Cara menggunakan javascript teamblind

To view Google ads on a website, activate JavaScript in your browser.

Activate JavaScript in Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome on your computer.
  2. Click 
    Cara menggunakan javascript teamblind
  3. Click Security and Privacy.
  4. Click Site settings.
  5. Click JavaScript.
  6. Select Sites can use Javascript.

Activate JavaScript in another browser

Follow the instructions provided by your browser:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari

Browser upgrades, security software, or patches may change your browser’s JavaScript setting. If you have problems viewing Google ads, confirm that JavaScript is activated in your browser.

If the JavaScript setting is set to “Prompt,” websites that show Google ads may display a warning.

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  • Where the hell are you working that they’re using JavaScript as a backend language…

    Oct 27, 2021 3 6

    • LOL

      Try Kotlin and then we’ll talk

      Oct 27, 2021 0

    • We built an entire platform on Kotlin. It was amazing. So what did you want to talk about?

      Oct 27, 2021 0

  • Node.js joined the chat*

    Oct 27, 2021 9 0

  • JavaScript for FE
    JavaScript for BE
    JavaScript for Mobile
    JavaScript for Desktop Apps
    JavaScript for OS desktop environments

    Oct 27, 2021 5 0

  • Companies go with languages their existing developers know.

    Java and JavaScript are not related in any way other than having similar names.

    Oct 27, 2021 3 2

    • One of the few sensible comments here. A language is a tool, and almost every language can do anything any other language can. Just build with what you know.

      Oct 27, 2021 0

    • Also blind: “the languages you know don’t matter”

      Oct 27, 2021 0

  • This comment was deleted by original commenter.

    • That existed until it was replaced by flash, which also died. Now there is only one king

      Oct 27, 2021 0

  • So I’ve been working as full-stack eng for the past 5 years with a heavy lean on the frontend.

    Although I can build production apps quite well, I realized that during my job search I don’t know my tools as well as I should. For example I was given a question about JS threading model and whether it was multi or single, I stumbled and couldn’t even answer that. I honestly don’t think I could even talk about HTMLs DOM model in depth. 😬

    Any resources to help me level up my skill would be much appreciated.

    TC: 225k
    YOE: 5

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