How do you insert a node at the head of a linked list C?

Linked List | Set 2 (Inserting a node)

We have introduced Linked Lists in the previous post. We also created a simple linked list with 3 nodes and discussed linked list traversal.
All programs discussed in this post consider the following representations of linked list.

// A linked list node
class Node
int data;
Node *next;
// This code is contributed by rathbhupendra

// A linked list node
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;

// Linked List Class
class LinkedList
Node head; // head of list
/* Node Class */
class Node
int data;
Node next;
// Constructor to create a new node
Node(int d) {data = d; next = null; }

# Node class
class Node:
# Function to initialize the node object
def __init__(self, data): = data # Assign data = None # Initialize next as null
# Linked List class
class LinkedList:
# Function to initialize the Linked List object
def __init__(self):
self.head = None

/* Linked list Node*/
public class Node
public int data;
public Node next;
public Node(int d) {data = d; next = null; }

// Linked List Class
var head; // head of list
/* Node Class */
class Node {
// Constructor to create a new node
constructor(d) { = d; = null;
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav

In this post, methods to insert a new node in linked list are discussed. A node can be added in three ways
1) At the front of the linked list
2) After a given node.
3) At the end of the linked list.

Inserting a node at the beginning of a linked list

The new node will be added at the beginning of a linked list.


Assume that the linked list has elements: 20 30 40 NULL

If we insert 100, it will be added at the beginning of a linked list.

After insertion, the new linked list will be

100 20 30 40 NULL

Problem solution in Python programming.

#!/bin/python3 import math import os import random import re import sys class SinglyLinkedListNode: def __init__(self, node_data): = node_data = None class SinglyLinkedList: def __init__(self): self.head = None self.tail = None def print_singly_linked_list(node, sep, fptr): while node: fptr.write(str( node = if node: fptr.write(sep) def insertNodeAtHead(llist, data): # Write your code here node = SinglyLinkedListNode(data) if llist: = llist return node if __name__ == '__main__': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') llist_count = int(input()) llist = SinglyLinkedList() for _ in range(llist_count): llist_item = int(input()) llist_head = insertNodeAtHead(llist.head, llist_item) llist.head = llist_head print_singly_linked_list(llist.head, '\n', fptr) fptr.write('\n') fptr.close()

Linked List Operations: Traverse, Insert and Delete

In this tutorial, you will learn different operations on a linked list. Also, you will find implementation of linked list operations in C/C++, Python and Java.

There are various linked list operations that allow us to perform different actions on linked lists. For example, the insertion operation adds a new element to the linked list.

Here's a list of basic linked list operations that we will cover in this article.

  • Traversal - access each element of the linked list
  • Insertion - adds a new element to the linked list
  • Deletion - removes the existing elements
  • Search - find a node in the linked list
  • Sort - sort the nodes of the linked list

Before you learn about linked list operations in detail, make sure to know about Linked List first.

Things to Remember about Linked List

  • head points to the first node of the linked list
  • next pointer of the last node is NULL, so if the next current node is NULL, we have reached the end of the linked list.

In all of the examples, we will assume that the linked list has three nodes 1 --->2 --->3 with node structure as below:

struct node { int data; struct node *next; };