How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

For an easy way to jump to a cell range or another spreadsheet, use hyperlinks. This is ideal for referencing data that you can view with a click. Here’s how to link to cells and spreadsheets in Google Sheets.

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If you have a large spreadsheet, you may want to link to a group of cells within it. This gives you a quick way to move to that group.

Go to the cell where you want to add the link. You can enter text to use as the link here or in the pop-up window to come. Otherwise, the group of cells will appear as the text.

Click Insert > Insert Link from the menu.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

When the window opens, click “Sheets and Named Ranges” at the bottom.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

Then, scroll down once more and click “Select a Range of Cells to Link.”

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

In either of the above two steps, you can add the text you want to link in the box labeled Text at the top of the window. This is handy if you didn’t enter it in the cell before you started the link process.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

When the Select a Data Range window appears, enter the cell range or drag through the range on your sheet to populate the box. Click “OK.”

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

You’ll then see your hyperlink in the cell. Select the cell and then click the link that appears in the tiny pop-up window. You’ll head right to the data range you picked.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

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If you’ve defined a name for a group of cells, you can link to that as well. The process is similar as linking to unnamed cells as described above.

Select the cell where you want to add the link and click Insert > Insert Link from the menu. When the window opens, click “Sheets and Named Ranges.”

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

In the subsequent pop-up, scroll down to the Name Ranges section and choose the one you want. You can also add the text for the cell here if needed.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

You’ll then see your hyperlink and when you select the cell, you can click the link in the small pop-up to go to the named cell range.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

RELATED: How to Rename Columns or Rows in Google Sheets

One more convenient way to use a hyperlink in Google Sheets is to link to another sheet. This process is even easier than the above processes for cell ranges.

Select the cell where you want to add the link and click Insert > Insert Link from the menu. If you see the sheet you want when the window appears, select it. If not, click “Sheets and Named Ranges.”

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

You’ll then see a list of the spreadsheets in the workbook below Sheets. Simply choose the one you want. Again, you can add text at the top if you like.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

You’ll then see the hyperlink and can click the link in the small pop-up window to go to the sheet.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

After you add a hyperlink, whether to a cell range or sheet, you can copy, edit, or remove the link. Select the cell containing the link and choose the action on the right of the small pop-up window.

How do i link a cell to another sheet in google sheets?

If you use Microsoft Excel in addition to Google Sheets, take a look at how to use cross references and named cells in Excel.


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How do I auto populate information from one tab to another in Google Sheets?

Sync data from one spreadsheet to another.
To start, open up the spreadsheet or tab you want to copy to the new Sheet > copy the sheet's URL..
Make a note of the cells you want to import..
Open the new sheet where you want the data to appear..
In the cell begin to type > =IMPORTRANGE (you'll see the code as you begin to type).

How do you reference a cell in another worksheet?

To reference a cell or range of cells in another worksheet in the same workbook, put the worksheet name followed by an exclamation mark (!) before the cell address. For example, to refer to cell A1 in Sheet2, you type Sheet2! A1.

Can Google Sheets pull data from another sheet?

In the original sheet where you want to pull data into, place your cursor in the cell where you'd like the data to go. Type = (the equal sign) into the cell. Select the second sheet and, then, the cell that contains the data you want to bring into the original sheet. Press Enter finish.
Get data from other sheets in your spreadsheet.
On your computer, go to
Open or create a sheet..
Select a cell..
Type = followed by the sheet name, an exclamation point, and the cell being copied. For example, =Sheet1! A1 or ='Sheet number two'! B4 ..