How do I save an attribute table?

You can export records in a table to create a new table. For example, you might want to modify a table without altering the original records, share the table with a colleague, or create a new table with a particular set of records.

You can choose among several formats to export to, including dBASE, INFO, or geodatabase tables. You can export selected records or all records in a table to create a new table.

  1. Right-click the table or layer in the table of contents and choose Open Attribute Table.
  2. Click the Table Options button
  3. Click Export.
  4. Click the Export arrow on the Export Data dialog box and choose the Selected Records or All Records option.

    The Selected Records option is only available if records are selected in the table you want to export.

  5. Click the browse button and navigate to the folder or geodatabase in which you want to place the exported data.
  6. Click the Save as type arrow and click the format to which you want to export the data.
  7. Type a name for the exported table.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click OK.

You can export selected records or all records in a table to create a new table. For example, you may want to modify a table without altering the original records, share the table with a colleague, or create a table with a particular set of records.

You can save the output table in a dBASE table, geodatabase, or comma-delimited .txt file.

Export a table from a map

To export records in a table to create a new table, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click the table or layer in the Contents pane and click either Open for a table or Attribute Table for a layer.
  2. Click the Menu button
    in the upper right of the table view and click Export

    The Export Table dialog box appears. The Export Table dialog box runs the Table To Table geoprocessing tool in the background when executing the export table process.

  3. Type a name in the Output Name parameter of the tool.
  4. Optionally, click the Browse button
    for the Output Location parameter and browse to the folder or geodatabase where you want to place the exported data.

    If the output table is in a folder, include a file extension such as .csv, .txt, or .dbf to export the table to that format. If the output table is in a geodatabase, you do not need to specify an extension.

  5. Click OK to run the tool and export the table.

The new table is saved to the specified location and added to the Contents pane.

Export a table from the Catalog pane or a catalog view

To export a table to another table type or feature class, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click the table in the Catalog pane or a catalog view and click Export. Optionally, you can select multiple tables of the same type to export many in one batch.
  2. Click Export.

    A list of available table types expands.

  3. Choose the type of table to export from the provided list:
    • Table(s) to dBASE—Opens the Table To dBASE geoprocessing tool.
    • Table to Table—Opens the Table To Table geoprocessing tool.
    • Table(s) to Geodatabase—Opens the Table To Geodatabase geoprocessing tool.
    • Table to Point Feature Class—Opens the XY Table To Point geoprocessing tool.
    • Table to Line Feature Class—Opens the XY To Line geoprocessing tool.
    • Table to Ellipse Feature Class—Opens the Table To Ellipse geoprocessing tool.
    • Table(s) to XML Workspace Document—Opens the Export XML Workspace Document geoprocessing tool. This option is available for geodatabase tables only.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears, prepopulating the respective geoprocessing tool with the selected table name.

  4. Fill in any additional information required by the geoprocessing tool, and set the destination for the output result.
  5. Click Run to run the tool and export the table.

Feedback on this topic?

How do I save an attribute table in Excel?

In the Field section of the attribute table, click Copy to copy all the records..
Open a new Microsoft Excel file..
In the Microsoft Excel file, right-click the A1 cell. Under Paste Option, select a desired paste option, and paste the records..
Save the file..

How do I save an attribute table in Arcgis?

In the attribute table, click the Table Options icon > Select All..
For the Name section, specify the desired name and change the file extension from . ... .
Click Save..

How do I save an attribute table as a csv file?

Click on "file" on the attribute table. Go to Export, and click on the "Output", click on "Save as type" and select dbase table. After this process, simply go to conversion tool in ArcToolbox. Select "To Excel from Table".

How do I export a table from GIS?

Export a table from a map.
Right-click the table or layer in the Contents pane and click either Open for a table or Attribute Table for a layer..
Click the Menu button in the upper right of the table view and click Export . ... .
Type a name in the Output Name parameter of the tool..
Optionally, click the Browse button..

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