File request OneDrive

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As the owner of a successful MSP, Amy Babinchak helps her clients use technology so their companies can operate better and more efficiently. She shares this knowledge with TechGenix readers on a regular basis. This tutorial from February was one of our most popular of the year, and rightfully so. It was one of the first anywhere to take a deep dive into Microsofts new OneDrive Request Files feature and is a fitting selection for TechGenixs 20 Best of 2020.

Microsoft was pretty quiet about its release of the Request Files feature in OneDrive. Im not sure why that is, because its really great. If youre still using FTP or are paying for a third-party solution, youll want to check this out as an alternative. While Ive mentioned FTP, lets take a moment of silence for the death of one of the first protocols of the Internet. FTP was invented back when the Internet was a private venture between a few universities and governments. It was never built for the security or compliance issues we have today.

OneDrives Request Files feature builds on the existing file-sharing capability by adding features that keep the data segregated so your customers dont see each others files. It also identifies who uploaded the file, notifies you of received files, and allows you to add policy and automation to make it a truly enterprise-worthy solution. Since Office 365 subscribers already own this tool its usage is likely to grow rapidly.

Lets look at how it works and an example of security, policy, and automation that you might consider adding to the base feature set.

Configure OneDrive for Business

Go to your OneDrive for Business website. Create a new folder for receiving files. Below you can see that Ive created one called, rather obviously, Receive Files. Now select that folder and then press the Request files button on the toolbar. Note that the Request file button doesnt appear until you select the folder.

File request OneDrive
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Home » Cloud Computing » Office 365 » OneDrive Request Files: A great new alternative to FTP


Amy Babinchak

I am the owner of three IT related businesses: Harbor Computer Services, Third Tier and Sell My MSP and have been working in small and medium business IT field for more than 20 years. I'm a technical person with advanced skills in networking design, management and implementation. I value technology for what it does for people and the success it brings to business.