Cara menggunakan php create object array

We can use the array() function to create an array of objects in PHP. The function will take the object as the arguments and will create an array of those objects. We can create objects by creating a class and defining some properties of the class. The properties of the class will have some values. Finally, the properties and values will form a key-value pair in the array.

For example, create a class Motorcycle. Create two public properties, $name and $type. Then create an object

 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
0 of the Motorcycleclass using the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
2 keyword. Populate the properties of the object with any suitable values. Similarly, create another object,
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
3 and populate the values accordingly. Next, create a variable
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
4 and write the array() function to it with the two objects
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
0 and
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
3 as the parameters. Finally, print the array variable
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
8 with the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
9 function.

Thus, we can create an array of objects, as shown in the output section. We have created an array of the Motorcycle objects in the example below. We can see the indexes

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
1 and
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
2 for each Motorcycle object. The properties and values of each object are formed as a key-value pair, as stated above.

Example Code:

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bike1->type = 'dirt';
$bike2 = new Motorcycle();
$bike2->name = 'Goldwing';
$bike2->type = 'touring';
$bikes = array($bike1, $bike2);


 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring

Create an Array of name = 'Husqvarna'; $bikes[0]->type = 'dirt'; $bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing'; $bikes[1]->type = 'touring'; ?> 4 Objects in PHP

We can create an array of objects by creating an object of the

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
4 in PHP. The
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
4 is defined in the standard set of functions in PHP. It is not a base class of objects; rather, it is an empty class that can be used to typecast and set dynamic properties. We can create an object of the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
4, which is an array by nature. Then, we can assign the dynamic properties to the object with the indexes.

For example, create an array

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
8 and make it an object of the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
4 using the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
2 keyword. Then, give the index
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
1 to the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
8 array and assign the properties
 [0] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring

3 and
 [0] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring

4. Give some suitable values of your choice to the properties. Repeat the same process for index
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
2 in the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
8 array. Next, print the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
8 array.

The example below creates an array of

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
4 objects, as shown in the output section below.

Example Code:

name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';


 [0] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => stdClass Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring


Create an Array of Object Using the array() Function in PHP

This method is quite similar to the first method. We can create an array of objects by creating objects from a class. Here, we will first create an array using the array() function and then populate the objects in the array. In the first method, we created objects and then populated them in the array using the array() function. We will use the array index to set the values to the properties.

For example, create a Motorcycle class with properties as in the first method. Then create an array with the

 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
8 variable using the array() function. Leave the array empty. Then, create an object of the class from the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
4 array using the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
1 index. Set the properties and values for the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
1 index as well. Repeat the same process for the
name = 'Husqvarna';
$bikes[0]->type = 'dirt';

$bikes[1]->name = 'Goldwing';
$bikes[1]->type = 'touring';
2 index. Finally, print the array using the
 [0] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Husqvarna
 [type] => dirt

 [1] => Motorcycle Object
 [name] => Goldwing
 [type] => touring
9 function.

Bagaimana cara membuat array di PHP *?

Membuat Array di PHP Array di PHP dapat kita buat dengan fungsi array() dan tanda kurung kotak [] .

Apa itu array Function PHP?

Array dalam PHP adalah jenis struktur data yang memungkinkan kita untuk menyimpan beberapa elemen dari tipe data yang sama di bawah satu variabel tunggal.

Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan array?

Array adalah variabel yang mempunyai indeks sehingga dapat menyimpan sejumlah data yang bertipe sama. Dimensi array adalah jumlah indeks pada variabel array. Array multi dimensi (lebih dari satu indeks, maksimal 7 indeks). Dalam perhitungan, array sering digunakan untuk operasi matriks.

Tipe data apa saja yang ada di dalam PHP?

PHP memiliki 8 tipe data dasar yaitu boolean , integer , float (floating-point) , string , array , object , resource dan NULL .