How can I tell who has access to a shared drive?

How can I tell who has access to a shared drive?
Photo by Michele Doying / The Verge

Google is introducing an updated Access Checker, a feature which lets you easily share a Drive file with someone, whether its two colleagues or a team of 30. The feature alerts you when you send an email, calendar invite, or another type of note that includes a Drive file, and will ask you if you want to change permission settings if the recipient doesnt yet have access. When youre emailing the file to various recipients, Access Checker will now also show you the names or email addresses that dont currently have access to the file.

Additionally, it also now supports files in a Team Drive, and will also anticipate who needs access to a file and default to sharing the file with those specific recipients only. If youre a G Suite admin, you can control sharing options available to your users.

How can I tell who has access to a shared drive?
Image: Google

The feature is scheduled to roll out over the next two weeks to all G Suite editions. Google also recently released an integrated Hangouts Chat for G Suite in February, which allows users to message each other privately or in groups, work collaboratively on projects, or plan meetings based on shared calendar availabilities.


Will they tell you about the NSA having access to your files? Shame that sharing recipient cant be turned off.

Oh, as well as thousands of Google employees.

Of course Google itself will have access to your files tooprivacy is never guaranteed.

this was already available when sending emails.. ?

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