What seasoning can dogs eat

We love our pets and we love our gardens. It’s a simple truth. Guess who else loves your garden? Your sweet K9 companion!

This week we are bringing you the details on what herbs and spices are healthy for your pup, and which ones you should avoid letting your dog consume. After all, dogs deserve a refined palette, too.

Can Dogs Eat Herbs and Spices?

YES. We are happy to inform you that dogs can indeed consume herbs and spices. Always pay close attention to what you’re feeding your fido; while many herbs and spices are great for your dog’s health, some can be poisonous if consumed by your pup. That being said, there are many herbs that are extremely beneficial for your dog’s health and wellbeing.

Dogs require vitamins as a regular part of their diet just like we do. Luckily, a great source of vitamins and antioxidants that boost your dog’s immune system and digestive system can all be found in herbs and spices. 

In addition to their wonderful supplementary properties, herbs and spices can also be used as medicinal treatment for your pup when they are not feeling well. 

What is the Difference Between an Herb and a Spice?

Herbs and spices are often confused. This makes perfect sense because some plants can be used as herbs and spices. This distinction is made by the way in which the plant is consumed; herbs are consumed as fresh plants, while spices are consumed as dried plants. For example, basil can be sold as a fresh herb, or it can be dried and sold as a spice. 

Here is a list of five herbs and spices that are fantastic additions to your dog’s healthy diet.

  1. Coriander
    • Anti-parasitic
    • Anti-diarrhea
    • Eases nausea
    • Alleviates intestinal gas
  2. Oregano
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antibacterial
    • Antifungal
    • Alleviates indigestion and diarrhea
    • Antioxidant boosts immune system
  3. Peppermint
    • Soothes an upset stomach
    • Relieves intestinal gas
    • Treats diarrhea
    • Alleviates irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  4. Turmeric
    • Relieves arthritis
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Improves gut health
    • Boosts brain function
  5. Cinnamon
    • Fights against heart disease
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Regulates blood sugar
    • Anti-cancer properties

Herbs and Spices that are Bad for Dogs

Here is a list of 5 herbs and spices that you should avoid feeding to your dog.

  1. Nutmeg
    • Nutmeg can cause a severe upset stomach for dogs, as well as extensive damage to your dog’s nervous system.
  2. Onion
    • Consuming onions can cause diarrhea, vomiting and an upset stomach, as well as intense damage to red blood cells for dogs. This applies to onion powder, too.
  3. Cocoa Powder
    • Cocoa powder is extremely harmful to your dog’s nervous system. Although cocoa powder is not a spice by definition, it is often used in cooking and should be kept out of reach from your pup. Cocoa powder can also cause kidney and heart problems in your dog.
  4. Garlic
    • Garlic can be toxic to your pup if administered in large amounts. You should avoid giving your dog garlic at all. If they do consume a small amount of garlic in the powdered form, they will be okay.
  5. Black Pepper
    • Black pepper itself is not poisonous for dogs, however it does contain piperine, which increases the absorption of prescription medicines. This causes a great risk of overdose for your pet, so it is best to avoid black pepper if possible.

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Dogs

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a practice that uses the healing power of herbs and spices in order to heal an array of health conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine, often referred to as TCM, is a safe way to treat your pup as long as you are careful about what herbs and spices you feed them. 

Herbs for Dogs FAQs

Can dogs eat herbs and spices?

Yes, herbs and spices are good for dogs. In fact, feeding your dog the right herbs and spices can be a great, vitamin-rich addition to their normal doggy diet.

Can dogs eat thyme?

Yes, thyme is good for dogs. Thyme has major health benefits for your dog’s diet. Thyme creates a more healthy digestive tract, and can also help with irritable bowels. In addition, thyme also aids in ousting parasites such as hookworm. Mix in one teaspoon of fresh or dried thyme per pound of food for your large dog’s dinner.

Can dogs eat basil?

Yes, basil is great for your dog’s health. Basil contains antioxidants, and also has anti-inflammatory properties which help to repel a variety of illnesses. Basil can also help alleviate anxiety and arthritis. Be sure to closely watch the amount of basil you feed your dog, especially for small dogs; a safe amount is about 2-3 leaves depending on your dog’s size. 

Can dogs eat rosemary?

Yes, rosemary is safe for your pup. Rosemary is okay to add into your dog’s diet, in fact, it’s great for your dog’s health. Rosemary is high in iron and calcium, and also has great antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Be warned that if consumed in large quantities, rosemary can cause an upset stomach and itchy skin; do not allow your dog to consume more than 5 grams of rosemary.

Can dogs eat parsley?

Yes, parsley is a healthy addition to your dog’s dinner. Parsley is high in fiber, and is great for your dog’s digestive health. Parsley is also a great breath freshener for your pup! For small dogs, add one teaspoon to their food and for large dogs, add one tablespoon to their food. 

Is Ashwagandha safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) is safe for your dog’s diet. This herb is known for relieving stress, boosting the immune system, and its anti-inflammatory properties. You can give your pet 250mg of this herb per every fifteen pounds of body weight. 

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​​It’s easy to get distracted with day-to-day life and neglect our health, and this practice is more common in men than women. Women are more frequently taught from a young age about the foods that can support their wellbeing, men are often not as educated on food as medicine. 

In reality, men can improve their overall well-being significantly by adding just a few fresh herbs into their regular diets. Herbs have tons of health benefits, including prostate health, libido, and vitality. Here’s some information about the top 6.


The name can be a bit of a mouthful, so, for our benefit, we’ll call ashwagandha by its other name:  winter cherry. This amazing herb significantly helps increase energy levels and vigor. Studies have shown that it reduces cortisol levels by 28% which helps reduce stress and improve sleep. It can also help to lower glucose levels, so it is often used as a treatment for diabetes and hypertension.

Pine Bark Extract

Pine bark extract has been used as a natural form of medicine for years. It is best known to offer tons of nutritional support for prostate health. It specifically promotes healthy cells and helps reduce the life of harmful cells. Pine bark can also help support reproductive health: studies have shown it can even improve fertility up to 38%.


Turmeric is a great herb to cook with and is pretty easy to grow. Full of antioxidants, it can help soothe muscle and tissue soreness, as well as ease urinary difficulties and prostate issues. Studies have shown that turmeric supplements showed significant, long-lasting, improvement in urinary ease and frequency.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto has been used by Native Americans for millenia to help remedy reproductive issues. Today, it helps normalize testosterone levels, which, in turn, can regulate weight and improve moods. Researchers have shown that saw palmetto can also help protect against hair loss because of the conversion of testosterone.


Last, but not least, let’s talk about Stinging Nettle. Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) affects many men as they age. Studies have shown that nettle can significantly reduce the symptoms of BPH including frequent urge to urinate and the potential for developing more serious prostate issues. It can also help reduce prostate size and improve reproductive health overall. 


Rosemary protects against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and according to an Iranian study it also helps men with ‘performance anxiety.’

If that’s not enough according to research performed in Northumbria university, there are compounds in rosemary that improves cognitive function and memory

Gardening and Mental Health

Mental health and men– ”Anxiety and depression are the most common challenges for men today,” affirms Mary Spillane, Clinical Psychologist and Headspace App’s Mental Health Expert. Men tend to be less likely to seek professional support than women, which can also lead to challenges around managing their mental health.” Many organizations are bringing unique well-being benefits to their Company, looking at mental health from a new perspective. “Gardening experiences have proven mental health benefits, most notably in dealing with anxiety and depression.” WebMD

How do you plan on using herbs to help support your overall health?

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