What state is Hawaii comparable to in size?

Hawaii is a U.S. state located in the Pacific Ocean. It is the only state outside North America, the only island state, and the only state in the tropics. Hawaii is also one of a handful of U.S. states to have once been an independent nation. Hawaii encompasses nearly the entire Hawaiian archipelago, comprised of 137 volcanic islands spanning 1,500 miles (2,400 km).


California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Hawaii is approximately 16,635 sq km, making Hawaii 4.12% the size of California. Meanwhile, the population of California is ~37.3 million people (35.9 million fewer people live in Hawaii).

Michelle Jones is a blogger who covers travels, adventures, and destinations. She believes that traveling is the best way to discover the world and everything that revolves around it.

The entire state of Hawaii has 6,422 square miles in total.

The Big Island’s 4,028 square miles represents almost 63% of the state’s total land mass.

So the Big Island is bigger than all the other island combined.

The Big Island is even bigger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

What state is the same size as Hawaii?

List of US States By Size

Rank State Name Square Miles
47 Hawaii 6,423
48 Connecticut 4,845
49 Delaware 1,954
50 Rhode Island 1,045

46 more rows

How big is Hawaii compared to Pennsylvania?

Hawaii is about 7 times smaller than Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is approximately 116,075 sq km, while Hawaii is approximately 16,635 sq km.

How many miles long and wide is Hawaii?

Hawaii Island, the Big Island is the largest of the Hawaiian Islands with a land mass of 4,028 square miles – twice the combined size of the other islands. It is 92 miles long and 76 miles wide. Significantly, the island is still growing as long as lava continues to pour out of Kīlauea, the world’s most active volcano.

A comparison of sizes Hawaii is approximately 591 times smaller in area than the United States. The United States has a land area of roughly 9,833,517 square kilometers, whereas Hawaii has a land area of approximately 16,635 square kilometers, making Hawaii 0.17 percent the size of the United States.

According to the United Nations, the total area of the islands is 28,313 km2 (10,932 sq mi), which is slightly smaller than the country of Belgium (30,528 km2) or twice the size of the Bahamas. Hawaii is somewhat larger than New Jersey when compared to other US states, however it would fit into Texas 25 times if it were a country.

Is the Big Island bigger than Hawaii?

The Big Island, with its 4,028 square miles of land area, accounts for over 63 percent of the state’s total land area. As a result, the Big Island is larger than the sum of all the other islands combined. The Big Island is even larger than the combined areas of the states of Rhode Island and Delaware. So, wouldn’t you agree that the island of Hawaii is deserving of its well-deserved fame?

How many square miles is Hawaii?

With all the eight major islands of Hawaii united, the Aloha state comprises 6,422 square miles of land area.

How many “hawaiis” equal the same land mass of other states?

To put that statistic into context, consider how many ″Hawaiians″ it would take to cover the same amount of area as the following states: The size of 89 Hawaiis is nearly the same as the size of Alaska. The size of 40 Hawaiis is roughly the same as the size of Texas. The size of 24 Hawaiis is roughly the same as the size of California.

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What state is the same size as the Big Island of Hawaii?

The landmass of the Big Island, located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is nearly the same size as the state of Connecticut, covering around 4,050 square miles and continuing to increase on a daily basis as a result of the eruption of the Kilauea volcano on the island’s eastern shore.

Is Hawaii or Florida bigger?

Florida is almost eight times larger than Hawaii. Hawaii has a land area of around 16,635 square kilometers, whereas Florida has a land area of approximately 139,670 square kilometers, making Florida 740 percent bigger than Hawaii.

Is Hawaii larger than California?

Hawaii is approximately 24 times smaller in area than the state of California. California has a land area of around 403,882 square kilometers, whereas Hawaii has a land area of approximately 16,635 square kilometers, making Hawaii 4.12 percent the size of California. Meanwhile, the state of California has a population of 37.3 million people (35.9 million fewer people live in Hawaii).

Is Hawaii as big as Ohio?

Hawaii is approximately 6 times smaller in area than Ohio. Ohio has a land area of around 106,056 square kilometers, whereas Hawaii has a land area of approximately 16,635 square kilometers, making Hawaii 15.69 percent the size of Ohio. Meanwhile, the state of Ohio has a population of around 11.55 million people (10.2 million fewer people live in Hawaii).

How long would it take to drive across Hawaii?

To travel around the Big Island of Hawaii, how long does it typically take? According to my schedule, it will take approximately eight hours to travel around Hawaii. However, that is without stopping at many locations, and you will want to spend some time at each of these locations.

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Is Hawaii bigger than Puerto Rico?

What is the size of Puerto Rico in relation to Hawaii? Hawaiian territory and all of its islands cover a total land area of 28,311 square kilometers, whereas Puerto Rico has a total land area of approximately 9,104 square kilometers. Puerto Rico is significantly smaller than Hawaii, especially when you consider that it encompasses all of the country’s islands.

How big is Hawaii compared to Houston?

Yes, Houston is nearly the same size as the entire island of Oahu when taken as a whole.

Is Hawaii bigger than the Florida Keys?

When seen as a whole, Hawaii is approximately eight times smaller than the whole state of Florida.

Which is further south Hawaii or Florida?

Hawaii Fact Number 31 of 50: Ka Lae is the southernmost point of both Hawaii and the United States. The majority of people believe that the Florida Keys are the southernmost point in the United States, but in reality, Hawaii’s Ka Lae is the true southernmost point in the country. Ka Lae is the southernmost point of the Big Island of Hawaii, and it is a popular tourist destination.

Is New York bigger than Oahu?

Oahu is 0.51 times the size of New York City (in the United States) (Hawaii) New York Metropolis (NYC), sometimes known as simply New York, is the most populous city in the United States and is the financial capital of the world. It is situated near the southernmost point of the state of New York in the United States.

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Which Hawaiian island is the smallest?

Located off the coast of Maui lies the 45-square-mile island of Kaho’olawe, which is the smallest of the major Hawaiian islands and one that has had a tumultuous recent past.

How big is Hawaii compared to Arizona?

Hawaii is approximately 18 times smaller in area than the state of Arizona. Arizona has a land area of around 294,312 square kilometers, while Hawaii has a land area of approximately 16,635 square kilometers, making Hawaii 5.65 percent the size of Arizona. Meanwhile, the state of Arizona has a population of around 6.4 million people (5.0 million fewer people live in Hawaii).

Is Hawaii bigger than London?

The United Kingdom is approximately 15 times the size of Hawaii. We’ve placed the contour of Hawaii at the centre of the United Kingdom’s geographical center.

How big is Oahu vs California?

California (in the United States) is 274 times larger than the Hawaiian island of Oahu (Hawaii) It is the third-largest state in the United States in terms of total area and the second-largest in terms of population.

How big is Hawaii compared to England?

  1. Hawaii is approximately 15 times smaller in area than the United Kingdom.
  2. The United Kingdom has an approximate land area of 243,610 square kilometers, whereas Hawaii has an approximate land area of 16,635 square kilometers, making Hawaii 6.83 percent the size of the United Kingdom.
  3. In the meantime, the population of the United Kingdom is 65.8 million individuals (64.4 million fewer people live in Hawaii).

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