Which of the following statements is true of leaders who subscribe to the assumption of Theory Y?

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Exam 1 Chapter 1-5

Identify the correct statement regarding leadership

Leadership involves non coercive influence

It becomes easier for people to see their own opportunities for leadership when they

stop equating leadership with greatness and public visibility

Which of the following is a characteristic of new paradigm leadership

They are diversity avoiders

Which of the following statement is true of leaders who work collaboratively

They learn to keep the lines of communication open

What of the following statements is true of uniformity in organization

Uniform thinking can be a disaster in a multinational and diverse world.

Attempts to achieve collaboration, empowerment, and diversity can succeed only if:

leaders intentionally practice and apply new paradigm principles

Managers and leaders are different because

managers maintain stability while leaders promote change

Management focuses on getting the most rresults out of people so that

goods and services are provided to customers in a timely manner.

no need for the limelight

Melanie has been promoted as the operations head of Apex Inc. She aims to lead the organization in an effective manner. Which of the following should be implemented by Melanie to achieve her aim

Ensures that employees are part of a community and feel that they are contributing to something worthwhile.

Wilma supervises the mutual funds team of Verdana Pvt. Ltd. She listens to the needs and opinions of her subordinates and does not believe in simply giving orders.She understands and accepts others when they do not share a certain mindset.She readily admi

In the context of trait approach to leadership,the diversity of traits that effective leaders possess indicates that:

leadership ability is not a genetic endowment

_____ refers to a tendency to see the positive side of things and expect that things will turn out well.

People in organization rise to the top because they

can instill in others a sense of hope for the future

Which of the following statements is true of drive ?

leaders with drive seek achievement and have energy

Which of the following characteristic of collaborative leaders

they don't have the strong position power of the collaborative role

Which of the following characteristic of advisory leaders ?

they possess the ability to influence others through communication,knowledge,and personal persuasion

Which of the following is an example of initiating structure behavior of leaders ?

Which of the following is an underlying dimension of job-centered leadership behavior ?

Which of the following is an example of people-oriented leader behavior ?

Which of the following is an example of task-oriented leader behavior ?

Checking the progress and quality of work

Which of the following statements is true of individualized leadership ?

it is against the concept of exchange,what each party gives to and receives from the other.

Which of the following statements is true of entrepreneurial leader ?

They are dissatisfied with the present

Leaders who are drawn to new opportunities,are action oriented,and are more concerned with innovation,creativity,and creating new processes than with maintaining the status quo are known as:

According to the situational theory of leadership, a leader with a ____provides both tasks instructions and personal support, explains decisions, and gives followers a chance to ask questions and gain clarity about their work task.

According to the situational theory of leadership a ____can be both effective one followers have the necessary education, skills, and experience but might be insecure in their abilities and need some encouragement from the leader.

participating leadership style

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, if a leader uses negative concepts to describe the least preferred coworker, he or she is considered a _____

In the context of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, which of the following does leader member relations refer to

it refers to the group atmosphere and members' attitude toward and acceptance of the leader.

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, position power is low when the leader has

little authority over subordinates and cannot evaluate their work

According Fiedler's to contingency theory of leadership, which of the following statements is true of task oriented leaders?

they are more effective when a situation is highly unfavorable because a great deal of structure and task direction is needed

Which of the following things should leaders know in order to use contingency theory of leadership

They should diagnose the situation and determine whether leader-member relations,task structure,and position power are favorable or unfavorable.

Which of the following statements is a criticism of Fiedler's Contingency theory?

the empirical support for the model is weak because it is based on correlational results that fail to achieve statistical significance in the majority of cases

According to the path - goal theory of leadership,____ Involves planning, making schedules, setting performance goals and behavior standards, and stressing adherence to rules and regulations

According to the go pack. Leadership, which of the following leadership styles stress is high quality performance and improvement over current performance?

Achievement-oriented leadership

In the context of the path-goal Theory of leadership, which of the following statements is true of supportive leadership's?

it involves showing concern for subordinates' well-being and personal needs.

According to the path-goal theory of Leadership,The personal characteristics of followers, which is a situational contingency includes factors such as

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, which of the following situational contingencies consist of that educational level of subordinates and the quality relationships among them?

work-group characteristics

According to the Vroom-Jago contingency model of Leadership, which of the following activities refers to delegation in decision making?

a leader permits the group to make a decision within prescribed limits.

In the context of using substitutes for leadership, which of the following factors tend to substitute for leader task orientation

The Fundamental assumption of substitutes for leadership researchers is that

effective leadership is the ability to recognize and provide the support not already provided by task, group, and organization.

Which of the following statements is true of self awareness

self-awareness involves appreciating how one's patterns affect other people.

The dimension of extroversion includes the characteristic

Conscientiousness First to the degree to which a person is responsible, dependable, persistent, and

Victoria, and advertising manager, works effectively when dealing with routine and well define task, she's not very good with task that required creativity. And she assumes that her subordinates have difficulties being creative. In the given scenario, Vic

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y ?

a person will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he or she is committed

Anna works as a sales executive. She has difficulty meeting her productivity Target, but she has high readiness levels and her work exceeds quality standards. However her manager considers her to be a poor performer due to her issue with productivity. In

AcCording to Herman's whole brain concept, leaders who rely heavily on quadrants-C thinking;

are friendly, trusting , and empathetic

According to the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) assessment, which of the following statements is true of feeling types

they tend to rely more on their values

According to the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) assessments people with perceiving preference

Which of the following statements is true for working with different personality types

personality differences can make the life of a leader intersting

Identify the appropriate steps that should be taken by later to work more actively different personality types

keep people focused on high performance

does not follow his or her assumptions because they led to success in the pastq

a part of a leader's mental model

standing up for what one believes is the best for the organization

To think independently means

staying mentally alert and thinking critically

Which of the following will help leaders to develop open-mindedness

they have to forget many of their conditioned ideas

The expert mind becomes a danger in organizations because it

rejects new ideas based on past experience and knowledge

Which of the following is a characteristic of effective leaders?

they understand the limitations of past experience

And effective leader lets his or her vision of a better future for reality toward it by

a reorganizing current activities to work toward the vision

A key component of leadership is

being emotionally connected to others

Which of the following is a more basic component of emotional intelligence?

Daniel, the relationship manager of a mutual fund company, has the strength to understand his emotions clearly. He makes tough decisions by believing his "good feelings". He knows how his emotions affect his work; hence, he asked carefully according to th

Adam, a project manager, is enthusiastic about utilizing every available opportunity at his workplace. He ensures that his teams projects adhere to the companies high standards. He remains calm when things go wrong to provide resourceful solutions. Which

Which of the following is true of people who work in fear based organizations

they often leave the organization

When leaders rely on negative emotions such as fear to fuel productive work they

may slowly destroy people's spirits

Which of the following statements is true of leading with love?

it attracts people who take risks

Leadership involves making the status quo not creating change

At present, social connectedness and mobility or the central aspect of every leaders job

A humble leader may make more whiskey and Deering decisions, where as I hear a leader will seek advice

The contingency approach to leadership sought to identify the traits leaders possessed that distinguish them from people who were not leaders

A few treats typically considered highly important for leadership and optimism, self-confidence, honesty and integrity, and drive

Self-confidence doesn't mean being arrogant and prideful but rather knowing and trusting in oneself

Contingency approach explains the relationship tween leadership styles and effectiveness in specific situations

The situational theory of leadership focuses on the characteristics of leaders as the most important element of the situation

in the context of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, if a leader describes the least preferred coworker using positive concepts,he or she is considered relationship-oriented

a person's values cannot change throughout life as they are fairly well established by early adulthood

leaders who are constantly trying to please everyone often make poor decisions because they cannot tolerate even a mild degree of conflict

a less conscientious person tends to be easily distracted and impulsive

a mental model is an external picture that does not affect a person;s thoughts and actions

Leaders have many mental models that tend to govern how they interpret experiences and how they act in response to people and situations

Identify the correct statement regarding leadership

Leadership involves non coercive influence

It becomes easier for people to see their own opportunities for leadership when they

stop equating leadership with greatness and public visibility

Which of the following is a characteristic of new paradigm leadership

They are diversity avoiders

Which of the following statement is true of leaders who work collaboratively

They learn to keep the lines of communication open

What of the following statements is true of uniformity in organization

Uniform thinking can be a disaster in a multinational and diverse world.

Attempts to achieve collaboration, empowerment, and diversity can succeed only if:

leaders intentionally practice and apply new paradigm principles

Managers and leaders are different because

managers maintain stability while leaders promote change

Management focuses on getting the most rresults out of people so that

goods and services are provided to customers in a timely manner.

no need for the limelight

Melanie has been promoted as the operations head of Apex Inc. She aims to lead the organization in an effective manner. Which of the following should be implemented by Melanie to achieve her aim

Ensures that employees are part of a community and feel that they are contributing to something worthwhile.

Wilma supervises the mutual funds team of Verdana Pvt. Ltd. She listens to the needs and opinions of her subordinates and does not believe in simply giving orders.She understands and accepts others when they do not share a certain mindset.She readily admi

In the context of trait approach to leadership,the diversity of traits that effective leaders possess indicates that:

leadership ability is not a genetic endowment

_____ refers to a tendency to see the positive side of things and expect that things will turn out well.

People in organization rise to the top because they

can instill in others a sense of hope for the future

Which of the following statements is true of drive ?

leaders with drive seek achievement and have energy

Which of the following characteristic of collaborative leaders

they don't have the strong position power of the collaborative role

Which of the following characteristic of advisory leaders ?

they possess the ability to influence others through communication,knowledge,and personal persuasion

Which of the following is an example of initiating structure behavior of leaders ?

Which of the following is an underlying dimension of job-centered leadership behavior ?

Which of the following is an example of people-oriented leader behavior ?

Which of the following is an example of task-oriented leader behavior ?

Checking the progress and quality of work

Which of the following statements is true of individualized leadership ?

it is against the concept of exchange,what each party gives to and receives from the other.

Which of the following statements is true of entrepreneurial leader ?

They are dissatisfied with the present

Leaders who are drawn to new opportunities,are action oriented,and are more concerned with innovation,creativity,and creating new processes than with maintaining the status quo are known as:

According to the situational theory of leadership, a leader with a ____provides both tasks instructions and personal support, explains decisions, and gives followers a chance to ask questions and gain clarity about their work task.

According to the situational theory of leadership a ____can be both effective one followers have the necessary education, skills, and experience but might be insecure in their abilities and need some encouragement from the leader.

participating leadership style

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, if a leader uses negative concepts to describe the least preferred coworker, he or she is considered a _____

In the context of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, which of the following does leader member relations refer to

it refers to the group atmosphere and members' attitude toward and acceptance of the leader.

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, position power is low when the leader has

little authority over subordinates and cannot evaluate their work

According Fiedler's to contingency theory of leadership, which of the following statements is true of task oriented leaders?

they are more effective when a situation is highly unfavorable because a great deal of structure and task direction is needed

Which of the following things should leaders know in order to use contingency theory of leadership

They should diagnose the situation and determine whether leader-member relations,task structure,and position power are favorable or unfavorable.

Which of the following statements is a criticism of Fiedler's Contingency theory?

the empirical support for the model is weak because it is based on correlational results that fail to achieve statistical significance in the majority of cases

According to the path - goal theory of leadership,____ Involves planning, making schedules, setting performance goals and behavior standards, and stressing adherence to rules and regulations

According to the go pack. Leadership, which of the following leadership styles stress is high quality performance and improvement over current performance?

Achievement-oriented leadership

In the context of the path-goal Theory of leadership, which of the following statements is true of supportive leadership's?

it involves showing concern for subordinates' well-being and personal needs.

According to the path-goal theory of Leadership,The personal characteristics of followers, which is a situational contingency includes factors such as

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, which of the following situational contingencies consist of that educational level of subordinates and the quality relationships among them?

work-group characteristics

According to the Vroom-Jago contingency model of Leadership, which of the following activities refers to delegation in decision making?

a leader permits the group to make a decision within prescribed limits.

In the context of using substitutes for leadership, which of the following factors tend to substitute for leader task orientation

The Fundamental assumption of substitutes for leadership researchers is that

effective leadership is the ability to recognize and provide the support not already provided by task, group, and organization.

Which of the following statements is true of self awareness

self-awareness involves appreciating how one's patterns affect other people.

The dimension of extroversion includes the characteristic

Conscientiousness First to the degree to which a person is responsible, dependable, persistent, and

Victoria, and advertising manager, works effectively when dealing with routine and well define task, she's not very good with task that required creativity. And she assumes that her subordinates have difficulties being creative. In the given scenario, Vic

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y ?

a person will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he or she is committed

Anna works as a sales executive. She has difficulty meeting her productivity Target, but she has high readiness levels and her work exceeds quality standards. However her manager considers her to be a poor performer due to her issue with productivity. In

AcCording to Herman's whole brain concept, leaders who rely heavily on quadrants-C thinking;

are friendly, trusting , and empathetic

According to the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) assessment, which of the following statements is true of feeling types

they tend to rely more on their values

According to the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) assessments people with perceiving preference

Which of the following statements is true for working with different personality types

personality differences can make the life of a leader intersting

Identify the appropriate steps that should be taken by later to work more actively different personality types

keep people focused on high performance

does not follow his or her assumptions because they led to success in the pastq

a part of a leader's mental model

standing up for what one believes is the best for the organization

To think independently means

staying mentally alert and thinking critically

Which of the following will help leaders to develop open-mindedness

they have to forget many of their conditioned ideas

The expert mind becomes a danger in organizations because it

rejects new ideas based on past experience and knowledge

Which of the following is a characteristic of effective leaders?

they understand the limitations of past experience

And effective leader lets his or her vision of a better future for reality toward it by

a reorganizing current activities to work toward the vision

A key component of leadership is

being emotionally connected to others

Which of the following is a more basic component of emotional intelligence?

Daniel, the relationship manager of a mutual fund company, has the strength to understand his emotions clearly. He makes tough decisions by believing his "good feelings". He knows how his emotions affect his work; hence, he asked carefully according to th

Adam, a project manager, is enthusiastic about utilizing every available opportunity at his workplace. He ensures that his teams projects adhere to the companies high standards. He remains calm when things go wrong to provide resourceful solutions. Which

Which of the following is true of people who work in fear based organizations

they often leave the organization

When leaders rely on negative emotions such as fear to fuel productive work they

may slowly destroy people's spirits

Which of the following statements is true of leading with love?

it attracts people who take risks

Leadership involves making the status quo not creating change

At present, social connectedness and mobility or the central aspect of every leaders job

A humble leader may make more whiskey and Deering decisions, where as I hear a leader will seek advice

The contingency approach to leadership sought to identify the traits leaders possessed that distinguish them from people who were not leaders

A few treats typically considered highly important for leadership and optimism, self-confidence, honesty and integrity, and drive

Self-confidence doesn't mean being arrogant and prideful but rather knowing and trusting in oneself

Contingency approach explains the relationship tween leadership styles and effectiveness in specific situations

The situational theory of leadership focuses on the characteristics of leaders as the most important element of the situation

in the context of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, if a leader describes the least preferred coworker using positive concepts,he or she is considered relationship-oriented

a person's values cannot change throughout life as they are fairly well established by early adulthood

leaders who are constantly trying to please everyone often make poor decisions because they cannot tolerate even a mild degree of conflict

a less conscientious person tends to be easily distracted and impulsive

a mental model is an external picture that does not affect a person;s thoughts and actions

Leaders have many mental models that tend to govern how they interpret experiences and how they act in response to people and situations

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