Which of the following is used to create a new list with bullets select one?

How do I create a bullet and number list in HTML?

Updated: 08/02/2020 by Computer Hope

Lists are a great way to organize sections or content on a web page. They make the user experience better by categorizing information, or grouping similar concepts or items. When using HTML, there are two types of lists: bulleted and numbered. The following sections shows you how to create each, and changing their appearance, nesting, and format.

  • How to create a bulleted list.
  • How to create a numbered list.
  • Stopping and continuing a numbered list.
  • How to create a bullet list in a number list.
  • Applying CSS to a bullet or numbered list.

What would you like to do?

  • Define a new bullet format

  • Define a new number format

  • Define a new multilevel list

  • Define a new list style

  • Turn off automatic numbering for lists

  • Related information

Create a list

To start a numbered list,type 1, a period (.), a space, and some text. Then press Enter.Word will automatically starta numbered list for you.

Type* and a space before your text, and Word will makea bulleted list.

To complete your list, press Enteruntil the bullets or numbering switchoff.

Create a list from existing text

  1. Select the text you want to change into a list.

  2. Go to Home> Bullets or Home>Numbering.

Note:Find different bullet styles and numbering formats by clicking the down arrow next to Bullets or Numbering.

Which of the following is used to create a new list with bullets?
Select one:
a. <ol style=”list-style-type: disc”&gt

Home/ Indian/Computer Science/Which of the following is used to create a new list with bullets?
Select one:
a. <ol style=”list-style-type: disc”&gt

<ul>: The Unordered List element

The <ul> HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

Content categoriesPermitted contentTag omissionPermitted parentsImplicit ARIA rolePermitted ARIA rolesDOM Interface
Flow content, and if the <ul> element's children include at least one <li> element, palpable content.
Zero or more <li>, <script> and <template> elements.
None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Any element that accepts flow content.
directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree

<li>: The List Item element

The <li> HTML element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points. In ordered lists, they are usually displayed with an ascending counter on the left, such as a number or letter.

Content categoriesPermitted contentTag omissionPermitted parentsImplicit ARIA rolePermitted ARIA rolesDOM interface
Flow content.
The end tag can be omitted if the list item is immediately followed by another <li> element, or if there is no more content in its parent element.
An <ul>, <ol>, or <menu> element. Though not a conforming usage, the obsolete <dir> can also be a parent.
listitem when child of an ol, ul or menu
menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, none, presentation, radio, separator, tab, treeitem

10 Lists


  1. Introduction to lists
  2. Unordered lists (UL), ordered lists (OL), and list items (LI)
  3. Definition lists: the DL, DT, and DD elements
    1. Visual rendering of lists
  4. The DIR and MENU elements

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