Cara menggunakan reload after submit php


Instead of utilizing a document.on(submit) event to refresh the page for all forms on page, this method only attaches the .on(submit) event to a certain form. Solution created for this forum question: //

Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Example JavaScript Refresh Code
  • Auto-Refresh
  • Other Refresh Tricks
  • HTML Refresh
  • What We're Building
  • 1. Build the HTML Form
  • 2. Begin Adding jQuery
  • 3. Write Some Form Validation
  • 4. Process Form Submission With the jQuery AJAX Function
  • 5. Display a Message Back to the User
  • Learn JavaScript With a Free Course
  • Can JavaScript refresh a page?
  • How do I refresh a form after submitting?
  • Do not refresh page after form submit?
  • How do you refresh the page after submit in react JS?

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In JavaScript, you refresh the page using document.location.reload(). You can add the true keyword to force the reloaded page to come from the server (instead of cache). Alternatively, you can use the false keyword to reload the page from the cache.

This code can be called automatically upon an event or simply when the user clicks on a link.

Example JavaScript Refresh Code

Clicking the above button will refresh the page/frame.


You can also use JavaScript to refresh the page automatically after a given time period. Here, we are refreshing the page 5 seconds after the page loads. This results in the page continuously refreshing every 5 seconds.

You can achieve the same effect using the HTML meta tag.

Other Refresh Tricks

By including your refresh code in a function, you can have complete control over when the page is refreshed.

Example 1

Instead of having the "page refresh" function called automatically when the page loads, you can call it only when the user performs some action - such as clicking on a link.

Example 2

You can use conditional statements to determine whether or not to refresh the page. Here's a basic example of using a "confirm" box to ask the user if it's OK to refresh the page.

By incorporating refresh code with a JavaScript function, you can trigger a refresh at any time that makes sense to your web application.

HTML Refresh

The above examples will only work as long as the user has JavaScript enabled on their browser. You can also use HTML to refresh a page automatically once the page has loaded. This is achieved by using the HTML meta tag.

A great way to improve the user experience of your website is to validate and submit forms without a page refresh.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how easy it is to do just that—validate and submit a contact form without page refresh using jQuery! Let's get started.

What We're Building

In this example, we have a simple contact form with name, email, and phone number. The form submits all the fields to a PHP script without any page refresh, using native jQuery functions.

1. Build the HTML Form

Let's take a look at our HTML markup. We begin with our basic HTML form:

<div id="contact_form"> <form name="contact" action=""> <fieldset> <div class="input-box"> <label for="name" id="name_label">Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" minlength="3" placeholder="Monty" class="text-input" required/> </div> <div class="input-box"> <label for="email" id="email_label">Email</label> <input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="" class="text-input"/> </div> <div class="input-box"> <label for="phone" id="phone_label">Phone</label> <input type="tel" name="phone" id="phone" class="text-input" placeholder="856-261-9988"/> </div> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" id="submit_btn" value="Send" /> </fieldset> </form> <div class="greetings"> <h2>Contact US</h2> <p>We are waiting to hear from you!</p> </div> </div>

You might notice that I have included a div with id contact_form that wraps around the entire form.

Be sure to not miss that div in your own form as we will be needing this wrapper div later on. You might also notice that I have left both the action and the method parts of the form tag blank. We actually don't need either of these here, because jQuery takes care of it all later on.

Another important thing is to be sure to include the id values for each input field. The id values are what your jQuery script will be looking for to process the form with.

We are also doing some very basic client-side validation using HTML5 attributes like required and minlength. The minlength attribute will make sure that users supply a name that is at least three characters long. Similarly, the required attribute makes sure that users fill out all the form values you need.

You can read more about these attributes in our tutorial on validating form inputs using only HTML5 and Regex.

I've added some CSS styles to produce the following form:

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: 'Roboto Slab'; font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 300; } div#contact_form { width: 800px; display: flex; align-items: stretch; justify-content: space-evenly; border: 2px solid black; padding: 10px; } div.input-box { display: flex; margin: 10px 0; flex-wrap: wrap; } div.input-box label { display: inline-block; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0; width: 20%; } div.input-box input { font-size: 1.5rem; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 4px 8px; flex: 1; } input.button { font-size: 1.5rem; background: black; color: white; border: 1px solid black; margin: 10px; padding: 4px 40px; } h2 { font-size: 5rem; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Passion One'; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 0.8; } div.greetings { text-align: center; font-size: 1.2rem; background-color: #d3d3d3; background-image: linear-gradient(15deg, transparent 28%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) 28%); background-size: 50px; } div.input-box input.error { border: 2px dashed red; background: #fee; } div.input-box label.error { color: red; font-size: 1rem; text-align: right; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0; }

2. Begin Adding jQuery

The next step in the process is to add some jQuery code. I'm going to assume that you have downloaded jQuery, uploaded to your server, and are referencing it in your webpage.

Next, open up another new JavaScript file, reference it in your HTML as you would any normal JavaScript file, and add the following:

$(function() { // set up form validation here });

This function runs as soon as the HTML document is ready. If you have done any work in jQuery previously, this function is the same as jQuery's document.ready function. Inside, we will set up our validation code.

3. Write Some Form Validation

We will now write some basic form validation using jQuery. This will improve upon the validation we have so far. Using a validation library gives us more control over the error messages that are shown to users. It also requires minimal or no changes in the markup of the form.

Starting by loading the jQuery Validation library on your webpage. Now, just add the following code:

$(function () { $("form").validate(); });

Make sure you pass the right selector when calling the validate() method. This will validate the form without requiring you to write any error messages in the HTML or the logic to display and hide different error messages in JavaScript. Try submitting the form without filling in any values or by knowingly adding incorrect input. The form will display a nice error message like the following image.

Using the validation library also allows you to add conditional validation logic to your forms. For example, you will be able to add code that requires a phone number only when the email address has not been provided. I have covered this in more detail in the jQuery form validation tutorial.

4. Process Form Submission With the jQuery AJAX Function

Now we get to the heart of the tutorial—submitting our form without page refresh, which sends the form values to a PHP script in the background. Let's take a look at all the code first, and then I will break it down into more detail next. Add the following code just below the validation snippet we added previously:

$( "form" ).on( "submit", function(e) { var dataString = $(this).serialize(); // alert(dataString); return false; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "bin/process.php", data: dataString, success: function () { $("#contact_form").html("<div id='message'></div>"); $("#message") .html("<h2>Contact Form Submitted!</h2>") .append("<p>We will be in touch soon.</p>") .hide() .fadeIn(1500, function () { $("#message").append( "<img id='checkmark' src='images/check.png' />" ); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); });

There's a lot going on here! Let's break it all down—it's so simple and so easy to use once you understand the process.

We first create a string of values, which are all the form values that we want to pass along to the script that sends the email. This can be achieved pretty easily using the built-in serialize() method in jQuery. This way you don't have to worry about getting and concatenating the values of different valid user inputs yourself.

I've commented out an alert that I sometimes use to be sure I am grabbing the right values, which you may find helpful in the process. If you uncomment that alert and test your form, assuming everything has gone right so far, you should get a message similar to the following:

Now we get to our main AJAX function, the star of today's show. This is where all the action happens, so pay close attention!

$("form").on("submit", function (e) { var dataString = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "bin/process.php", data: dataString, success: function () { // Display message back to the user here } }); e.preventDefault(); });

Basically, what's going on in the code is this: The .ajax() function processes the values from our string called dataString with a PHP script called bin/process.php, using the HTTP POST method type. If our script processed successfully, we can then display a message back to the user, and finally return false so the page does not reload. That's it! The entire process is handled right there in these few lines!

There are more advanced things you can do here, other than giving a success message. For example, you could send your values to a database, process them, and then display the results back to the user. So if you posted a poll to users, you could process their vote, and then return the voting results, all without any page refresh required.

Let's summarize what happened in our example, to be sure we have covered everything. We grabbed our form values with jQuery using the serialize() method, and then placed those into a string like this:

var dataString = $(this).serialize();

Then we used jQuery's ajax() function to process the values in the dataString. After that process finishes successfully, we display a message back to the user and return false so that our page does not refresh:

$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "bin/process.php", data: dataString, success: function() { $('#contact_form').html("<div id='message'></div>"); $('#message').html("<h2>Contact Form Submitted!</h2>") .append("<p>We will be in touch soon.</p>") .hide() .fadeIn(1500, function() { $('#message').append("<img id='checkmark' src='images/check.png' />"); }); } }); return false;

The success part of the script has been filled in with some specific content that can be displayed back to the user. But as far as our AJAX functionality goes, that's all there is to it. For more options and settings, be sure to check out jQuery's documentation on the ajax function. The example here is one of the simpler implementations, but even so, it is very powerful, as you can see.

5. Display a Message Back to the User

Let's briefly look at the part of the code that displays our message back to the user, to finish out the tutorial.

First, we change the entire contents of the #contact_form div (remember I said we would be needing that div) with the following line:

$('#contact_form').html("<div id='message'></div>");

This replaces all the content inside the contact form, using jQuery's html() function. So instead of a form, we now have a new div with an id of message. Next, we fill that div with an actual message: an h2 saying Contact Form Submitted:

$('#message').html("<h2>Contact Form Submitted!</h2>")

We'll add even more content to the message with jQuery's append() function, and to top everything off, we add a cool effect by hiding the message div with the jQuery hide() function, and then fade it in with the fadeIn() function:

.append("<p>We will be in touch soon.</p>") .hide() .fadeIn(1500, function() { $('#message').append("<img id='checkmark' src='images/check.png' />"); });

So the user ends up seeing the following after they submit the form:


By now, I think you will have to agree that it's incredibly easy to submit forms without page refresh using jQuery's powerful ajax() function. Just get the values in your JavaScript file, process them with the ajax() function, and return false. You can process the values in your PHP script just like you would any other PHP file, the only difference being that the user does not have to wait for a page refresh—it all happens silently in the background.

So if you have a contact form on your website, a login form, or even more advanced forms that process values through a database and retrieve the results, you can do it all easily and efficiently with AJAX.

Learn JavaScript With a Free Course

If you want to master JavaScript, be sure to check out our free course to learn the complete A-Z of modern JavaScript fundamentals.

In this course, you'll learn all of the essential concepts of the JavaScript language. That's right: all of them! Including the most important recent improvements to the language, in JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and JavaScript ES7 (ECMAScript 2016).

You'll start with the very fundamentals of the language: variables and datatypes. Then in each lesson you'll build knowledge, from data structures like arrays and maps to loops, control structures, and functions. Along with the basics of the language, you'll also learn some key built-in APIs for manipulating data, AJAX, and working with the web browser DOM. Finally, you'll get a look at some of the most powerful and widely used web APIs that are supported by all modern browsers.

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Eric is a Freelance Web Developer, Oil Pastels Artist, and committed coffee drinker. :D

Can JavaScript refresh a page?

You can use the location. reload() JavaScript method to reload the current URL. This method functions similarly to the browser's Refresh button. The reload() method is the main method responsible for page reloading.

How do I refresh a form after submitting?

Step 3: Enable Automatic Reload.

Go to Form Settings..

Scroll to the bottom of the page..

Check the box for “Automatically reload the form”.

Set your desired seconds until reload..

Click Save Settings..

Do not refresh page after form submit?

Use the preventDefault() method on the event object to prevent a page refresh on form submit in React, e.g. event. preventDefault() . The preventDefault method prevents the browser from issuing the default action which in the case of a form submission is to refresh the page.

How do you refresh the page after submit in react JS?

If set to true, the browser will do a complete page refresh from the server and not from the cached version of the page. import React from 'react'; function App() { function refreshPage() { window. location. reload(false); } return ( <div> <button onClick={refreshPage}>Click to reload!

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