Which tag is used to make numbered list?

HTML <ol> Tag

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Two different ordered lists (the first list starts at 1, and the second starts at 50):


<ol start="50">
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How to create an ordered list with list items numbered with numbers in HTML?

HTMLWeb DevelopmentFront End Technology

To create ordered list in HTML, use the <ol> tag. Ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. The list item starts with the <li> tag and will be marked as numbers, lowercase letters uppercase letters, roman letters, etc. The default numbers for list items.

For creating an ordered list with numbers, use the <ol> tag attribute type. This attribute will assign the value number i.e. <ol type = “1”> to create ordered list numbered with numbers.

“which of the tag is used to create a numbered list in html” Code Answer

how to get number list in html
html by Calm Chimpanzee on Jan 18 2020 Comment
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HTML Ordered List | HTML Numbered List

HTML Ordered List or Numbered List displays elements in numbered format. The HTML ol tag is used for ordered list. We can use ordered list to represent items either in numerical order format or alphabetical order format, or any format where an order is emphasized. There can be different types of numbered list:

  • Numeric Number (1, 2, 3)
  • Capital Roman Number (I II III)
  • Small Romal Number (i ii iii)
  • Capital Alphabet (A B C)
  • Small Alphabet (a b c)

To represent different ordered lists, there are 5 types of attributes in <ol> tag.

Type "1"This is the default type. In this type, the list items are numbered with numbers.
Type "I"In this type, the list items are numbered with upper case roman numbers.
Type "i"In this type, the list items are numbered with lower case roman numbers.
Type "A"In this type, the list items are numbered with upper case letters.
Type "a"In this type, the list items are numbered with lower case letters.

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