Which network topology type has the advantage of being fault tolerance and scalable?

What is network topology?

Network topology is the description of the arrangement of nodes (e.g. networking switches and routers) and connections in a network, often represented as a graph.

No matter how identical two organizations are, no two networks are exactly alike. However, many organizations are relying on well-established network topology models. Network topologies outline how devices are connected together and how data is transmitted from one node to another.

A logical network topology is a conceptual representation of how devices operate at particular layers of abstraction. A physical topology details how devices are physically connected.Logical and physical topologies can both be represented as visual diagrams.

A network topology map is a map that allows an administrator to see the physical network layout of connected devices. Having the map of a network’s topology on hand is very useful for understanding how devices connect to each other and the best techniques for troubleshooting.


Ch 1. chapter review

You need a network that provides centralized authentication for your users. which of the following logical topologies should you use?A. VLANs B. Peer-to-peer c. client-server d. meshC. a client-server logical topology allows you to have a centralized database of users so that authentication is provided in one place.
You need a topology that is scalable to use in your network. Which of the following will you install?a. bus b. ring c. star d. meshC. to install a physical topology that provides ease of scalability, use a star network. This is a hub or switch device, and is the most common LAN network today.
which of the following physical topologies has the most connections and is the least popular for LAN's?a. bus b. start c. ring d. meshD. only a mesh physical topology has point-to-point connections to every device, so it has more connections and is not a popular LAN technology.
in a physical star topology, what happens when a workstation loses its physical connection to another device? which type of WAN technology uses label, which enables priority of voice through the network?a. the ring is broken no devices can communicate b. only that workstation loses its ability to communicate c. that workstation and the device it's connected to lose communication w/network d. no devices can communicate b/c 2 unterminated network segmenB. in a star topology, each workstation connects to a hub,switch,etc, not to other workstations. benefit is when connectivity to central device is lost, rest of network lives on.
what is a logical grouping of network users and resources called?a. WAN B. LAN C. MPLS D. Hostc. MultiProtocol Label Switching has many advantages as a LAN protocol. When labels are used, voice can have priority over basic data, for example.
which of the following is a concern when using peer-to-peer networks?a. where to place server b. whose computer is least busy, can act as server c. security associated with such a network d. having enough peers to support creating such a network?C. it is easy to relax about security in a peer-to-peer environment. Because of the trouble it takes to standardize authentication, a piecemeal approach involving users' personal preferences develops.........
which of the following is an example of when a point to multipoint network is called for?a. when centralized office needs to communicate s/ many branch offices b. when a full mesh of WAN links is in place c. when multiple offices are daisy chained to one another in a line d. when there are only 2 nodes in the network to be connected?A. when a central office, such as headquarters, needs to communicate with its branch offices, but these offices do not require direct comm. w/ one another, the point-to-multipoint model is applicable. other scenarios indicate use of a point-to-point link
which of the following is an example of a LAN?a. 10 buildings interconnected by Ethernet connections over fiber-obtic cable b. 10 routers interconnected by Frame Relay circuits c. 2 routers interconnected w/ a T1 circuit d. a computer connected to another computer so they can share resourcesD. LANs generally have a geographic scope of a single building or smaller. they can range from simple (2 hosts) to complex (w/ thousands of hosts).
which of the following is a disadvantage of the star topology? a. when a port on the central concentrating device fails, the attached end device and entire network loses connectivity to the rest of the network b. when the central concentrating device ....experiences a failure, attached device loses connectivity to rest of network c. star topology, more expensive host used compared to the host implementing bus. d. more difficult to add stations and troubleshoot than with other topologies.B. the only disadvantage mentioned is the fact that there is a single point of failure in the network. This topology makes troubleshooting easier;if entire network fails you know where to look first......
what is a difference between a LAN and a WAN?A. WANs need a special type of router port B. WANs cover larger geographical areas C. WANs can utilize either private or public data transport D. All of the aboveD. a typical WAN connects 2+ remote LANs using someone else's network (your ISP's) and a router. your local host and router see these networks as remote networks and not as local. routers use proprietary serial connections for WANs.
Which of the following provides the most physical layout flexibility in a very large, geographically dispersed enterprise network?A. Bus topology B. LAN switch C. star topology D. MPLS cloud networkD. MultiProtocol Label Switching provides logical links between sites, so branch offices can be easily and quickly added.
in what type of network are all computers considered equals and they do not share any central authority?A. peer-to-peer b. client-server c. physical topology d. none of the aboveA. in a peer-to-peer network, all computers are considered equals. it is up to the computer that has the resource being requested to perform a security check for access rights to its resources.
what advantage does the client server architecture have over peer-to-peer?a. easier maintenance b. greater organization c. tighter security d. all of the aboveD. in client-server networks, requests for resources go to a main server that responds by handling security and directing the client to the resource it wants instead of the request going to the machine with desired resource (as in peer-to-peer)
which of the following is an example of a hybrid network?a. Ethernet switch b. ring topology c. bus topology d. star topologyA. the best answer to this question is an Ethernet switch, which uses a star physical topology with a logical bus technology.
you have a network with multiple devices and need to have a smaller broadcast domain while working with a singe device. which of the following is the best solution?a. use static IP addresses b. add more hubs c. implement more switches d. install a routerD. routers break up broadcast domains and are used to connect different networks together.
which type of topology has the greatest number of physical connections?a. point-to-multipoint b. star c. point-to-point d. meshD. in mesh topology, there is a path from every connection to every other one in the network. Used mainly because of robust fault tolerance it offers....
what type of topology gives you a direct connection between two routers so that there is one communication path?a. point-to-point b. star c. bus d. straightA. as its name implies, in a point-to-point topology you have direct connection btwn 2 routers, giving you 1 communication path....
which network topology is a combination of two or more types of physical or two or more types of logical topologies?a. point-to-multipoint b. hybrid c. bus d. starB. a hybrid topology is a combination of two or more types of physical or logical network topologies working together within the same network.
when designing a network and deciding which type of network topology to use, which item(s) should be considered? (select all that apply)a. cost b. ease of installation c. ease of maintenance d. fault-tolerance requirementsA,B,C,D. Each topology has its own set of pros and cons regarding implementation, so it's important to ask the right questions.

Types of Network Topology Explained

When building a computer network, you need to define which network topology you want to use. There are multiple types of network topologies used nowadays, each with its pros and cons. The topology you choose determines the optimal performance of your network, scalability options, ease of maintenance, and the costs of building the network. That’s why it is important to select the right network topology type.

This blog post covers types of network topology, their advantages, and their disadvantages. It also provides recommendations on which network topology to use in different scenarios. Practical examples of using a specific type of network topologies can help you understand when each topology can be applied. After reading this blog post, you should be able to select the needed topology and equipment to build your own network.

Domain 4: Communication and Network Security (Designing and Protecting Network Security)

Eric Conrad, ... Joshua Feldman, in CISSP Study Guide (Third Edition), 2016


Star topology has become the dominant physical topology for LANs. The star was first popularized by ARCNET, and later adopted by Ethernet. Each node is connected directly to a central device such as a hub or a switch, as shown in Figure 5.17.

Figure 5.17. Star Topology

Exam Warning

Remember that physical and logical topologies are related, but different. A logical ring can run via a physical ring, but there are exceptions. FDDI uses both a logical and physical ring, but Token Ring is a logical ring topology that runs on a physical star, for example. If you see the word “ring” on the exam, check the context to see if it is referring to physical ring, logical ring, or both.

Stars feature better fault tolerance: any single local cable cut or NIC failure affects one node only. Since each node is wired back to a central point, more cable is required as opposed to bus (where one cable run connects nodes to each other). This cost disadvantage is usually outweighed by the fault tolerance advantages.

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