Arti kata "prom" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata prom bahasa

To the students: an excuse for horny young teenagers to get together for a night of drinking, fornication and promiscuity, how romantic! To business: a corporate-controlled/ promoted high school "institution" that makes the dress shops, hairdressers, flowershops, limo companies, suit rental places, etc more wealthy. To the students who don't get to go: a lifelong regret, an occasion that fat chicks can not get a date for.Makes more people unhappy than any one other thing in highschool...


I borrowed Dad's car, then spent $400 on renting a suit, buying flowers, tickets to the prom, some liquor and a locket on a chain for her. Oh, and condoms. She bought a dress, got her hair and 20 nails done, bought shoes,tear-off underwear,a purse, and got a horrendous period an hour before midnight. So she gave me a blowjob just like any other date, and she's still a virgin.

Arti kata prom bahasa

a place where everyone but me gets some


everybody got fucked at the prom

Arti kata prom bahasa

Legalized prostitution taken to the extreme. You take a girl out for the most expensive date she will ever see and bank on the off chance you'll get some.


FACT: The average prom costs $800 for a couple to attend. PROBABILITY: It will end poorly. I know lots of cool college guys and they all wish they never went to thier prom.

Arti kata prom bahasa

A very overrated school function that is basically a money maker for the school. Usually the ones that go to prom are 1. Steady couples 2. The popular girls dating the popular guys 3. Horny creepy looking guys looking to get laid 4. A few, not too many, random couples that just want to go 5. A few people that just can't get a date but still go just to "say you been there." Usually are a little chubby, gay, or socially inept. When you get there, you eat food in the weirdest combinations like lasagna and mashed potatoes and dance to stuff that you hear on Top 40 at Wal Mart or something off the local urban station.


Prom is overated; I rather spend my money on something more important, my college education.

Arti kata prom bahasa

Shortened form of promenade. Defined fully in the previous 10 some entries.


Hey Billy-Sue, would you be so kind as to be my date to the prom? I promise I'll take a shower if you do.

Arti kata prom bahasa

Something Your future employers are not going to ask you about or care about.


Human Resources Person: "So, what sort of experience do have for this job?" Trendoid Preppyuppie Throwback: "Well, I went to my senior prom in a stretch limo that cost my father...." Human Resources Person: "Uh, that's not what I asked you. Do you or do you not have experience? Hmmmm?" Trendoid Preppyuppie Throwback: "Well, father's rich and I dated a cheerleader and....did I mention I went to the prom?" Human Resources Person: "NEXT!!"

Arti kata prom bahasa

1) Prom in the USA is a big event at the end of the last year at school. The general idea for most students is to get as drunk as possible and lose your virginity, possibly, but not necessarily, to the person who is your date. Anyone who is going to be able to handle the real world will either hate the prom or just won't go. 2) In the UK prom is a similar event, but much lower-scale; ie. held in the school or a nasty village hall in the middle of nowhere. The basic principle is the same: terrible music, a shoddy yearbook, cool kids being even more horrible and shallow than usual and humiliation for the lame kids. if you have any intentions of losing your virginity after the UK prom, you are very much mistaken. The likelyhood is that you either go with a friend of the opposite sex because neither of you could get a real date, or you get a real date who ends up leaving with your slutty friend. The food gives you diarrhea, or you puke from too much cheap alcohol, or (if you are a girl) you will get your period and everyone will see. The night ends with an after party usually, where somebody's house gets trashed- if anyone is going to lose their virginity at all, it'll happen here. Classy.


1) OMG, I like sooo can't wait until prom night! 2)Cool kid: Urgh, do you seriously think he's gonna want to go to prom with you? Lame kid: No. Hence me not going, seeing as you're just going to have sex with him to spite me anyway.

Arti kata prom bahasa

the main cause of a high teen pregnancy rate in the United States


"Dude, I totally did that girl at prom!" "She looks pregnant" (silence)

Arti kata prom bahasa

(noun) formal dance, usually in the springtime. for high school juniors and seniors, and the occasional underclassman who gets asked by a desperate upperclassman. slightly overrated. some may experience a 'creative' way of being asked to the dance.


'creative' way of asking: someone painting 'PROM?' on the hood of your brand new car with paint that actually doesn't wash off. you deny him, but take the homemade cookies he made for you, because shit, your car is fucked.

Arti kata prom bahasa

Waste. Of. Money.


You have to pay obscene amounts of money for a god damn dance. Prom means you have to buy a Dress/Tux, Ticket, Limo, hotel, dinner, etc.

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