How do you introduce yourself in Japanese?

Introducing yourself in English is usually pretty straightforward.

It goes something like this:

Hey there! How are you? Im Em.

Hi Em, Im Julie. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

A handshake ensues, then small talk.

It really isnt that different in Japanese, minus the handshake. But just like in English, a one-size-fits-all self-introduction isnt always considered appropriate.

You wouldnt hop up to your new intimidating boss, perkily exclaiming:

Hey there, nice to meet you! Im Em! Lets be best friends!

More likely than not, youd say something along the lines of a polite greeting and then an introduction:

Its a pleasure to be working with you. Thank you for this opportunity. My name is Em.

In Japanese, how you introduce yourself also depends on the situation and level of formality involved.Below, we cover the most common methods of self-introduction that youll definitely need to know if you ever plan on traveling to Japan.

First, lets explore exactly why you should load up on Japanese introduction words and phrases.

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Why You Should Know More Than 1 Way to Introduce Yourself in Japanese

As mentioned above, introductions come in different shapes and sizes. Here are three important reasons why you should know how to introduce yourself in various ways to really nail that first impression:

  • Different situations call for different introductions. Remember our examples above? Simply stating your name or using informal language might get your point across, but true fluency involves knowing and properly using culturally appropriate language.
  • There are formal and informal ways to introduce yourself. Introductory situations can be formal, casual and everything in between. Having a good arsenal of self-introduction phrases along with the proper context will help you avoid a serioussocial faux pas.
  • The more phrases and vocabulary words you know, the more fluent youll become. Even if you rarely use some of these introduction phrases, youre still increasing your knowledge bank of Japanese vocabulary and phrases. Youre on your way to being the ultimate fluent speaker!

Introduce Yourself in Japanese: The Guide to Formal and Casual Introductions

Understanding Katakana and Japan-ifying Your Name

The Japanese language has a pretty strict set of syllables. It can be very difficult for native Japanese speakers to pronounce foreign words and names.

Because of this, understanding katakana and figuring out how to pronounce your name the Japanese way is important before diving into introductions.

Katakana, like hiragana, is a syllabary in which one character represents a particular Japanese syllable. The only difference is that katakana was developed for writing and pronouncing foreign words in the Japanese language.

Using katakana, work out how youd say your name within the limit of the Japanese syllable system. Here are a few examples:

ジョナサン (じょなさん) Jonathan or Jonasan

エム (えむ) Em or Emu

ザカリー (ざかりー) Zachary or Zakarī

ジェシカ (じぇしか) Jessica or Jeshika

Practice katakana and develop the correct way to pronounce your name in Japanese for improved communication.

Vocabulary Words for Introducing Just About Anyone

When you introduce yourself, its often appropriate to include your position, career, status or any other relevant information about yourself that the other person might need to know. Whether youre a student, writer or a supervisor at a company, its a good idea to learn the relevant vocabulary.

Here are a few common words that you might use to describe your career or job:

学生 (がくせい) student

医者 (いしゃ) doctor

看護師 (かんごし) nurse

先生 (せんせい)/教師 (きょうし) teacher

芸術家 (げいじゅつか) artist

作家 (さっか) writer

政治家 (せいじか) politician

調理師 (ちょうりし) chef

会計士 (かいけいし) accountant

兵士 (へいし) soldier

会社員 (かいしゃいん) employee

サラリーマン (さらりーまん) salaryman

フリーター (ふりーたー) part-timer

監督 (かんとく) / 管理者 (かんりしゃ) supervisor

エンジニア (えんじにあ) engineer

If none of these describe you, look up the Japanese word for your profession or the position you hold in your company. Itll make meeting people much easier, as this is usually one of the first bits of information that new acquaintances exchange.

Watching actual Japanese speakers introduce themselves to each other is an excellent way to learn the nuances and pick up even more self-introduction vocab.

Business Card Culture in Japan

Business cards are important for professional situations in Japan, however casual your networking is.

Study up on Japanese business card culture and consider putting together your own business cards if you plan on working in Japan. It can definitely end up being a major part of how you introduce yourself to other professionals.

How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese (Informal)

1. Find the right way to say Hello.

There are a few ways to say hello in Japanese based on the time of day and the vibe of the situation:

こんにちは Hello

こんちゃ Hello (shortened version of こんにちは)

おはよう Good morning

こんばんは Good evening

おーい! Hey!

ヤッホー! (やっほー!) Hi!

おす! Hey! (Used by young men among each other)

よぉ! Yo! (Used in a really comfortable setting)

Pick one thats appropriate for the time and situation.

2. お元気ですか?(おげんき ですか?) / 元気?(げんき?) How are you?

These are common expressions used in casual conversation. You may not get a very in-depth response, perhaps as little as a nod with a smile.

The phrases both literally mean are you healthy? but they work just like the English how are you?as a greeting, not an actual inquiry into someones health or well-being.

元気?is usually used between good friends, whileお元気ですか?is a bit more polite.

3. です。 I am

Precedeです with your name. For example:

ジョナサンです。 I am Jonathan.

エムです。 I am Em.

ザカリーです。 I am Zachary.

ジェシカです。 I am Jessica.

This is also how youd use any one of the essential career words we mentioned above. For instance:

学生です。 I am a student.

4. 初めまして。(はじめまして。) Nice to meet you.

Its quick, to the point and polite without being overbearingly formal.

The key to informal introductions in Japanese is to keep things as brief and relaxed as possible, while still being polite and respecting introduction rules.

5. よろしくお願いします。(よろしく おねがいします。) Please show me kindness.

This isnt the most commonly used phrase out there, but there are a few situations in which youd use it. If a friend introduces you to someone or youre networking with someone but not formally working with them yet, this phrase can help you seem friendlier.

There isnt an exact translation of this term in English, but the closest concept is that youre asking your new friend to be gentle with your feelings.

6. Find the right way to say Goodbye.

Remember, keeping things short and sweet but still genuine is the key to making a great informal introduction. Here are a few ways to wrap things up:

じゃあね Bye

またね See you soon

バイバイ (ばいばい) Bye-bye

では、また Well then, see you

How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese (Formal)

1. Find the right way to say Hello.

There are a few formal and polite ways to greet someone in Japanese. Some options include:

おはようございます Good morning

おはよう様です (おはようさま です) Good morning (slightly less formal)

こんにちは Hello

こんばんは Good evening

おやすみなさい Good night

2. お元気ですか?(おげんき ですか?) How are you?

This is the same whether youre in a formal or informal situation.

It can be optional, but it adds a sense of caring to your conversation and can help you seem more approachable.

3. と申します。(と もうします。) I am

と申します is the more formal way of saying my name is or I am. Simply precede the phrase with your name. (Note: If youd like to follow this up with your profession, you should still useです for that!)

If youre in a work setting, it may be wise to introduce yourself by your last, then first name.

4. 初めまして。どうぞよろしくお願いします。(はじめまして。どうぞ よろしく おねがいします。) Nice to meet you. I look forward to working with you.

This extended version ofよろしくお願いします isnt appropriate for all formal situations and is mostly used for first meetings in school or at work.

This phrase is usually accompanied by a nod or brief bow.

5. Find the right way to say Goodbye.

In a formal situation, it would be rude to end a conversation with later, dude. Here are a few more polite ways to say goodbye:

さようなら Goodbye

失礼します (しつれい します) Excuse me

お疲れ様でした (おつかれさま でした ) Thank you for your hard work

お先に失礼します (おさきに しつれい します) Excuse me for leaving first

Optional: 自己紹介させていただきます。 (じこしょうかい させて いただきます。) I will begin my self-introduction.

You could also see this phrase as a way of saying allow me to introduce myself.

This is a very formal phrase youd use to introduce yourself to someone at a formal get-together such as a wedding or business trip when you approach them first. If youre giving a speech, it would be wise to open with this phrase before beginning the rest of your self-introduction.

In any other situation, this phrase is just a bit too formal to use.

This list of phrases might seem a little complicated if youve never introduced yourself in Japanese before. Keep in mind that you wont have to use all of these constantly if youre planning on travelling to or living in Japan.

Knowing these phrases and their context, however, will really help you improve your overall Japanese fluencyand make some friends along the way!

Em Casalenais a published author, freelance writer and music columnist who writes about a lot of stuff, from music to films to language.

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