Google ad Keyword Planner

Keyword Research is still as important as ever with disregard of the niche you are in. Whether for advertising or SEO purposes, Keyword Research provides the ultimate insight on how an audience shops for their product.

Regardless of your keyword research strategy, it is more likely you will spend more of your research time on Google Ads Keyword Planner. Initially, Google created this tool for Adwords traffic. However, today Keyword Planner is an essential tool in the SEO world too. For without keywords, there is nothing like SEO.

So, how do you use Google Ads Keyword Planner to reap maximally in keyword research?

  1. Access Google Ads Keyword Planner
  2. Choose the appropriate Feature
  3. Filter and Grade the results
  4. Analyse the Keyword idea section
  5. Choose your keyword
  6. Get the Precise Keyword Search volume
  7. How to Reap Maximally from Google Ads Keywords Planner

Let us break down the steps when using this research tool.

1. Access Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is not a premium tool. However, to use it, you must have a Google Ads account. If you do not have an Adwords account, take a couple of minutes to create one.

Google ad Keyword Planner

After setting an account, go to Google Ads Keywords Planner and follow the directives. Enter the required information about your business. You dont, however, need an active campaign to benefit from the keyword planner, but you need to set up one.

Next, login into Google Adwords accounts and click on the spanner icon in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Then choose Keyword Planner.

Google ad Keyword Planner

In the Keywords Planner, you will see two distinct tools:

  • Find New Keywords
  • Get metrics and forecasts for your keywords.

When your Keyword research is SEO-centered, these two features can generate tons of potential keywords. To be blunt, Google designed this tool exclusively for PPC advertisers. So you will find many features in Keyword Planner which will not be useful if you`re using this tool to find keywords for SEO.

That said, how do you find, SEO Keywords using each feature built into the Google Keyword Planner?

2. Choose the Right Tool

There are two fundamental features in the Keyword PlannerFind New Keywords and Get Metrics for Your Keyword. Let us see how to use these two elements to generate a list of keywords for your SEO campaigns.

i. Find New Keywords Feature

As the name suggests, this tool is suitable for finding new keywords. On this feature, you will see a field saying EntER words, phrases or URL related to your business. The value you get from Keyword Planner stems from what you will feed on this area.

Therefore, to reap maximally from this tool, let us break down this option into three.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Enter Words

Enter a single word that describes your business. For example, if you`re a marketer, you can type Marketing or branding. This way, you get access to Google`s internal database of keywords from different industries.


Google ad Keyword Planner

Next, enter the keywords you get access to Google`s database and get a list of closely-related terms. Key-in at least two keywords. For example, if you run an online retail business that sells designer bags, you would want to enter words like classy handbags and luxury handbags on this tab.

URL Related to Your Business

The URL option majorly works for Adwords users. However, you can find essential keywords here using your site`s homepage or articles from your articles.

Once you`ve entered information into one or all three of the fields, click Get started. Clicking the Get started directs you to the Keywords Result Page.

Google ad Keyword Planner

ii. Get Metrics and Forecast for Your Keyword

This tool is only helpful when you have a list of keywords, and all you are aiming at is to check their search volume. This feature does not generate new keywords.

However, after coming up with your list of keywords paste it in the search field and click Get started.

Google ad Keyword Planner

This click directs you to the same Keywords Result Page as in the case of the Find New Keywords feature. But the difference this time is you only get data on the keyword you keyed in. Google then suggest the number of clicks and expression you will get.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Regardless of the feature that you will choose to use, you end up on the Keywords Result Page. So let us dive deeper into how to use Keyword Result Page to get results maximally.

3. Filter and Grade The Results

On the Keywords Result Page, you`ll need to refine the keywords to a concise list of terms that suits you best. At the head of the page, you will see three target preferences.

Google ad Keyword Planner

i. Location

Refers to the country or countries whose market you are targeting.

ii. Language

It is the language of the Keywords you are researching.

Locations and language by default are set to target people who speak English in the United States. If you are in Singapore, and you are targeting a market in Singapore, change the location to Singapore and let the language be English.

iii. Search Networks Option

Search Network option asks you to choose to advertise on Google only, or Google and their Search Partners. Search Partners includes other Search Engines and Google`s affiliates like Youtube. It would be better if you just set it as Google only.

The next important feature of the Keyword Result Page is the Add filters This feature gives you a bunch of filtering options. Let`s break all these filters down.

Google ad Keyword Planner

  • Keyword Text Filter

Keyword Text filter shows you keywords that contain a specific word of the keyword phrase.

  • Exclude Keyword in my Account

This filter excludes keywords that you`re already bidding on Adword.

  • Exclude Adult Ideas

It is a filter that excludes adult-related keywords from your search.

  • Average monthly searches

It helps filter out keywords with high search volume as they are very competitive. You may also like to filter out keywords that do not get enough Google searches.

  • Competition Filter

You can have the Google Ads Keyword Planner show you keywords with low, medium, and high competition. However, this feature misleads people when doing keyword research for SEO.

It is important you remember that Google Ads Keywords Planner is 100% for Google PPC, not SEO.

Therefore, the competition score here only defines Adwords competition, not how competitive the keyword is to rank in Google`s organic search result. So if you are aiming at improving your SEO, leave this blank.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Google ad Keyword Planner

  • Ad Impression Share

Again, this setting only applies to Adword. For SEOs sake, ignore this filter.

  • Top of Page Bid

It is the amount of money you need to pay for if you want your ad to appear at the top of the page with a specific keyword.

If you`re targeting a keyword that potential buyers search for, you can set this to a specific dollar amount. There are options of high range medium-range and low range. Set it to low range if you are doing keyword research for SEO so that you can sort out keywords without any commercial purports.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Google ad Keyword Planner

  • Organic Impression Share

Organic Impression Share the look of your website in the organic results for every keyword. To use this feature, connect your Google Console account to Google Adwords.

  • Organic Average Position

Google ad Keyword Planner

This feature shows you the position of your website on average for every keyword in Google organic results. As before, connect to Google Console for this to work.

4. Analyse the Keyword Idea Section

After filtering the results down to keywords that are ideal for your business, how do you analyse what shows up in the Keywords Idea section of the Keyword Planner? Here is what each of the terms in this part means.

  • Keyword (by Relevance)

This feature avails a list of keywords that Google sees as most relevant to the keyword you keyed in into it.

  • Average Monthly Searches

It is an average volume of searches in a month. It is important you note that this is a range and not an accurate indicator of the search volume.

More importantly, watch out for seasonal keywords. Seasonal keywords may get 70000 searches in January but 200 searches in June. Google Ads Keyword Planner won`t tell you that. Instead, it will tell you that it gets 20000 searches monthly which might mislead you.

  • Competition

To be crystal clear, the competition in the Google Ads Keyword Planner has little to do with organic search ranking completion. Instead, the competition in this tool refers to the number of advertisers who are bidding for that keyword.

However, it is crucial to consider it if your keyword has a commercial purpose. In the end, the higher the number of marketers bidding on a keyword, the higher the probability they could become leads to the customer.

  • Top Page Bid

Top Page Bid is another brilliant way to seize the keyword`s monetisation capacity. The higher the bid, the more profitable the traffic turns to be.

5. Choose a Keyword

Now that you know how to use all the tools, features, and options within the Google Ads Keyword Planner, it is time you get to the last step and find that keyword that works. A keyword that you can optimise your site around.

There are lots of factors that entail choosing a keyword. A quick example will help paint a clearer picture.

Let us use the Find New Keywords feature because it is the best feature in the Google Ads Keyword Planner to uncover new keywords.

Google ad Keyword Planner

At first, you will want to think of a keyword that is broad but describe your product, services, or content idea. For example, you want to start a site about How to lose belly fat that might appear too narrow but one like weight loss would work great.

Pop up the keyword and click get started. Then take a look at the keywords that shows up.

However, how do you know which keyword to choose?

There are a dozen different factors you`ll consider, but you can use these three criteria to make a sound decision.

  • Search Volume

The higher the average search volume, the more traffic the keyword can send you.

  • Commercial Intent

Generally, the higher the competition and suggested bids the easier it would be to convert the traffic into paying customers when they land on your site.

  • Organic SEO Competition

Similar to commercial intent, when examining a keyword`s competition in Google organic traffic search results, you need to look out into the sites that rank on the first page and figure how hard it will be to outrank them.

Bonus Tips

6. How to Get Exact Keyword Search Volume Data

Often, the Google Ads Keyword Planner only shows the exact search volume when you have a running campaign. Otherwise, it just shows a range of search volume.

Honestly, the range is just fine as Keyword Search Volume fluctuates. Even the exert average monthly search volume you will see on the Google Ads Keyword Planner is also a rough estimate.

However, here is the nifty trick you can use to get the exact search volume out of the tool without the need to run ads in a Google Adwords account. First, find a keyword in the list that suggests that you want to target. Then click add to the plan.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Next, in the right-hand sidebar of the page, click Plan overview.

Google ad Keyword Planner

Check out the volume of impressions.

Google ad Keyword Planner

That figure is the volume of searches for that keyword every month. You`ll be having the accurate volume data of your keyword.

7. How to Reap Maximally From Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is a dominant keyword tool. However, as the most popular keyword tool, it has two significant flaws.

  • It only gives the keywords that are very closely related to what you type in.

Even though it is an excellent tool in generating long-tail keywords, it does not create keywords that closely relate to your topic.

  • You get similar Keywords everyone else gets

Google Ads Keyword Planner is insanely popular as a keyword tool. Meaning the keywords you get from the Google Ads Keyword planner is very competitive.

The good news is that there is a simple way in the tool that can set you apart from the crowd. Here is how it works.

First, head over to the Find new Keyword feature. Instead of entering a keyword enter URL from another website in your niche. You will get a massive list of keywords your competitor will never see.

In summary, keyword research gives insights into how people shop and behave online. It is, thus, not optional for a business with an online presence today. Therefore, understanding how Google Ads Keyword Planner works can help you get powerful keywords for your target audience.

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