Arti kata "chasing amy" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Excerpts from "Chasing Amy" Scene, where Silent BOB explains to Holden & Jay, why he's still chasing Amy. BOB You're chasing Amy. ... BOB (to Holden) So there's me an Amy, and we're all inseparable, right? Just big time in love. And then about four months in, I ask about the ex-boyfriend. Dumb move, I know, but you know how it is - you don't really want to know, but you just have to... stupid guy bullshit. Anyway she starts telling me all about him - how they dated for years, lived together, her mother likes me better, blah, blah, blah - and I'm okay. But then she tells me that a couple times, he brought other people to bed with them - menage a tois, I believe it's called. Now this just blows my mind. I mean, I'm not used to that sort of thing, right? I was raised Catholic. JAY Saint Shithead. *Silent Bob backhands him. Jay raises his fist as if to strike.* BOB Do something. (to Holden) So I get weirded out, and just start blasting her, right? This is the only way I can deal with it - by calling her a slut, and telling her that she was used - I mean, I'm out for blood I want to hurt her - because I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling. And I'm like "What the fuck is wrong with you?" and she's telling me that it was that time, in that place, and she didn't do anything wrong, so she's not gonna apologize. So I tell her it's over, and I walk. JAY Fucking a. BOB No, idiot. It was a mistake. I wasn't disgusted with her, I was afraid. At that moment, I felt small - like I'd lacked experience, like I'd never be on her level or never be enough for her or something. And what I didn't get was that she didn't care. She wasn't looking for that guy anymore. She was looking for me. But by the time I realized this, it was too late, you know. She'd moved on, and all I had to show for it was some foolish pride, which then gave way to regret. She was the girl, I know that now. But I pushed her away... *Everyone's silent Silent Bob lights a cigarette.* BOB So I've spent every day since then chasing Amy... (takes a drag from his smoke) So to speak.


When a guy meets a great girl, and loses her. Pride, fear & self doubt get in the way of him appreciating who he is with.

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

To be so freaked out by a girls sexual past because it makes you insecure, inferior and/or scared that you take the foolish step of dumping her, even though you still love her. Later on you realise of course that you f#cked up big time and try to get her back and look like a f#cking idiot.


Bitch, I don't like what you did with those and your ex! Fark you, i'm leaving......oh fark, what have I done! Bitch, come back, I need you!

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

trying to get back the girl that got away...


"you dumped her, you want her back, you're spending your life Chasing Amy"

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Kevin Smith's third movie


Did you see Chasing Amy it was awsome!

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Trying to find Happiness/Love/Perfect Situations, usually a practice in futility. Derived from the figurative way Silent Bob uses the phrase to assist Holen McNiel in the movie Chasing Amy


Man 1: i dont know about this girl, she just doesnt seem like the one Man 2: thats the millionth time you've said that, stop Chasing Amy and settle down with her

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

From the movie Chasing Amy, it means when you dump someone who was perfect for you for a reason that you eventually realize was not worth ending the relationship for. However, by this time it's already too late. The other person no longer feels the same way about you, but you will spend the rest of your right regretting this decision that you can never change.


G1 - I'm falling hard for this guy, but I don't think I can stay with him. G2 - Why not? G1 - He tries to act like he isn't, but he's definitely still in love with one of his ex-girlfriends. I'm pretty sure he's Chasing Amy.

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Chasing Amy are a pop/punk band from Sydney, Australia. Consisting of Justin Kent, Peter Fawcett and Brad Fawcett.


How awesome was Chasing Amy's gig last night

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Actually not a bad movie at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it. had alot of good morals to it. awesome soundtrack too! starring: Ben Affleck Jason Lee Joey Lauren Adams and Jason Mewes not a fan of Kevin smith or any of his movies except this one haha.


If your having trouble with your girl being more sexually experienced then you, then just watch chasing amy..

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

Named after the same story that Silent Bob tells in the movie gets it's title from, Chasing Amy Syndrome typically happens when a girl is far more sexualy experienced than the guy in a relationship because of sexual stereotypes and cultural expectations. Gender reversal can also happen, but is not as common. Symptoms are: -Irrational jealousy of past lovers and/or people the girl hangs out with. - Inexplicable "need" to push their own sexual boundaries to feel "on par" with their partner, in spite of not being interested in that prior. - Fixation on partner's sexual past. - Feelings of inadequacie due to partner's experience. Typically the symptoms start after partners have traded their sexual numbers or when a story about a past tryst that is out of the other partner's league comes up. The only known cure is for the sufferer to get the fuck over themselves and realize that their partner wants to be with them for a reason. To help this process along it is recommended to have a painfully open and honest dialog between the partners, both being open to the other's opinions and feelings.


Jill: "After Max heard I had 15 past partners and had tried an orgy he started getting weird and angry at me for stupid stuff!" Sue: "Max only has had 3 partners, it's classic Chasing Amy Syndrome."

Arti kata chasing amy bahasa

When a guys falls for a woman he can't have that's usually not interested and/or lesbian. The guy is a beta orbiter but wants the woman he can't have.


DEAN: What's wrong with Cyrus? BILLY: He has the Chasing Amy Complex. This is never gonna work for him!