Why wont my cat stop throwing up

Most cat owners have experienced the unpleasant sensation of cat sick between the toes on a nighttime bathroom trip, or as a nice addition to your favourite rug. Vomiting is the active expulsion of stomach contents, which in cats can be violent, and may have many causes. It needs to be differentiated from regurgitation: where food is brought up with minimal effort from the oesophagus before ever reaching the stomach.

You may see warnings signs such as drooling, swallowing, licking their lips more, or hiding away. Short-term vomiting consisting of one or two episodes, or lasting less than 24 hours, in an otherwise healthy cat is usually nothing to worry about.

What do I do if my cat is sick?

If your cat is sick once or twice but appears otherwise well, remove their food for a few hours, then feed small amounts of a highly digestible food such as chicken, or a prescription diet from your vet. Allow them constant access to a small amount of water. After 24 hours go back to your usual routine.

When should I be worried?

It is best to contact your vet if your cat: 

  • continues to repeatedly vomit.
  • cannot keep water down
  • is lethargic or listless
  • has pale, dry, cold or yellow gums
  • has diarrhoea alongside the vomiting
  • could have eaten something unusual
  • has a known underlying condition such as diabetes or renal disease
  • has blood in the vomit.

What could be the reason for the vomiting?

 Occasional vomiting may be caused by:


Cats often ingest hair while grooming. If it forms into clumps it may irritate the stomach, eventually being vomited up. If your cat vomits hairballs frequently your vet may suggest treatments or diets to reduce hair build-up and grooming your cat regularly to reduce the volume of hair ingested.

Eating too rapidly

Cats that gobble food too quickly may regurgitate. If you’ve got multiple cats make sure you have separate feeding bowls in separate locations to reduce competition. Try serving dry food in a used egg carton, or putting kibble in plastic bottles with holes that dispense the food as it rolls. These puzzle feeders slow eating, create mental challenge, combat boredom and increase exercise which combats weight gain.

Eating too much at once

Cats naturally eat small amounts and often. While not always practical, specialists suggest 5 small meals a day. Dry kibble absorbs fluid in the stomach and swells which may cause vomiting, especially in older cats.

Eating spoilt food or hunting

Like us, they can be susceptible to the bacteria or spoiled food or something they’ve caught. This may result in irritation of the stomach.

More serious causes for vomiting

These are some of the more serious causes, where vomiting occurs on a more regular basis;

 Ingestion of foreign bodies

Cats are more particular about what they eat than dogs but we do occasionally see cats with blockages. Cotton or string can cause a blockage or trauma to the gut.

Ingestion of certain toxins

We see fewer toxicities in cats because of their fussy nature, with a few exceptions.

Some cats like to nibble on grass. If unavailable, or out of boredom, they may eat house plants such as Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) and lilies which are toxic. Ask your vet before bringing new plants into your house or garden.

Cats like the taste of antifreeze but it’s especially toxic to them. Never use it in ornamental water features, keep bottles secure and labelled, and wipe up spills immediately. Vomiting, increased thirst, lethargy and lack of appetite may be signs of ingestion. Ingestion is usually not witnessed, partly why it’s often fatal. Call your vet immediately if you suspect ingestion.

Food allergies or new foods

Not all foods suit all cats and any diet change should be slow, taking at least a week. It’s also thought some cats may actually be allergic to certain proteins in foods. If your vet suspects this, they may recommend a hypoallergenic diet using hydrolysed proteins. These are proteins that are broken down into very small pieces so are highly unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.

Parasites – roundworms, tapeworms and fleas

Roundworms are the most common intestinal parasite, affecting cats of all ages. Large burdens can be found in kittens resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea and a failure to thrive. Tapeworms are transmitted via hunting or by fleas, so older cats are more prone. There are many ineffective medications for sale so it’s best to speak to your vet before administering a product. Adult cats should be wormed every 1-3 months, and kittens more frequently.

Cats with kidney disease or liver disease

Other signs include lethargy, lack of appetite, weight loss and increased thirst. Cats with liver disease may have a yellow discolouration to the skin/gums. Liver disease can occur alongside intestine and pancreatic disease in a complex known as ‘triaditis’. If your vet suspects underlying medical reasons for vomiting, blood tests and other investigations may be advised. Treatments options will depend on the organs involved and severity of disease.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or small parasites known as protozoa can cause gastrointestinal signs. Inflammatory bowel diseases are a complex group of disorders caused by an immune reaction and result in persistent or intermittent diarrhoea, and/or vomiting. It may be part of the above mentioned ‘triaditis’ syndrome.


The two most common tumours affecting the stomach and intestines are lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. They may cause a partial blockage resulting in vomiting, weight loss, diarrhoea and appetite loss. The cat’s age, condition, the tumour location, the severity of disease and your wishes will affect treatment options. Surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy may be options once diagnosed. Sadly, sometimes euthanasia may have to be considered.

What will my vet do?

After taking a history and examining your cat your vet may advise dietary adjustments and medical treatments alone if the symptoms are mild. With more severe symptoms, investigations such as blood tests, x-rays, urine samples or ultrasound may be discussed. Treatment may include intravenous fluids, antiemetics (anti-vomiting drugs) and stomach protectants.

If a blockage is suspected then surgery may be discussed. The most appropriate treatment is the one that will address the underlying cause, whatever that may be, and your vet is perfectly placed to determine that and then to get your cat on the mend.

Watch: Reasons for cat vomiting and how to help them

Anything that irritates your cat’s stomach or prevents the contents of their stomach from moving through the digestive tract can cause vomiting. Reasons for a cat being sick include hair balls, eating too much or too quickly, eating new or unusual food, an allergic reaction to food and parasites. Other causes include gastrointestinal conditions, pancreatitis, heat stroke and ingesting poisonous substances. While some of these issues are mild, others will require emergency veterinary treatment.

“Why is my cat being sick?” is one of the most common questions our vets are asked. Short-term cat vomiting (less than 24 hours) is generally for a mild reason and not a massive cause for concern, especially if your cat’s health is otherwise fine. This may be down to a mild tummy upset.

Long-term or severe cat vomiting is a far bigger concern and if your cat keeps throwing up or you think it’s something to worry about you should contact your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now pet emergency clinic, straight away.

If it’s not an emergency but you would like some advice you can book an online video consultation with our vets between 8am and 11pm every day. Learn more here.

If your cat has been sick once or twice but otherwise appears well:

  • Remove food for two hours, but continue to provide water
  • After this time, try offering a teaspoon of their usual food or bland low-fat cooked food such as chicken or white fish
  • If they keep this down, offer small amounts every few hours for the
    next 24 hours
  • Then go back to your usual routine

If this does not resolve the sickness and you are concerned about your cat vomiting repeatedly, call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vet Now emergency clinic or 24/7 hospital immediately.

You should also contact your vet if:

  • Your cat cannot keep water down
  • Has blood or unusual material in her vomit
  • Has pale or cold gums
  • Is displaying signs of listlessness, diarrhoea, fever, or another illness

We start to worry about cats being sick when they’ve vomited frequently in a single day or a couple of times over a few days. It’s also a cause for concern when they stop eating altogether or will try and eat but bring the food and water back up. This can be considered an emergency because your cat isn’t able to keep anything down and can quickly become dehydrated and lead to an issue with sugar. If your cat’s vomiting is accompanied by any other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhoea or pale gums, if there’s blood in their vomit or they’re showing signs of pain, don’t delay in contacting your vet.

  • Hair balls
  • Eating too much or too quickly
  • Eating new or unusual food
  • Poisonous substance ingestion
  • Parasites
  • Gastrointestinal condition
  • Pancreatitis
  • Allergic reaction to a food
  • Heat stroke

If your cat is going to be sick, you may see drooling, lip licking, excessive swallowing, retching and contractions of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Your cat may also hide away in a quiet area when she feels nauseous.

  • Hair balls
  • Eating too much or too quickly
  • Eating new or unusual food
  • Poisonous substance ingestion
  • Parasites
  • Gastrointestinal condition
  • Pancreatitis
  • Allergic reaction to a food
  • Heat stroke

If your cat is going to be sick, you may see drooling, lip licking, excessive swallowing, retching and contractions of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Your cat may also hide away in a quiet area when she feels nauseous.

While cats don’t have the same reputation as dogs for scavenging, some do habitually eat things they shouldn’t.

Common causes of cats being sick include swallowing foreign objects such as pieces of string, rubber bands and ribbons, dangerous human foods such as onions and chocolate, and poisonous substances such as antifreeze, plants and human medications.

Internal parasites and serious diseases such as cancer or diabetes are also reasons for cats throwing up. If your cat is being sick regularly, there may be an underlying problem that will need to be diagnosed by your veterinarian.

Common causes of cats being sick include swallowing foreign objects, dangerous human foods and poisonous substances

Cats often vomit up hairballs.  They develop these in their stomach through fastidious grooming. The fur they swallow can’t be digested and often ends up forming into a congealed lump. These lumps of hair can be dangerous as they can lead to blockages and irritations. Owners can do their bit to prevent hairballs both being thrown up and being stuck in the digestive tract by introducing a strict brushing regime to remove loose fur.

There is a difference between vomiting and regurgitation. Regurgitation is when cats throw up undigested food, often with little or no effort.

This undigested food may be covered in mucus and shaped like a tube. Regurgitation is often brought on by coughing, difficulty breathing, oesophageal problems or foreign bodies.

If your cat is vomiting foam, it’s likely to be bile. This is usually yellow or greenish in colour. Blie is an acidic liquid created in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until food has been ingested, when it’s released into the intestine. Bile helps cats break down food. It can, however, leak into the stomach and cause vomiting. If your cat vomits bile persistently or their sickness is accompanied by other health issues such as diarrhoea, loss of appetite or lethargy, seek urgent advice from your vet.

There is a difference between vomiting and regurgitation. Regurgitation is when cats throw up undigested food, often with little or no effort.

This undigested food may be covered in mucus and shaped like a tube. Regurgitation is often brought on by coughing, difficulty breathing, oesophageal problems or foreign bodies.

Your vet will check your cat over by performing a clinical examination and also ask you questions to see what you have observed at home. Since there are many possible reasons your cat may be vomiting, your vet may need to perform some further tests to work out what’s going on. These might include blood tests, urine tests, x-rays or ultrasound.

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis but may include intravenous fluids — a drip — to correct dehydration or antibiotics if infection is suspected. She may also be given anti-vomiting medication, called antiemetics, and stomach protectants if it’s appropriate. If a so-called foreign body is suspected, surgery may be performed to remove it.

Many causes of cat vomiting cannot be prevented. But by removing any potentially harmful foods or objects from your cat’s environment you can help to minimise the risk of foreign body ingestion or toxicity.

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First Published 2nd February 2017 Last Updated 27th April 2021


Vets Now assumes no liability for the content of this page. This advice is not a substitute for a proper consultation with a vet and is only intended as a guide. Please contact your local veterinary practice for advice or treatment immediately if you are worried about your pet’s health — even if they are closed, they will always have an out-of-hours service available. Find out more about what to do in an emergency.

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