marks with a space enclosed..
Select the next cell you want to combine and press enter. An example formula might be =A2&" "&B2..