How do i update a column in mysql using python? Update Tables

You can use the update() method to modify one or more records in a table. The update() method works by filtering a query to include only the records to be updated and then applying the operations you specify to those records.

To replace a city name in the city table, pass to the set() method the new city name. Then, pass to the where() method the city name to locate and replace. The following example replaces the city Peking with Beijing.

mysql-py>"Name", "Beijing").where("Name = 'Peking'")

Use the select() method to verify the change.

mysql-py>["ID", "Name", "CountryCode", "District", "Info"]).where("Name = 'Beijing'")
| ID   | Name      | CountryCode | District | Info                        |
| 1891 | Beijing   | CHN         | Peking   | {"Population": 7472000}     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In this tutorial, you’ll see the steps to update records in SQL Server using Python.

To start, here is a template that you may use to update records in SQL Server:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_1 = value_1, column_2 = value_2, ...
WHERE condition

In the next section, you’ll see how to use this template in practice.

Step 1: Create a Database and Table

If you haven’t already done so, create a database and table in SQL Server.

For demonstration purposes, let’s assume that the:

  • Server name is: RON\SQLEXPRESS
  • Database name is: test_database
  • Table name is: products
  • The ‘products’ table contains the following data:
product_id product_name price
1 Laptop 1100
2 Printer 200
3 Keyboard 80
4 Monitor 450
5 Tablet 300

Step 2: Connect Python to SQL Server

You can use the following template to connect Python to SQL Server:

import pyodbc 

conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM table_name')

for i in cursor:

You may refer to the following guide that explains the full steps to connect Python to SQL Server using the pyodbc package.

In the context of our example, here is the code to connect Python to SQL Server:

import pyodbc 

conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM products')

for i in cursor:

Run the code in Python (adjusted to your server, database and table information), and you’ll see the following result:

(1, 'Laptop', 1100)
(2, 'Printer', 200)
(3, 'Keyboard', 80)
(4, 'Monitor', 450)
(5, 'Tablet', 300)

Step 3: Update the Records in SQL Server using Python

After you connected Python and SQL Server, you’ll be able to update the records in SQL Server using Python.

Here is the template that you may apply in Python to update the records:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_1 = value_1, column_2 = value_2, ...
WHERE condition

Let’s say that your goal is to update one of the records in SQL Server.

More specifically, let’s say that you’d like to update the price of the ‘Tablet’ product (where the product_id is 5) from 300 to 350. Therefore, the updated record should look like this:

product_id product_name price
5 Tablet 350

In that case, you may apply the code below in order to update the record in SQL Server using Python:

import pyodbc 

conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'

cursor = conn.cursor()

                UPDATE products
                SET price = 350
                WHERE product_id = 5


Don’t forget to add conn.commit() at the bottom of the code to ensure that the changes would get implemented.

Step 4: Check that the record was updated

For this final step, you may want to check that the record was updated in SQL Server. To do so, simply run the following query in SQL Sever:

SELECT * FROM products

You’ll now see the updated record:

product_id product_name price
1 Laptop 1100
2 Printer 200
3 Keyboard 80
4 Monitor 450
5 Tablet 350

You may also want to check the following guides to learn how to:

  • Delete Records in SQL Server using Python
  • Insert Values into SQL Server Table using Python

How do I update a column in MySQL with a python list?

Updating the contents of a table using Python.
import mysql. connector package..
Create a connection object using the mysql. connector. ... .
Create a cursor object by invoking the cursor() method on the connection object created above..
Then, execute the UPDATE statement by passing it as a parameter to the execute() method..

How do you update a column in SQL using Python?

Steps to Update Records in SQL Server using Python.
Step 1: Create a Database and Table. If you haven't already done so, create a database and table in SQL Server. ... .
Step 2: Connect Python to SQL Server. ... .
Step 3: Update the Records in SQL Server using Python. ... .
Step 4: Check that the record was updated..

How do I update a column in MySQL?

MySQL UPDATE command can be used to update multiple columns by specifying a comma separated list of column_name = new_value. Where column_name is the name of the column to be updated and new_value is the new value with which the column will be updated.

How do I run a Python update query?

Execute the UPDATE query, using cursor.execute() Execute the UPDATE query using cursor. execute() method. This method execute the operation stored in the UPDATE query.