Apa yang dimaksud Pancasila sebagai etika?

Penelitian filsafat dengan judul âœEtika Pancasila❠Aktualisasinya dalam administrasi negara Indonesia, bertujuan menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan filsafat secara komprehensif dan mendalam tentang apakah hakikat Pancasila sebagai suatu sistem filsafat merupakan landasan etika Pancasila? Apakah hakikat perilaku etis etika Pancasila merupakan kriteria perilaku etis manusia Indonesia? Dan bagaimana aktualisasi etika Pancasila dalam Administrasi negara Indonesia? Penelitian filsafat ini dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan terhadap bukubuku literatur, hasil penelitian jurnal, majalah surat kabar yang membahas filsafat, filsafat Pancasila, nilai, etika, etika Pancasila dan membahas masalah-masalah yang aktual tentang administrasi negara Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu historis, abstraksi, interpretasi, verstehen, hermeneutika, analitika bahasa, deduksi, dan heuristika. Hasil penelitian, secara ontologis hakikat Pancasila adalah manusia yang memiliki hakikat kodrat bersifat âœmonopluralis.❠Perwujudan hakikat kodrat yang bersifat âmonopluralis❠dalam perbuatan lahir dan batin merupakan perilaku etis sebagai pelaksanaan Pancasila. Secara epistemologis hakikat Pancasila adalah manusia Indonesia sendiri sebagai sumber ilmu pengetahuan Pancasila yang memiliki adat istiadat, kebudayaan dan agama-agama. Pancasila digali dari adat istiadat, kebudayaan dan agama-agama bangsa Indonesia. Secara aksiologis hakikat Pancasila adalah kristalisasi nilai-nilai. Pancasila mengandung nilai-nilai salah satu diantaranya adalah nilai etis. Nilai etis Pancasila meliputi nilai etis silasila Pancasila. Hakikat Pancasila mendasari perilaku etis etika Pancasila, maka hakikat Pancasila melandasi etika Pancsila. Hakikat perilaku etis Etika Pancasila adalah merupakan perilaku etis yang sesuai dengan perwujudan hakikat kodrat manusia bersifat âœmonopluralisâ. Yang sesuai adat istiadat, kebudayaan dan agama-agama bangsa Indonesia serta sesuai dengan perwujudan nilai etis sila-sila Pancasila. Hakikat perilaku etis Etika Pancasila berperan sebagai prinsip, pedoman dan kriteria perilaku manusia Indonesia dalam segala aspek kehidupan termasuk dalam administrasi negara Indonesia. Etika Pancasila telah teraktualisasi sebagai paradigma dan landasan etik ilmu administrasi Negara Indonesia, dan telah mewarnai sistem administrasi Negara Indonesia menjadi landasan moral unsur -unsur administrasi Negara Indonesia. Namun dalam penyelenggaraan administrasi Negara Indonesia masih terdapat perbuatan yang tidak susila. Hal ini disebabkan karena etika Pancasila baru diaktualisasikan sebagai norma moral dalam administrasi Negara Indonesia belum menjadi perilaku aparatur Negara Indonesia dalam melaksanakan administrasi Negara Indonesia. Dilaksanakannya administrasi Negara Indonesia secara konsekuen dapat diwujudkan good governance.

The philosophical study on âœEthics of Pancasilaâ, which is relevant to the state administration of Indonesia, was aimed to provide a comprehensive and detailed answer on the philosophical qu estions of whether the essence of Pancasila as a philosophical system served as the foundation of ethics of Pancasila. Also, this study was aimed to answer what was the essence of ethical conduct of ethics of Pancasila and what was the relevance of ethics of Pancasila to the state administration of Indonesia. This philosophical study was a bibliography study on books, journals of study reports, philosophical subjects on magazines and newspapers, theories on value, philosophy of Pancasila, ethics, and ethics of Pancasila. This study used historical, verstehen, interpretation, language analytical, abstract, hermeneutic, deductive, and heuristic methods. The results of study demonstrated that, ontologically, the essence of Pancasila was manifested by individuals having a characteristic of âœmonopluralistic❠nature in their outward and inward conducts as the implementation of Pancasila. Epistemologically, the essence of Pancasila was Indonesian people, as the sources of knowledge of Pancasila, who possessed custom s, cultures, and religions. Pancasila was explored from the customs, cultures, and religions of the Indonesian people so that Indonesians have Pancasila in three aspects, i.e. Pancasila is customs, Pancasila is cultures and Pancasila in religions. Axiologically, the essence of Pancasila was the crystallization of values. Pancasila possessed value including the ethical values found in its five principles which form the foundation of ethics of Pancasila. The essence of ethical conducts of ethics of Pancasila is in agreement with the realizations of the âœmonopluralistic❠nature of the human beings in their outward and inward conducts. They are human conducts that are consistent with the customs, cultures, and religions of the Indonesian people and are also consistent with the realizations of ethical values of the five basic principle of Pancasila. The essence of ethical conducts of ethics of Pancasila serves as the principles, guidelines, and criteria of conducts of Indonesian in all aspects of life, including in the aspects of state administration of Indonesia. The ethics of Pancasila is relevant with the state administration of Indonesia which is, in fact, performed in ethical ways as it is bound buy the ethical values of Pancasila. The ethics of Pancasila bec ome the ethical foundation of state administration science of Indonesia. In its developments, the state administration science of Indonesia can formulate theories of ethics of state administration of Indonesia. The ethics of Pancasila, which characterize the state administration system of Indonesia, serves as a moral foundation of the state administration elements of Indonesia, i.e. formulation and implementation of public policies, public services, public organizations conducts, development of public organizations, public management and leadership, and the implementations of public administrator power. A consequent implementation of state administration of Indonesia will be able to realize good governance.

Kata Kunci : Etika Pancasila,Administrasi Negara Indonesia,Pancasila, values, ethics, conduct, and state administration