Write a php script to retrieve the data from database

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What is Mysqli:-
The Mysqli extension, or as it is used before this name the MYSQL and update extension, was developed to take advantage of new features found in Mysqli systems versions 4.1.3 and now. The Mysqli extension is included with PHP versions 5 and now. Mysqli Supports only Mysql Database.

Mysqyli advantage:-

  • Object-oriented interface
  • Support for Transactions
  • Support for Multiple Satatements
  • Support for Prepared Statements

Step- 1
First, install XAMPP and run in local server.

Step – 2
First Go to in localhost/PHPMyAdmin local server and click New and create Database and after create a table. In the database to easily handled by the user and user easily create, update, and delete any data from the database.

Step – 3
Go to (C drive of Pc) and open xampp folder and go to htdocx and create a new folder as you wish. And open it create a new file and his name will be .php file extension.

Step- 4
After step 3 creating a sample form as index.php and edit in HTML form as below:-

Step – 5
After step 4 then create a new PHP file as you wish and fill as below for add to the database and connect to the table-:

‘name’ = from index form
’email’ = from index form
‘mobile’ = from index form
‘localhost’ = server name
‘root’ = user name
‘ ‘ = password defalut
‘school-db’ = database name
mysqli_connect = database connection
mysqli_query = return query

$qyery = You can select from database before go database table and click SQL and after click insert button then copy query in screen and select. This is right way.

PHP Fundamental Tutorials with Basic Demo by Chentan in 2020 – Part-1

PHP Fundamental Tutorials with Basic Demo by Chentan in 2020 – Part-2

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Mentor for DevOps - DevSecOps - SRE - Cloud - Container & Micorservices at Cotocus

Website - www.RajeshKumar.xyz
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I can help in the following:
- DevOps - DevSecOps - SRE
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Continuous Deployment & Inspection
- Technical Debt Reduction
- Containerization/Micro Services Using Kubernetes & Docker
- Cloud Migration using AWS-Azure-GoogleCloud
- Enterprise observability

How do you retrieve data from a database?

Fetch data from a database.
Start by creating a new app..
Add a Screen to your app. ... .
Add data sources to your app by referencing some Entities in the Manage Dependencies window (Ctrl+Q). ... .
Publish the app by clicking the 1-Click Publish button. ... .
It's time to load some data to the Screen..

How retrieve data from database and display it in textbox using PHP?

Show activity on this post. $query = "SELECT * from admin where username = '{$_SESSION['login_user']}'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$query); while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_id\" value=\".

How is PHP code connect to database for retrieving data set?

There are two ways to connect to a database using PHP..
MySQLi Object-Oriented $conn->query($query);.
MySQLi Procedural mysqli_query($conn, $query).
PDO. $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute();.

How fetch data from database in PHP and display in table?

php $connect=mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password'); mysql_select_db("name"); //here u select the data you want to retrieve from the db $query="select * from tablename"; $result= mysql_query($query); //here you check to see if any data has been found and you define the width of the table If($result){ echo "< ...

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