Which attribute is used to change the number of the list?

<ol>: The Ordered List element

The <ol> HTML element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.

Content categoriesPermitted contentTag omissionPermitted parentsImplicit ARIA rolePermitted ARIA rolesDOM interface
Flow content, and if the <ol> element's children include at least one <li> element, palpable content.
Zero or more <li>, <script> and <template> elements.
None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Any element that accepts flow content.
directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree



  1. Unordered (UL) and ordered (OL) lists
    1. Lists formatted by visual user agents
  2. Definition lists: the DL, DT, and DD elements
  3. The DIR and MENU elements

10 Lists


  1. Introduction to lists
  2. Unordered lists (UL), ordered lists (OL), and list items (LI)
  3. Definition lists: the DL, DT, and DD elements
    1. Visual rendering of lists
  4. The DIR and MENU elements

Answers ( )

  1. <OL TYPE=”1″>

    Hope it helps

  2. Answer:

    The value attribute may be used on an individual <li> element within an ordered list to change its value within the list.


    The number of any list item appearing below a list item with a value attribute will be recalculated accordingly.

    As an example, if the second list item has a value attribute value of 9, the number on that list item marker will appear as if it is the ninth item. All subsequent list items will be numbered upwards from 9.

    1 <ol>

    2 <li>Head north on N Halsted St</li>

    3 <li value=”9″>Turn right on W Diversey Pkwy</li>

    4 <li>Turn left on N Orchard St</li>

    5 </ol>

    According to //learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/creating-lists/

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