Why cant I share a calendar with someone?

User: Outlook Troubleshooting Can't View Shared Calendar

Common Outlook Troubleshooting Solutions For Can't View Shared Calendar With The ZenCase Microsoft 365 Outlook Integration

Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago


There are times when the Outlook calendar sharing permissions will get out of sync with the people you are sharing your calendar. When this occurs, the best solution is to delete the person you are sharing the calendar and re-add the person to your calendar.

By re-adding the contact to share your calendar, you will re-sync the connection between the two calendars for sharing in Outlook. This should resolve the issue of someone not being able to view the shared calendar.

Re-Add Contact to Shared Calendar In Outlook

To re-add your shared calendar in Outlook, you will need to choose the calendar(s) you would like to re-share with another member.

  • In Outlook, select the "Calendars" icon to view your calendars.

  • Under your Calendars, there will be a list of calendars.

  • Next to the calendar you want to share, choose the "..." button to see more options.

  • Click "Sharing and permissions".

  • From the Sharing and Permissions screen, remove the person in your organization who is having trouble viewing your shared calendar.

  • Search for and select the person and then set the individual person's permissions to be able to view or edit.

  • Once complete, you can close the Sharing and Permissions screen.

You have now successfully re-shared your Outlook calendar with another member in your organization.

Have the other person verify whether they can now see your calendar. A page refresh may be required to view the page updates.

If you have any question or need more assistance, please let us know!

How to fix when your iCloud shared calendar’s invite isn’t working

In this post, I’ll show you how I got a broken iCloud Shared Calendar shared after I tried everything that Apple support has to say about it. The fix isn’t logical, and that it worked blew my mind 🤯.
But it DID work, so I’m sharing it for others out…

The Microsoft Outlook Calendar not only helps you keep track of important dates, appointments and events, its sharing function makes many workplace tasks much easier. If the sharing function on Outlook Calendar doesn't seem to be working properly, there are several things you can do to identify the problem and get things back on track.

Why Use Calendar Sharing?

Calendar sharing helps workplaces function more efficiently. Colleagues, supervisors and subordinates all have access to other people's calendars and can more effectively schedule appointments, meetings and events. In offices and workplaces where staff members travel frequently, work flexible schedules or telecommute, sharable calendars become particularly important so that everyone understands when their colleagues are available for work-related matters.

How Does Calendar Sharing Work?

Individual workers have control over their own calendars. If a worker decides to share his calendar with others, that worker must specifically grant permission with the individual they mean to share with or a contact distribution list.

Sharing is a straightforward process: Go into the calendar folder, select "Share Calendar," then select the calendar you wish to share. From the Calendar Properties link, click "Add" and you'll be presented with a list of your contacts and contact distribution lists. You can select the necessary contacts and lists and also indicate what level of permissions you want them to have.

For example, you may want your contacts to only be able to see that you are busy, or you may be willing to show them what you'll be doing and when.

You also have the option of giving editing privileges to your calendar. This can be particularly useful if you have an assistant who manages your schedule for you. Alternatively, this feature can be used by supervisors and managers to assign tasks and schedules to workers.


Be mindful of your privacy settings, particularly when adding new items to your calendar. Consider whether you want everyone on your team or in your company to know who you are meeting with during the day. Another concern is keeping matters private. While you may opt to add things like medical appointments and vacations to your calendar so that you can schedule work obligations around your personal life and let certain team members know where you'll be, there may also be a risk in sharing too much information with others. You do have the option of "privacy locking" details of events or even creating different calendars if confidentiality is a concern.

Outlook Calendar Sharing Is Not Working

Unfortunately, Outlook Calendar sharing doesn't always work the way you'd like it to. According to Microsoft Office Support, there may be several reasons why you are unable to share your Outlook Calendar:

  • You are trying to share with an email address outside your business organization.
  • You are trying to give permission to an invalid email address.
  • You are trying to give permission to an Office365 group.
  • If you notice that the option to share your calendar isn't available (it will be highlighted in gray), your organization's IT department has blocked permissions for calendar sharing. This may be an accident or the IT department may have decided to prevent calendar sharing as a security precaution. 

Optimizing Outlook Calendar Sharing

There are several ways to optimize the sharing of calendars across your organization.

Create different calendars: If you are concerned about privacy issues, yet don't feel comfortable setting different permissions for different groups or individuals, consider creating different calendars. One could be for people you work closely with, while another could be for the rest of your organization.

Create group calendars: This allows you to view different calendars together for easier planning.

Make use of time zone designations: When creating events in a shared calendar, don't forget to indicate the time zone. This is a particularly useful feature if your business has remote workers who live and work outside your time zone.

Why can't I share Apple calendar with someone?

Make sure that your card in Contacts includes all of your email addresses. If the email address you used to send the invitation isn't listed, Calendar might not recognize you as the person who created the event or calendar. See. Make sure you're using the correct email addresses by sending an email to each invitee.

Why wont my iPhone let me share my calendar?

Go to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars>Default Calendar (in the Calendar section) and make sure this is set to an iCloud calendar and not something else like On My iPad, Google/Gmail, Yahoo, Exchange, etc.

How do I enable sharing a calendar?

From your Calendar folder, on the Home menu, select Share Calendar. Choose the calendar you want to share from the drop-down menu. In the Calendar Properties dialog box, click Add. You can search for people from your address book or type in their email addresses in the Add box.

Why can't I share my Google calendar with someone?

You can't share calendars from the Google Calendar app. Settings and sharing. Under “Access permissions,” select Make available to public. Next to “Make available to public,” choose the level of access you want to give in the drop-down menu.

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