Arti kata "uned" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata uned bahasa

An ever-increasingly irrelevant group of nations whose widespread corruption is coming to light.


The UN's time is passing. Can you say "Oil-For-Food"?

Arti kata uned bahasa

The most wasteful, liberal, unnecessary parliamentry organization in the world. Though in theory, the UN would be a good one, it isn't, in reality. They are weak, corrupt, among other things. The reason for this, of course, is that it isn't a sovereign, governing body, but rather, a "parliament," of sorts, for all nations. The more powerful a nation, the more say they have. This is fucked up. Their aims/complicities (as they are synonymous with the UN) include: stripping citizens of free, modernized countries of their right to bear arms, namely the USA; fucking up order; avoiding use of the word "genocide," especially when dealing with African "countries" which are having their occupants killed at rates of 10,000 PEOPLE PER FUCKING DAY; creating programs, which have a face value of benefiting people, but contarily, in reality, generate profit for Kofi Annon and his cronies; trying to police Americans; taking upon themselves (in rare instances), to employ ineffective, inane peacekeeping, which does nothing beside getting more people killed.


Fuck the UN! Take these corrupt, preposterous bastards down!

Arti kata uned bahasa

Wow, we're all political, aren't we? The UN (aka The United Nations) is an international organization that describes itself as a "global association of governments facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, and social equity." It was founded at the end of World War II by the 'victorious world powers', who hoped that it would act to prevent conflicts between nations by providing a forum in which all countries could address their concerns nonviolently. Its headquarters are in New York City, and it is devided into administrative bodies such as the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, UN Economic and Social Council, UN Trusteeship Council, UN Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice. It also includes WHO and UNICEF. There is, obviously, a lot of debate over how well the UN is doing its job. Of course this is just debate and the whole matter is sensitive.


The term "United Nations" was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II.

Arti kata uned bahasa

An enormous inefficent bureaucracy that saps the U.S. money and time. Easily corruptible with nepotism, simony, and fraud that is rampant. Has proven not to prevent anything and is slow in reacting to any situation. The point of the U.N. is to stop war however just ends up dragging a shit load more troops to war (i.e. Korea) if they ever decide to go. If they don't feel like committing then a disobeitiant country can usually do whatever it feels like.


The UN decided to bicker for three years about various genocides hundreds of thousands died in the meantime, millions displaced, and plenty of money wasted. In short, the UN should be scraped as a governing body.

Arti kata uned bahasa

not cool. lame. stupid. un-anything. unnecessary, unattractive, undesireable, etc.


Oh my God, he is so un. That bar is so un.

Arti kata uned bahasa

Short for Union City, California. About 15 miles south of Oakland, California. The northernmost city in the "Tri-City" Oakland suburb. Pronounced "yoon".


I heard you stay in Newark. Naw I stay in west Une. I heard it's hella crazy out there.

Arti kata uned bahasa

(n) A repulsive, disgusting, ugly repugnant woman or man. "Un" is the first syllable in unf**kable, unattractive, unbearable, uninteresting, ungrateful and unimportant, but since uns are not worthy of any discussion whatsoever, wasting more than one syllable when describing one is literally a waste of breath. Uns can achieve "un-ness"by being fat, ugly or unclean, but usually a combination of all 3. Un are considered by some to be "the third, useless gender" because of their total lack of any sexual attractiveness whatsoever makes them neither male or female.


Rosie O'Donnell can say people dislike her because she's a woman, or because she's a lesbian. But the real reason people dislike her is because she's un. If she looked like Jessica Alba, everyone would love her.

Arti kata uned bahasa

Enacting the bass of any EDM song with great accuracy. followed by a gesture of moving the hand up and down while the palm is perpendicular to the arm. Why you reading more. FAGGOT. BUT IF YOU WANNA KNOW IT'S BY 2 SMART HUMANS. NOW GO GET A LIFE. FAGGOT


*The beat drops* Crowd:- "UNS UNS UNS!!!!"

Arti kata uned bahasa

The sound Regirock makes.


Pokemon Player: "After translating all those brail, I finally found Regirock!" Regirock: "UN UN UN"

Arti kata uned bahasa

An uned is short for an uneducated person. Usually somebody with no qualifications who lives in a council area, and is dependant on benefits. Most chavers are uneds, as they have no education. Uneds are often seen around streets drinking and in chaver cars.


God did you see that woman on trishia, she was an uned. Last night an uned on wheels, beeped his horn at me, and stuck his fingers up, yelling fuck off, at the top of his voice.

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