How do I stop Google from tracking my searches?

Google has a wide array of apps that are some of the most widely set of services used around the globe. From Google Maps to Chrome, users around the world rely on these apps on a daily basis.

The companys network of interrelated apps and services record a great deal of personal information about you, such as your search history as well as your mobile devices location.

Google makes use of location data to improve the experience on its services like providing location-based search results, tracking real-time traffic, location data for your photos and more.

While these services are enhanced to a large extent because of Googles location tracking, users may feel the need to disable to same because of privacy concerns.

In case you dont want Google to track your Android phone, you can easily disable the same. Read on to know more.

How to disable your Android phones location tracker for all apps

How do I stop Google from tracking my searches?
Read on to find out how you can disable your Android phones location tracker for all apps (Image source: Screenshots)

1. Tap on the Settings app on your Android phone.

2. Tap on the Location option on your device

3. You can turn off the feature at the top of the page by swiping the button to the left. It should change from On to Off.

Note: Disabling the location toggle will stop every app on your device from sending or receiving location data.

You can also turn off the Location History feature by visiting your Google account. By doing the same, location tracking for all Google apps and services will be disabled with a single swipe.

How do I stop Google from tracking my searches?
You can disable the Location History feature by visiting your Google account (Image source: Screenshots)

How to turn off Googles Location History setting

1. Go to the Settings app on your device and tap on Google.

2. Select the Manage your Google Account option.

3. Once you are inside your account page, tap Privacy & personalisation.

4. In the Activity controls section, tap Location History.

5. Switch off Location History by swiping the button to the left.