Google Singapore work from home

Tech giants Facebook and Google have announced that employees will be allowed to continue working from home until the end of the year.

Both companies made the announcement last week.

According to CNBC, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on May 7 that while company offices would begin to reopen on July 6, employees who can work remotely can continue to do so.

The social media platform was still deciding which employees would have to come in for work.

Google offices to reopen in either June or July

Likewise, Business Insider reported Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google's parent company Alphabet, as telling employees on May 8 that they would likely be working from home for the rest of year.

Google offices will reopen in either June or July for those who cannot work remotely.

The moves represent an extension of work from home policies for both companies; Facebook and Google initially told employees that telecommuting would end halfway through the year.

CNBC reported that Facebook has provided support to employees in the form of a US$1,000 (S$1,416) bonus, video-calling devices, and allowing them to take time off work.

Work from home to continue post-circuit breaker

In Singapore, the government has also indicated that work from home would continue even after circuit breaker measures have been lifted.

Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing told reporters on May 3, that he expectedwork-from-home arrangements to continue for the "foreseeable future".

Top image from Alex Haney via Unsplash