Arti kata "myspace whores" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

A person who consumes most of their time on the internet website These people are often loved by their scene friends. An addiction is often present in these people.


"Look at that loser girl over there, she takes revealing pictures of herself and tries to get guys as a myspace whore"

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

Usually a female on MySpace who goes nights without sleep just so she can post comments, bullitens, and pictures. She will often skip homework so she can be on MySpace, and naturally gets on it once she's at school. She'll generally have over 1000 friends because she'll be posting really slutty pictures of herself and pictures where you can't see her face and she isn't smiling. Generally has the same taste in music as everyone else on MySpace and is constantly threatening to delete her MySpace account because she's begging for attention.


MySpace whores will never survive after they graduate. Kelly the MySpace whore doesn't have a job even though she's 25.

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

not what most people have said. A person who spends a lot of time on myspace, but while on there, posts bulletins and sends messages to other people telling them to add so and so, and the person they're 'whoring' does the same for them.


Person 1: Whore me? I have 5k friends! Person 2: Ok, just click my button and whore me too! Whoring Bulletin: Add Sam! She's super hot! She comments! (Persons Pic Here) Thats what a myspace whore does.

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

usually a girl but sometimes a guy can be even worse, who posts flattering high contrast photoshopped pictures of themselves in their myspace user pictures and befriends other good looking people just for the sake of vanity and being ogled. they usually flirt via the comment boxes, overusing little obnoxious phrases and tags such as "<3", "kthxbi", and any verb beginning ending with *asterisks.*< p>


"Hey cutie OMG thanx for the add ur pics are sooo hoTT *teehee* comment back kthxbi <3 OMG i'm such a myspace WHORE< div>

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

(noun): A person who signs onto myspace whenever they have free time. They change their pictures every three or so days. If their pictures don't instantly have 490 comments on their new pictures, they post several bulletins stragticlly saying, "NEW PICZZZZ! COMMENT PLZZZZ!!!" This is also true for if they don't get 670 regular comments every time they sign on. To be a myspace whore, you have to have at least 1500 friends. Believed to have derived from the word whore. People very cleverly added the word myspace in front of it. This phrase originated between 2003 and 2005.


OMG, Stacey is such a myspace whore! She posts bulletins like every five minutes! She must have atleast three thousand friends she doesn't even know!

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

A myspace whore is one who spends most of their waking hours on They have thousands of friends, only because they 'whore' themselves in bulletins in a pathetic attempt to gain more friends and look cool on the internet. Upon gaining more friends, the myspace whore convinces these new myspace friends to whore them like there's no tomorrow. Myspace whore can also be defined as one with very little exposure to the real world.


Myspace whore: "WHORE FOR WHORE! I HAVE 5K FRIENDS! ADD ME!" Other friend: "OH wow, I should whore her. I hope she whores me, she has 5k friends! Maybe all 5k of her friends will add me! Then I will be amazingly cool! I'll be an e-superstar!"

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

the continuing process of making myspace bulltons to "whore" or advertise other users pages; A user whom uses myspace a unusual amount.


an example for myspace whoring would be; wfw? (whore for a whore)

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

- myspace whores are mostly girls.. usually have new pics of them selves daily... have a million friends and dont know half of them... think myspace is some kind of popularity contest... they usually post bulletins saying comment my pics or im hungry for comments. go on my space every 2 mins to check if they have new comments.. take pictures of themselves in the mirror ... have a need to be on everyones top eight... need to keep commenting everyone just to be someones last comment... say things like im soo cool , im raddd ... usuallyy write all of there friends names under who id like too meett... basically there insecure annoying bitches that want to seem cool ;) ; every scene person has one


your all such myspace whores!

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

A myspace whore is some one who spends their waking hours doing absolutly nothing, but sitting in front of their computer tryng to get " Friends" on their profile.and posting slutty pics of themselves for people to look at and hopefully add them. But they could go out and make new friends in real life, but that would require them to leave their computer, and *gasp* MySpace for a certain amount of time.


"OMG! no one has viewed my profile in 5 minuets. I only have 2059 views since i started my profile last week.I've posted so many comments, and bullitens, and skanky pics of myself. What's wrong with me, why won't people view my profile? I think I'll go cut my self, then try to get more friends to view my profile." says myspace whore.

Arti kata myspace whores bahasa

myspace whoring is where you post a bulletin tell your friends to add a person, most people use it to get the most friends, or to meet new people. most people that whore have a whore code. which usually has a picture of them and a link to add them.


Myspace Whoring frenchie posts a bulletin, tha says w4w. show her limits, and if yeu should send proof.