What was portugals strategy for controlling indian ocean trade?

How did the Portuguese use geographic factors to help them control the spice trade? They conquered inland kingdoms, which they turned into a trading empire. They used force and diplomacy to set up coastal trading posts. They used diplomacy to establish alliances with inland Indian rulers and Arab traders.

Other European traders did not like this arrangement. Paying such high prices to the Italians severely cut into their own profits. By the 1400s, European merchants—as well as the new monarchs of England, Spain, Portugal, and France—sought to bypass the Italian merchants. This meant finding a sea route directly to Asia.

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The Portuguese gained dominance of the spice trade because Vasco da Gama acquired a cargo of spices in India sold at an enormous profit so he quickly outfitted a new fleet seeking greater profits.

How did Portugal build a trading empire in Asia around the Indian Ocean?

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The Portuguese initially dominated trade in the Indian Ocean because of their superior ships and firepower. They captured important trading posts like Goa and Malacca, which allowed them to control much of the spice trade.

Why were the European interested in spice trade 2 reasons?

In the Middle Ages, Europeans lacked refrigeration and general hygiene, leading to food spoiling quickly. Spices were so important because they helped mask the flavor of not-so-fresh food. 6.

What role did the Portuguese Empire play in the spice trade?

By the year 1511, the Portuguese were in control of the spice trade of the Malabar coast of India and Ceylon. Until the end of the 16th century, their monopoly on the spice trade to India was exceptionally profitable for the Portuguese. The main product brought back to Lisbon was black pepper.

How did the Portuguese control Indian Ocean trade?

Portugal’s purpose in the Indian Ocean was to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade. Taking advantage of the rivalries that pitted Hindus against Muslims, the Portuguese established several forts and trading posts between 1500 and 1510.

Who controlled the spice trade before the Portuguese?

The Dutch took direct control of the Spice Islands and captured Malacca (1641), Colombo (1656), and Cochin (1663). By controlling the source of the spices, the Dutch could now impose their own terms on the global spice trade and import to Europe three times the quantities of spices the Portuguese could transport.

What was Portugal’s strategy for controlling Indian Ocean trade?

What was Portugal’s strategy for controlling Indian Ocean trade? Controlling key ports and areas along the trade routes. How did the Russian kingdom expand to become one of the largest land empires in the early modern period?

How did the Portuguese come to dominate the spice trade of Europe?

How did Portugal gain dominance of the spice trade? Portugal set up numerous military and trading outposts along the coast of Africa. They took over Arab trading ports and challenged Arab leaders for control of the spice trade.

What helped Portuguese explorers in their travels?

Which of following helped Portuguese explorers in their travels? exchange of European-made goods for African slaves.

Why did the Portuguese sail directly to India?

The plan for working on the Cape Route to India was charted by Portuguese King John II as a cost saving measure in the trade with Asia and also an attempt to monopolize the spice trade.

How did the Portuguese build and manage their empire?

Portugal’s colonial empire was the first established by a European power. It began in the fifteenth century when Portuguese kings sought trade routes to and from the East Indies.

Why did the Portuguese want to find a sea route to Asia?

Spain and Portugal wanted to find a sea route to Asia because Portugal did not share trade routes with Asia and Europe (no Meditteranean Ports), Spain wanted to Spread Christianity, and both countries wanted to find more trade.

How did the Portuguese transform maritime trade?

“The Portuguese transformed maritime trade in Indian Ocean in the sixteenth century by taxing non-Portuguese ships that traded in the region.” (Responds to the prompt with a minimally acceptable claim that establishes a line of reasoning.)

How did the Portuguese take over India?

The first Portuguese encounter with the subcontinent was on 20 May 1498 when Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on the Malabar Coast. Anchored off the coast of Calicut, the Portuguese invited native fishermen on board and immediately bought some Indian items.

Who controlled the spice trade?

Under the command of Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese expedition was the first to bring spices from India to Europe by way of the Cape of Good Hope in 1501. Portugal went on to dominate the naval trading routes through much of the 16th century.

Why did Europeans find new trade routes to Asia?

Europeans wanted the power and resulting wealth that would come from controlling trade. Finding all- water routes to Asia and its riches would allow European merchants to cut out Middle Eastern middlemen and reap all the profits of eastern trade. Some Europeans were also eager to spread Christianity to nonbelievers.

How did the search for spices lead to global exploration?

How did the search for spices lead to global exploration? As explorers sought sea routes to the Spice Islands, they made discoveries that prompted further exploration. For what did the Europeans use spices from Asia? Spices were used to flavor meats, preserve food, and make perfumes and medicines.

What factors encouraged European Exploration?

What factors encouraged European exploration? Spices, trade, wealth, power, curiosity. It was far too difficult to travel on overland routes. They wanted to spread Christianity.

What is the importance of spices in Europeans?

During the Middle Ages, spices were as valuable in Europe as gold and gems and the single most important force driving the world’s economy. The lack of refrigeration and poor standards of hygiene meant that food often spoiled quickly and spices were in great demand to mask the flavour of food that was far from fresh.

What were early Portuguese explorers trying to find?

Portugal, the western-most European country, was one of the primary players in the European Age of Discovery and Exploration. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa.

The portuguese began designing ships that were smaller or lighter and easier to steer. 4. Caravels use triangular sails that allow ships to sail against the wind.

How did competition among European countries affect overseas exploration and conquest?

How did competition among European countries affect overseas exploration and conquest? Competition among European countries affected oversea exploration and conquest. A reason for this is because it quickened the pace of exploration. Every country desired money, so many exploration missions were sent out to get it.

How did Portugal’s location contribute to its exploration in the 15th century?

How did Portugal’s location contribute to its exploration in the 15th century? Its further west in Europe and had a lot of coastline so sailing has been an important part of their culture. Prince Henry the navigator was not an explorer.

How did the Portuguese establish footholds and trade on Africa’s coasts?

How did the Portuguese establish footholds and trade on Africa’s coasts? They established forts and trading posts on the coast and seized key ports around the Indian Ocean. In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail westward across the Atlantic Ocean to solve a problem of geography.

Why did the Portuguese want to explore the world?

Motivated by the desire for new markets and an ongoing opposition to the Muslims, Portuguese sailors had begun to explore the West African coast in the first half of the fifteenth century.

What did the Portuguese trade?

The main Portuguese goal was trade, not colonization or conquest. Soon its ships were bringing into the European market highly valued gold, ivory, pepper, cotton, sugar, and slaves. The slave trade, for example, was conducted by a few dozen merchants in Lisbon.

Why did the Portuguese sail directly to India quizlet?

Why did the Portuguese want to sail directly to India? They wanted to cut out the middleman in their trade.

What things did Portuguese take back to Europe?

The cotton textiles which they took back to Europe, along with the spices, came to be called “Calico” which was derived from Calicut.

What were the reasons for the supremacy of the Portuguese in India during the 16th century?

Answer: In India, Portugal established her trading settlements at Cochin, Goa, Diu, and Daman. From the beginning, the Portuguese combined the use of force with trade and they were helped by the superiority of their armed ships which enabled them to dominate the seas.

Why did Portuguese and Spanish explorers sail in different directions to find a route to Asia *?

1 Answer. The Portuguese explorers started first and had established control of the route south around Africa and then east to Asia. This left the Spanish with only the western route to Asia available to them.

How and why did the Portuguese create their empire?

The Portuguese began their empire as a search for access to the gold of West Africa and then the eastern spice trade. In addition, it was hoped that there might well be Christian states in Asia that could become useful allies in Christianity’s ongoing battles with the Islamic caliphates.

What did the Portuguese conquer?

In the 1500s, Portugal colonized the present-day west African country of Guinea-Bissau and the two southern African countries of Angola and Mozambique. The Portuguese captured and enslaved many people from these countries and sent them to the New World. Gold and diamonds were also extracted from these colonies.

Why did Portugal rely on trade?

After traditional land routes to India had been closed by the Ottoman Turks, Portugal hoped to use the sea route pioneered by Gama to break the Venetian trading monopoly. Portugal aimed to control trade within the Indian Ocean and secure the sea routes linking Europe to Asia.

How did the Europeans change the Indian Ocean trade?

As the European powers established political control over important parts of Asia, turning Indonesia, India, Malaya, and much of Southeast Asia into colonies, reciprocal trade dissolved. Goods moved increasingly to Europe, while the former Asian trading empires grew poorer and collapsed.

Did the Portuguese take over Calicut?

Date 1526
Territorial changes Portuguese abandoned the Calicut fort

Who controlled the Indian Ocean trade before the Portuguese?

Muslim traders had dominated that trade, prior to the arrival of the Portuguese to the Indian Ocean, with monopolistic Venice as their European intermediary. The breaking of this monopoly was one of the principal objectives of Lisbon’s expansion into Asia.

How long did the Portuguese control the spice trade?

By the year 1511, the Portuguese were in control of the spice trade of the Malabar coast of India and Ceylon. Until the end of the 16th century, their monopoly on the spice trade to India was exceptionally profitable for the Portuguese.

Why did the Portuguese colonizers lose control over India?

Among the many reasons for the decline of Portuguese power in India include Portugal being too small a country to maintain the huge burden of a trading colony located in a far off land, their image as notorious sea pirates created enmity in the minds of the native rulers and last but not the least Portuguese rigid …

What did the Portuguese bring to India?

Vindaloo, sorpotel, sweet Goan wine… Yes, the Portuguese brought all these to India.

What country controlled the Spice Islands?

The Portuguese established several based on the Spice Islands in 1512 . Soon a bidding war ensued between the British, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese for control of these islands. After many clashes, the Dutch emerged victorious in 1663. The Dutch East India Company was then in control of the spice monopoly.

Why were the European interested in spice trade 2 reasons?

In the Middle Ages, Europeans lacked refrigeration and general hygiene, leading to food spoiling quickly. Spices were so important because they helped mask the flavor of not-so-fresh food. 6.

How did competition between European countries such as Portugal and Spain?

Competition between European countries such as Portugal and Spain affects overseas exploration and expansion since they signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the non-European world into two zones. Spain had trading and exploration rights in any lands west of the line, including most of the Americas.

Why did the Portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach Asia?

Why did the Portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach Asia? They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology. Why did Columbus reach the Caribbean islands rather than the East Indies? He greatly underestimated the size of Earth.

How did Portugal build a trading empire in Asia around the Indian Ocean?

Terms in this set (5)

The Portuguese initially dominated trade in the Indian Ocean because of their superior ships and firepower. They captured important trading posts like Goa and Malacca, which allowed them to control much of the spice trade.

What did the Portuguese do in order to try to create a trading post empire?

Portuguese mariners built the earliest trading -post empire. They did not want to conquer territories, but to control trade routes by forcing merchant vessels to call at fortified trading sites and pay duties there.

How did Portuguese exploration lead to a trading empire?

The Portuguese explorers created a trading empire by expanding into Muslim North Africa in the 1400s. established trading posts in West Africa to trade muskets, tools, and cloth for gold, ivory, hides, and slaves. Spain gained trading and exploration rights in any lands west of the line, including most of the americas.

What is geographical exploration?

an organized trip into unfamiliar regions, esp for scientific purposes; expedition.

Who controlled the spice trade before the Portuguese?

The Dutch took direct control of the Spice Islands and captured Malacca (1641), Colombo (1656), and Cochin (1663). By controlling the source of the spices, the Dutch could now impose their own terms on the global spice trade and import to Europe three times the quantities of spices the Portuguese could transport.

Who controlled the spice trade?

Under the command of Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese expedition was the first to bring spices from India to Europe by way of the Cape of Good Hope in 1501. Portugal went on to dominate the naval trading routes through much of the 16th century.

How did the voyages of European explorers lead to new economic systems of Europe and its colonies?

How did the voyages of European explorers lead to new economic systems in Europe and its colonies? The discoveries of wealth and new resources in the Americas encouraged European nations to set up colonies there and start new business ventures.

What factors encouraged European exploration?

What factors encouraged European exploration? Spices, trade, wealth, power, curiosity. It was far too difficult to travel on overland routes. They wanted to spread Christianity.

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