How do Japanese couples address each other

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Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.addressing someone you love2007/8/19 15:24

I was just wondering, in western countries, people normally called their boyfriend words like darling, sweetie etc. However, i dont think there are any words similar to that in Japan.
What do girlfriends normally call their boyfriends? Do they just call by names?


by xindy

I think calling by first names/nicknames are very common. My ex-boyfriend called me by my first name or sometimes by "OMAE (you)" in an affectionate manner. (But to be honest, I hated calling by OMAE.) I called him by his last name plus SAN because he was my senior at the college.

Currently, my husband and I are calling by each other's nickname and it is very comfortable to me.

People sometimes use "darling" or "honey" when they refer to their friend's boy/girlfriend. For example, "DARRIN Genki? (How is your boyfriend?)" in a teasing way.

by J Ladyrate this post as useful

We say "chan" after each other names. We also call each other loving words like angel and sweetheart,etc.It just depends on what you like.

by Umirate this post as useful

Or they use nothing...I've actually been told that if I guy you like starts calling you 'xx-chan' it's a bad thing- it means he's putting you more in a little sister/cute friend role than a girlfriend role and that the majority of guys don't call their gfs 'chan'.

Of the guys I've dated in Japan, only one has used chan, the rest just called me by my name once we were together.

by Katerate this post as useful

Sometimes wife can be called x-chan by husband and she calls husband x-chan. That is the case with us. It is a cute way and shows we are family and not just lovers. I like it and he does too!
(we are not at all like brother/sister!)

by Umirate this post as useful

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