How can I tell who has access to my Google Drive?


Google Drive is one of the most commonly used online file tools for business and personal use. Its compiled of dozens of useful features, but many users are concerned about Google Drive security. After all, hackers have managed to break through some of the internets formidable security as of late. What are the dangers of using this online service? Is google drive safe for confidential information?

Google Drive files can only be seen by those who have been granted permission on personal accounts. Google Workspace (G Suite) account administrators have access to all data stored on the corporate version of Google Drive. Google continuously upgrades security preventing unauthorized access. Encrypting files before uploading them ensures neither Google nor hackers can see file contents.

Throughout this article, youll also learn the following information about Google Drive security measures to protect your files:

  • How you can ensure the privacy of your profile
  • Possible attempted hacks in the past
  • Dealing with confidential information on Google Docs
  • Google Workspace / G Suite team drive safety tips and details
  • How to make a google doc private
Man trying to look at his partner's google drive files on his laptop

How Do I Make Sure My Google Drive is Private?

Whether youre using Google Drive for personal or business matters, you can quickly convert it to a private account. Changing privacy and sharing settings can either free up space for more viewers or limit the available content.

Lets break them both down below.

Changing the Privacy Settings on Your Personal Google Drive

  1. Start by clicking on the storage folder that you wish to make private.
  2. Click on Share, then Advanced.
  3. Next, click Change, and youll be presented with multiple access permissions to set.
  4. You can either make it
    a. a public document to the web,
    b. private so only the people with the shared link can view it, or
    c. private so only designated viewers can read the shared document.
  5. Save and complete the new settings.

Remember, if you accidentally misconfigure privileges on a shared file, you have full control to update the access permissions or change link capabilities.

Changing the Privacy Settings on Your Business Google Drive

  1. Follow steps #1 through #3 from the previous process.
  2. Review the three options: Only the company, anyone who works at the company with a shareable link, or anyone whose name is selected.
  3. Save and complete your new settings.

Both routes also have the option of public sharing on the web, as mentioned in the first process. However, there are apparent limitations and issues concerning safety protocols. As Wix suggests, if youre having trouble adjusting the security settings, youre likely not an administrator on the account.

Man glaring at woman wanting to see her google drive files

The Google Drive Private Folder

Google Drive has a private or safe folder feature that allows you to hide files and control access with permissions. When you create a private folder or doc, you are the only one who can access it. Then from there, you can give access to others. Anyone who tries to access the folder will have to sign in and confirm that they have the permission.

You can set the permissions to either edit, private, or read-only.

Private folders are best for personal files like a resume, sensitive videos, images, or resume. It is also a great option if you want to engage with a few people. For instance, a family member or a friend can work on taxes or a private letter.

If you are unsure about who can see your files, you can use Permissions Auditor for Google Drive. This is a Google add-on that can check all your Google drive privacy settings and generate a report revealing who can access your shared files and the type of permission they have on these files.

What about general security? Generally, the risk of using Google Drive is very low. The platform uses the powerful 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption on all the Google Drive servers.

Similarly, when files are in transit between users and the Drives servers, the platform uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to prevent interception and safeguard the data. So, in short, Google drive is largely safe. Watch thevideo tutorialfor a more detailed guide on how to make a google doc private.

Can Google Drive Be Hacked?

Its impossible to ignore the worries associated with Google Drive hacks.However, you can take one serious precaution to stop hacking attempts: encrypt your files.

Even when you delete a file, its still in the cloud especially if youve shared the file with other people.

Can anyone see my files on google drive? (6 crucial faqs)

To encrypt your Google Drive files, use the free and open-source software (FOSS) applicationVeracrypt. This app creates an encrypted data vault where you can store sensitive data. Its sort of like having a USB thumb drive where everything stored on it is encrypted. You can then upload the encrypted bundle of files to Google Drive with the assurance that no one can see your files

Can anyone see my files on google drive? (6 crucial faqs)

I only recently switched to usingCryptomatorwith Google Drive.PrivacyTools.iorecommends the software in itsencryption tools list.

Can anyone see my files on google drive? (6 crucial faqs)

On my laptop, I useExpanDrivefirst to mount Google Drive as a remote storage location. Then using Cryptomator, I create a storage folder to save my important files.

Can anyone see my files on google drive? (6 crucial faqs)

Cryptomator has versions for bothiOSandAndroid. The mobile apps handle the connection to Google Drive for you.

Even if hackers get your vaulted files, they wont be able to access them without your decryption password.

Note: Encrypting files was #4 from our 15 point guide to encrypted data.

Woman concerned that her google drive files and docs can be seen by anyone

Is Google Docs Safe for Confidential Information?

Google Docs isnt the best place to store your confidential files if youre not encrypting them. Although youre unlikely to come in contact with a hacker, many users still fear the risk. If youre only working with low-risk shared files, then its not too bad of a situation.

If youre set on using a Google document to store your highly private info, encryption is the only way to go. Many services offer additional cloud storage protection, but theyre not a failsafe.

Note: Encrypting the native Doc, Sheet, or Presentation on Google Drive will make file content uneditable in a browser window.

Thats not to say that Google Docs doesnt provide plenty of useful tips for confidential info. Heres a handful of security features that youll be able to use:

  1. You can access the files from any device with your Google login information. If you lose your tablet, you can still check the files from a laptop or smartphone. This cross-device access makes it a massive benefit for people who want to work with their confidential information on the go.
  2. Google is always working on security improvements. Constant upgrades make it even more reliable than it ever was. The only reason that there were plenty of attempts many years ago is that Google is a household name thats always being targeted. However, their improvements make it increasingly challenging to gain access to private info.
  3. Youre able to decide how you share files and who can access them.CEO Today Magazinepoints out that, even if a stranger gets ahold of the link somehow, they wont have access under the sharing settings mentioned earlier.
Business man looking over his colleague's laptop to see her google drive files

Are Google Docs, Sheets, and Presentations Confidential?

Google Docs, Sheets, and Presentations are often the three most used tools on Google Drive. Theyre all secured in the same method as you read at the beginning of the article. Rather than using a full blanket option, you can preset it to have the links private unless you choose otherwise.

Every time you share a Google document, spreadsheet, or presentation, itll be secured until you open it up for the three sharing options. You can set it to be a public document, whoever has the link or shared with a designated list of team members.

Google Docs, Sheets, and Presentations are only as confidential as you choose them to be on the shared drive. If you want everyone to be able to access them, then you can do so. On the other hand, encryption is the only truly secure method of protecting the files.

Businesswoman looking at her g suite google drive files

Is G Suite / Google Workspace Shared Drive Safe?

G Suite Shared Drive is a storage service that teams and organizations use to create and collaborate on files. Its easy to use if you have a group of people that need to use the shared document instead of continually administering link sharing and change who can access them.

Much like all other versions of Google Drive and its tools, its relatively safe. Again, encryption orsecure cloud storagemethods are highly recommended if youre sharing and creating confidential documents.

Google knows the importance of protecting your information, including that of your Google Workspace account team. You could go for several decades without ever experiencing a hack. Theres a much higher chance that nobody will ever gain access to your shared files.

Remember that since this is a paid service, you can reach out to Google Workspace Support for any security or safety concerns. They will be able to help your Google Workspace administrator or power user learn to properly manage user profiles and user data not just for shared storage but for your whole Google Workspace service.

With the constant improvements for safety measures and security updates, its a better time than ever to use Google Drive for personal and business applications.

How does Google protect data against hackers?

Google operates its data centers through custom hardware operating on a specially designed file system and OS. The systems are highly optimized for performance and security.

The team also works with other parties to continuously test and fine tune their security system and make sure it is mostly impermeable to cybercriminals.

Google Drive Privacy

Is Google Docs private? Technically, Google can read or see all the files.

The company has encryption keys for all the data stored on Google Drive. These keys allow Google to decrypt files, bypassing all the security regardless of your privacy settings.

If you have a sensitive file or document that you do not want hackers, government agencies, or Google to see, go for other options like:

  1. Bitwarden Sendor Onion Share
  2. Use an end-to-end encrypted messenger, like Session or Signal.
  3. Encrypt the file before uploading it to Google Drive. VeraCrypt, Cryptomator, or any other reliable file-encryption software can help.

Also, Google Drive scans files for viruses before they are shared or downloaded. Also, keep in mind that any data on Google Drive gets synchronized across your other devices like your smartphone and computer widening the threat surface.

Final Thoughts

Google Drive is incredibly reliable and debatably the most widely used and beneficial cloud service. Google drive is also safe because security is at the forefront of their concerns. But then nothing is protected on the internet these days. If you genuinely want to protect your confidential files, then implement encryption before uploading files to Google Drive orany online storage service offering shared drive capabilities.

Regardless of whether you use encryption, you should set your files to fit your security needs. Change them to Public, Private with Link, or a designated list of users via email address to ensure that the content doesnt fall into the wrong hands. Remember youre in full control with the responsibility to set access permissions and link sharing capabilities.

Leo Laporte from TWiT produced an excellentAsk The Tech Guyvideo (4m30s@2x) with an excellent discussion about encryption and online storage service. He also recommends Cryptomator for securing files.