Google trend programming language

Many people doubt which programming language is worth learning or which is still relevant in 2021. Here is a list of sources to help you find out which programming language is trending right now.

Updated December, 2020. April 2021: Added LinkedIn Jobs on the Rise Report.

Table of Contents
  • Using Google Trends
  • Google Trends: Most Popular Programming Languages in 2020
  • Stack Overflow Statistics
  • Stack Overflow Trends: Trending Programming Languages in 2020
  • GitHub Data
  • The State of the Octoverse Report: Most Popular Languages on GitHub
  • LinkedIn Data
  • LinkedIn Jobs on the Rise Reports
  • Conducting your own research

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What is Google Trends?

Google Trends enables us to compare the popularity of queries about programming languages. We can enter up to 5 keywords and select the desired time period. It shows charts that visualize the relative popularity of keyword searches over time.

How can we use Google Trends?

You can compare the languages that developers use in one area.
Take a look at this Swift vs Objective-C example. You will see a significant increase in interest in Swift in June 2014. At that time Apple finally introduced Swift version 1.0. Developers got the opportunity to submit their apps that use Swift in the App Store. And here you can see how Objective-C is getting and losing popularity.

You can keep track of whether the interest in the language is growing, falling, or staying at about the same level.
The image below shows that Kotlin and Rust are growing, while other languages remain in the same position.

Interest in Kotlin, Rust, Elixir, and Elm over the past 5 years worldwide
Data source: Google Trends (
Google trend programming language

You can compare the family of programming languages. Here is the comparison for modern Lisp dialects such as Racket, Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure.

You can compare interest in a programming language in different countries. You can choose the languages and see the trends for your region. And so on.

Google Trends is a powerful tool. With the thoughtful selection of keywords, we can get the necessary information. It is a great tool for exploring those languages that are not always represented in the ranking of leading programming languages. Don't miss any uptrend.

Using Google Trends, I was able to find some programming languages that are getting more and more searches from users. I have not tested all known languages, but only the main languages that people use now.

Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, Rust, and Dart are some of the languages that are growing in Google search statistics. Compared to Python, Google has significantly fewer searches of the rest programming languages from this list. But even with a small number of searches, these languages show clear upward trends on the chart.

Among the most popular programming languages on Google Trends: Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP, C, C++, R, and Go. These programming languages are most often searched on Google, but the number of searches has decreased over the years (except for Python).

Since Python is not only one of the growing programming languages, but also one of the three most popular, a graph with it will be shown in "Popular languages".

Growing programming languages

Interest in TypeScript, Kotlin, Rust, and Dart over the past 5 years worldwide
Data source: Google Trends (
Google trend programming language

Popular languages

Interest in Python, Java, and JavaScript over the past 5 years worldwide
Data source: Google Trends (
Google trend programming language

See also: Programming Language Popularity Rankings in 2021 [Overview]

Stack Overflow Statistics

What is Stack Overflow?

Stack Overflow is an open online community for anyone that codes. It's a large community of professional programmers and enthusiastic developers. Stack Overflow is known as a huge knowledge base with millions of coding questions and answers.

Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey

The Stack Overflow Survey is the largest developer survey worldwide. The survey also shows the most popular programming, scripting, and markup languages among developers.

Among the most popular programming languages: JavaScript (for the eighth year in a row), Python, Java, C#, PHP, TypeScript, C++, C. These languages are widely used by the developers who participated in the 2020 survey.

Stack Overflow Trends and Tags

The company provides public statistics on tags that users use to label questions. These tags show the relationship of the question with a particular technology. We can compare the growth and decline of user questions that arise when learning or using programming languages.

Stack Overflow Trends is a more specialized data source. This source gives an idea of those languages that not only interest people, but are already used by people to solve practical problems. We can check whether the activity of the developers matches the data from Google Trends or another source.

Here are the Stack Overflow Trends for Python, JavaScript, and Java:

Google trend programming language

You can see the most popular Stack Overflow tags on this page. For each tag, there is a description of its meaning and the number of questions. In fact, this is a list of popular languages, technologies, libraries, and tools.

Growing programming languages on Stack Overflow (Stack Overflow Trends)

I checked the popular tags on the Stack Overflow Trends page, and found those that have increase in the number of questions on the site.

Python is the most popular. Currently, about 16% of the questions on the Stack Overflow are tagged "python". The last on my list is the Julia programming language, which accounts for about 0.08% of questions per month.

It is obvious, for example, that Java is now more in demand by developers (more than 6% of tags) than the Julia language. But, compared to 2008, the number of "java" tags has decreased by 2% and continues to decrease since 2015. The list below contains only those languages whose tagging usage is growing.

1. Python
2. JavaScript
3. R
4. TypeScript
5. Dart
6. Kotlin
7. Rust
8. C++ (c++17 tag)
9. Julia


The most popular language tags on Stack Overflow

Since Stack Overflow is a Q&A community, the languages with the most questions can be considered the most popular. At least among the developers who use the site.

The most popular on Stack Overflow of all time are JavaScript (2M questions), Java (1.7M), Python (1.5M), C# (1.4M), PHP (1.3M), C++ (692K), R (365K), C (339K), and Swift (278K).
The number of questions with the corresponding language tag in 2020 is at least 1% of the Stack Overflow questions. People ask hundreds of these questions every day.


See also: Most Loved Languages and Developer Salaries, According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey

GitHub Data

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a code hosting platform and web service for collaborative development. It can be seen as a place where developers store and manage their source code. Like Stack Overflow, it is a large community with millions of users and projects.

GitHub Trends

GitHub Trends is a page where you can find trending projects, developers, and organizations. You can filter trends by language and time period: daily, weekly and monthly.

For trends, GitHub takes into account various data points, including stars, forks, commits, follows, and page views.

Trends are more project-oriented than language-oriented. It is nevertheless useful for tracking what is used by open source developers. You may not find trending projects written in a particular programming language for a long time. Then, most likely, this language is used by a small number of people on GitHub.

GitHub Collections

Also, you can view the collection of programming languages that are actively developed on GitHub. Among them are well-known languages such as Python and PHP, and relatively new languages such as Swift, TypeScript.

GitHub Advanced Search

However, we have a little hint. The GitHub Advanced Search page has a form field with language selection "Written in this language". You can choose from the options: "Any language", "Popular", and "Everything else". Languages marked as "Popular" are listed alphabetically. This list of languages changes periodically.

The State of the Octoverse is an annual GitHub report. In the recent reports, they show the leading languages and the fastest growing languages.

The languages that are popular on GitHub all the time from 2014 to 2020

this list is based on the 2020 Octoverse report
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. TypeScript
5. C#
6. PHP
7. C++
8. C
9. Shell
10. Ruby

Objective-C was also popular for three years in a row, but in 2016 it was dropped from this list.

LinkedIn Data

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a global professional network with nearly 740 million members in more than 200 countries worldwide. LinkedIn is a social network for job search, job posting, and business networking.

LinkedIn Jobs on the Rise Reports

LinkedIn Jobs on the Rise Reports show the fastest growing areas of employment over the past year. In the current report, they looked at LinkedIn data from April to October 2020 and compared it to the same period in 2019 to identify the fastest-growing job categories in 18 countries.

The following skill lists are excerpts from these reports.

Specialized Engineering Roles

Skills (the tech stack varies depending on the specialization):

- JavaScript, Python, Java, and Go programming languages

- SQL, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML

- Node.js, React.js, Angular JS, MySQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Docker, Git, Unity, Scrum, Jira.

Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Roles


- Python and R programming languages, SQL

- Apache Spark, Hadoop, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, Tableau, Google Analytics

- Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Visualization

See also: Top Programming Languages That are In-Demand by Employers, According to Coding Dojo

Conducting your own research

Google Trends

For further analysis of Google Trends data, you can export charts as CSV files.

For example, the PYPL Index is created by analyzing the frequency with which people search for language tutorials. The main idea of this ranking of programming languages is that the more people search for tutorials, the more popular the language can be.

They export raw data from Google Trends in CSV format and analyze it using Python pandas library.


You can find public data from GitHub on GHArchive. One of the well-known ratings of programming languages, GitHut 2.0, uses GHArchive. This project provides statistics on popular languages on GitHub. A description of data generation is in the project repository.

GitHub also has an official GitHub REST API v3. There is an unofficial API for GitHub trending projects and developers.

Stack Overflow

The API for Stack Overflow is Stack Exchange Data Explorer.

Here you will find examples of popular queries on various topics related to Stack Overflow.

Also, pay attention to this interesting post on how to get Stack Overflow trends through the number of page views for each tag.

Further reading:

Most Dreaded Programming Languages, According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey From 2017 to 2020

Have a good hunt for trends!