Which type of listener favors depth and complexity of information and messages?

What arguments and rhetorical strategies did Frederick Douglass use to persuade a northern, white audience to oppose slavery and favor abolition?


In the 1850s abolition was not a widely embraced movement in the United States. It was considered radical, extreme, and dangerous. In “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” Frederick Douglass sought not only to convince people of the wrongfulness of slavery but also to make abolition more acceptable to Northern whites.

Frederick Douglass, ca 1855, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

What is MediaLiteracy?

Media are powerful forces in the lives of youth. Music, TV, video games, magazines and other media all have a strong influence on how we see the world, an influence that often begins in infancy. To be engaged and critical media consumers, kids need to develop skills and habits of media literacy. These skills include being able to access media on a basic level, to analyze it in a critical way based on certain key concepts, to evaluate it based on that analysis and, finally, to produce media oneself. This process of learning media literacy skills is media education.

The importance of media education in Canada can be seen through the inclusion of media literacy outcomes in provincial and territorial curricula. But defining exactly what media education and media literacy are – and how best to integrate them into the classroom – isn’t alwaysstraightforward.

This section has been created to clarify what media literacy is all about, and to offer practical suggestions to help you make media educationhappen

  • What is MediaEducation?
  • Why Teach MediaLiteracy?
  • Key Concepts for MediaLiteracy
  • Tips for Integrating Media Literacy in theClassroom
  • Media Literacy across theCurriculum
  • Assessing and Evaluating Media LiteracyWork
  • Media Education in Canada: AnIntroduction

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