Golang download file from url


Golang download image from given URL


package main import ( "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strings" ) var ( fileName string fullUrlFile string ) func main() { fullUrlFile = "http://www.golangprograms.com/skin/frontend/base/default/logo.png" // Build fileName from fullPath buildFileName() // Create blank file file := createFile() // Put content on file putFile(file, httpClient()) } func putFile(file *os.File, client *http.Client) { resp, err := client.Get(fullUrlFile) checkError(err) defer resp.Body.Close() size, err := io.Copy(file, resp.Body) defer file.Close() checkError(err) fmt.Println("Just Downloaded a file %s with size %d", fileName, size) } func buildFileName() { fileUrl, err := url.Parse(fullUrlFile) checkError(err) path := fileUrl.Path segments := strings.Split(path, "/") fileName = segments[len(segments)-1] } func httpClient() *http.Client { client := http.Client{ CheckRedirect: func(r *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error { r.URL.Opaque = r.URL.Path return nil }, } return &client } func createFile() *os.File { file, err := os.Create(fileName) checkError(err) return file } func checkError(err error) { if err != nil { panic(err) } }
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