Add multiple members to Google group

This KB Article References: Google Groups
This Information is Intended for: Clubs, Faculty, Staff, Students, Teaching Assistants
Last Updated: August 25, 2021
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If your team is made up of severalsmaller teams and you want to manage communication with both the smaller teams and the whole team, you can set up Google Groups to do this by adding team members to the smaller groups and then adding the smaller groups to the larger group:

Add multiple members to Google group

This way you can communicate with Team A, for example, separately,or the whole team through Team All.If your team members change, you'll only need to modify themember from the smaller team. If you share in Drive, create events in Calendar, and send email using these teams, you'll always know you're reaching the exact team members you needto!

To add a smaller group to a larger one, simply add the email address of the group to the add members field in the larger group. Learn to how to Add Members.

1. To find a group's email address, go to your groups:

2. Click the gear next to the group name. If you do not see these icons then you are not a manager of the group

Add multiple members to Google group

3. You will see the email listed under Group email

Add multiple members to Google group

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