Why do cats knead on you

Many cat owners are familiar with kneading or, as some fondly call it, "making biscuits." But what is the story behind your cat's gentle curl of her paws? Although kneading can have many different causes, it's often a sign your cat feels safe near you and loves you very much.

Cats of All Ages & Sizes Knead

Kneading is an activity shared by cats of all shapes and sizes. It involves pushing forward with the front paws into an object—like a blanket or even your lap—while alternating between the left and right paw. Some cats purr while kneading, and others may knead a bit with their back paws too. Some gently knead, while others extend their claws and can leave a scratch.

Both female and male cats display kneading behavior. Kittens and elderly cats may knead. Even big cats in the wild, like lions or tigers, are known to knead as well.1

Cats Find Kneading Comforting

Most of the time, cats knead because they find the action comforting. When they were kittens, they would knead while nursing. As adults, this sense of comfort still carries on whenever they knead. The nostalgic feeling of kittenhood may spill over into a kneading action whenever they feel particularly comfortable or happy. So you might notice your cat kneading when you're petting him or talking to him, for example. In this way, kneading serves a function similar to purring.

Cats Knead You Because They Feel Safe

If your cat is kneading you, it's likely because she feels safe with you. Just like she kneaded her mom when she was a kitten, she's now kneading you—her new "parent." If she feels safe and secure when she's with you, she may express this with a gentle knead. It's the same reason your cat may purr when you snuggle close to her.

Kneading May Help Mark You as "Territory"

Kneading can also serve as a way of marking territory, just like scratching does. Cats have scent glands in their paws, so both kneading and scratching provide ways to leave their "mark" for other cats to notice. This is why your cat may knead his favorite blanket or even you. He's telling the world you belong to him and you're part of the same family.

Your Cat May Knead You Before Going to Sleep

Do you ever notice your cat kneading her blanket or soft bed when she's getting ready to snuggle down for the night? Maybe she kneads your lap or stomach before she curls up on you for a nap. Cats in the wild sometimes knead to gather all the grass and leaves together to make a thicker bed.2 This habit may carry over into some domestic cats. It's similar in some ways to a dog scratching his bed or turning in circles before lying down.

Some Cats Knead While Chewing on Blankets

Sometimes cats don't just knead blankets before falling asleep. Sometimes, they knead and suck or chew on the blanket simultaneously. This action can be really cute, but it's possible for a cat to spend too much time doing it. There are several theories why cats do this.3 Some believe it happens to kittens that were separated from their mothers too young or were hand-fed "bottle babies." Another theory is that, like a toddler sucking on his thumb, it's a source of needed comfort.

Others think cats may turn to this action when they feel overwhelmed because it's an activity that commands all their attention. Interestingly, some breeds are more prone to this type of kneading, like Siamese cats.

Sometimes Cats May Knead Excessively

Although kneading is a healthy, relaxing activity for your cat, it can sometimes go a little overboard, similar to a cat's scratching instinct.

If you notice your cat is kneading more than usual, it could be because of stress. The comforting action might help lessen any discomfort he's feeling. If you recently adopted a second cat or there's a stray wandering around outside, your cat might knead as a way to mark his territory because he feels insecure.

Sometimes your cat's kneading may hurt you because his nails are too long. In this situation, simply trimming his nails or getting some cat scratchers can help. Or put a thicker blanket on your lap so you can't feel the claws.

Help Your Cat's Emotional Health

Kneading is perfectly natural and healthy for your cat. But if your cat is kneading too often, you might want to take a few actions to encourage her to knead less.

Focus on your cat's e-meow-tional health, not just her physical health. A stressed cat may knead too much, so plugging Comfort Zone Calming Diffusers in the rooms where she spends the most time may help create a calming environment. Or, try the Comfort Zone Calming Collar, so those calming feelings are with your cat wherever she goes. If your kitty feels a little stressed because of another cat in your home, then try the Comfort Zone Multi-Cat Diffuser.

Don't punish your kitty for kneading, as this will just cause more stress. Instead, redirect her attention to playing with a toy, so she's distracted. Also, try playing with your cat more and use clicker training exercises to build your bond. This might lead to her feeling less stressed and reduce the "need to knead." Set up some cat trees and cat condos for her to climb since higher spaces can help a cat feel more confident.

Kneading is a sweet activity that's often your cat's way of showing she loves you, feels comforted by you, and considers you part of her family. Show her you feel the same way with lots of pets, treats, and playtime.

1. McCarthy, Erin. "11 Ways Big Cats Are Just Like Domestic Cats." Mental Floss, 3 March 2016, //www.mentalfloss.com/article/57746/11-ways-big-cats-are-just-domestic-cats.

2. AAHA. "Is My Cat's Kneading Normal?" AAHA.org, //www.aaha.org/your-pet/pet-owner-education/ask-aaha/is-my-cats-kneading-normal/.

3. Kelley, Jane A. "Why Do Cats Suck on Blankets? 5 Reasons." Catster, 11 March 2020, //www.catster.com/cat-behavior/why-do-cats-suck-on-blankets.

Reviewed by Kathleen Claussen, DVM on December 17, 2021

Cats make wonderful companions, but they also do strange things we don’t always understand. You may notice your cat “making biscuits” or kneading on your lap or a blanket. Sometimes, your cat may drool or look like they’re in a trance when kneading. Other times, they may be doing it faster and more anxiously. Read on; there may be more to your cat than you know. 

First, you should know that kneading is instinctive. Your cat will knead on a soft surface like a blanket, your lap, or other animals in your home. Your cat will often purr while kneading and drift off to sleep or zone out while doing it. There’s no confirmed reason why cats do this, but there are some theories. 

Nursing. Kittens knead while nursing to stimulate milk flow from their mom. That could explain why some cats drool a little when kneading because they’re reminded of drinking milk. This could be a leftover comfort mechanism that cats take with them as they get older. 

Comfort. You may notice your cat kneading when you’re petting them or getting comfortable in a spot on the couch. They may also specifically massage your lap to show affection and then take a nap. Massaging soft things can also help if your cat is stressed and needs to calm themselves. 

Finding a resting spot. For the same reason dogs turn in circles before lying down, cats likely knead to create a comfortable sleeping spot. This could be an instinctual behavior that carried over from wild felines making tall grass into soft piles to rest on. 

Marking territory. Your cat relies on scent to communicate. When they claim territory, they leave scent markers that come from glands on their paws. They’re putting their scent on that specific area by scratching and kneading. 

Stretching. Cats are big on naps. They spend most of their day napping, so they may need to stretch out their body when they wake up. Kneading their paws is one way to stretch out excess tension from naps and get their body ready for the next rest. 

You may find your cat's kneading sweet, or it may be uncomfortable if they knead with their claws out. It can be destructive and painful if your cat is gripping things like blankets, furniture, or household pets with their claws. To prevent harmful kneading, you can do the following things: 

  • Keep your cat’s claws trimmed short.
  • Encourage kneading specific blankets or areas. 
  • Distract the cat with treats or toys. 
  • Train your cat to sit or play with a toy instead of kneading. 
  • Put a thick blanket over your lap when your cat wants to knead on you. 
  • Don’t punish your cat; only use positive reinforcement. 

Every cat has their reason for kneading, which is entirely normal. You can’t necessarily keep your cat from kneading, and most of the time, it simply means they are content and happy. 

Some cats may knead more than others, even in your own home. This may be because some cats are needier than others and overuse their comfort mechanism. Kneading is a way that an overly anxious cat can make contact with their owner to comfort them. 

It’s essential to be patient and to understand your cat. If you’re punishing your cat for kneading, this can increase their anxiety level, making them do this more frequently. Depending on their anxiety level, your cat may knead obsessively.

Obsessive kneading is a behavioral disorder that occurs in anxious cats. These compulsive actions may release pain-relieving chemicals in your cat’s brain, making them turn to these actions to cope. If you’re giving your cat attention or food while they’re engaging in obsessive kneading or other behaviors, it may reinforce the behavior. 

This type of behavior is more common in indoor cats that become stressed by confinement. If they’re stressed out from environmental changes, you may notice obsessive kneading in cats. If so, they may have a mental disorder that needs a diagnosis from a vet. 

Your vet will do a complete physical exam and assess their history of symptoms or incidents that could cause them stress. A detailed history could help your vet understand your cat’s underlying behavioral issues. 

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