Arti kata "the game show" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata the game show bahasa

The Penis Showing Game or otherwise known as "The Game". Featured in the motion picture "Waiting" (2005), it is a game created by the character Raddimus and is widely played by all the male workers of Shenaniganz. The main objective of the game is to get someone to look at your genitals and accusing them of being homosexual by calling them a faggot, then following a firm kick to the arse. No matter what, you must call them a faggot, otherwise the game loses it's whole meaning. In the movie, Raddimus describes the several positions to a newcomer at Shenaniganz. He explains that there are several different positions with different difficultly levels. As the difficultly level rises so does the number of kicks you can give your victim. Here are the positions: 1. "The Flash And Go" The player plainly pulls down his pants, allowing time for his victim to appreciate it, then bringing the pants back up. For that, you get one kick. 2. "The Brain" Here you isolate your testicles with your fist, forcing them forward against the skin to resemble that of a brain. For that, you get 2 kicks. 3. "The Bat Wing" This is where you take the excess skin of your genitals and stretch them out until it is flat like paper. Now you should be able to see some vains and the slight resemblance to a bat wing. For that, you get 3 kicks. 4. "The Goat" What Raddimus describes as one of the more "Trickier" moves of the game. What you do, is you palm your penis into your hand and you stretch it behind you so that it is visible from the cavity between your anus. For that, you get 4 kicks. Now these are just the basic positions. But as the movie quotes, "We're always looking for creativity, so when you got a little down time to yourself, play with your nuts, you might just create a new move."


So we were playing the penis showing game. David concealed his "brain" at the last minute and busted it out. He got two kicks on everyone.

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A woman's reproductive organ that has been tainted with every STD know to man. Therefore, when you have intercourse with this vagina (because women have no faces) you are able to pick whichever disease you would like to have.


Jimmy: Yo, I punished this girl's cunt last night. Mike: Yeah... so has everyone else. That's game-show pussy. Jimmy: What? Mike: Having sex with her is like spinning the game show wheel to see which disease you "won". Jimmy: So basically my dick is going to fall off... Mike: Sorry......

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A TV station that shows Steve Harvey's Family Feud all day and refuses to listen to fans who say it is too much.


Oh what a surprise, Steve Harvey is on the Game Show Network.

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A game show is a type of television program in which people play a game that involves answering questions or solving problems for money and/or prizes. On some shows contestants compete against other players or another team while other shows involve contestants playing alone for a good outcome or a high score. Game shows often reward players with prizes such as cash, trips and goods and services provided by the show's prize suppliers. Many television game shows descended from similar programs on radio.


Examples of game shows include Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, The Price is Right, and Deal or No Deal.

Arti kata the game show bahasa

James Holzhauer. Literally just James Holzhauer


James Holzhauer was really winning big on a tv game show until he lost the game

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A game show that "pops-up". They are often made as a cheap way to make money. Typical traits include: winning fuck all in prizes (typically £10,000 or under), going home with nothing if you lose and no competition (one contestant/team per programme). They tend to get cancelled very quickly. An example of a pop-up game show is BBC's The Wall.


Did you watch Gordon Ramsay's latest pop-up game show? It was rubbish!

Arti kata the game show bahasa

An amazing game show that is aired in the U.K and narrated by the rubberbandits. In the show, 10 contestants must complete 5 games, with 50 lives. Every time you fail a game, you lose a life. Lose 15 lives and you fail the game and move on to another one. Some popular games include: Enter Trouser, Punch Your Own Face, and my personal favourite, Tiny Bike.


Dude 1: Have you ever seen the almost impossible game show? Dude 2: Yeah! My favourite game is Punch Your Own Face!

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A loud fart.


In the middle of an exam, Tim unleashed a Game Show Buzzer. Our teacher didn't laugh.

Arti kata the game show bahasa

Game Show Love: Dating two or more people and playing them against each other while professing "true love" to each.


Guy: What's up with Jen? Why's she hanging on John sobbing hysterically and why's he so bewildered? Girl: Turns out she's been in Game Show Love with him, his brother, and best friend, but she's getting married to his Dad. She still wants to go to Cabo with him though.

Arti kata the game show bahasa

A bottom of the foodchain 'stripper' model with no options.


I went on the "The Price is Right" and won a Game Show Ride.