What is toxic love

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A toxic relationship can become a healthy relationship if both partners are willing to put in the work and communicate honestly. Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty images

The line between healthy and unhealthy relationships can be quickly crossed and it may be difficult to identify, even with signs that might seem obvious to others. 

Here's how to recognize seven signs of a toxic or abusive relationship and how to address it in healthy and safe ways. 

A partner is someone for you to rely on, to be vulnerable with, and to have in your corner. In the absence of trust, none of these things are possible. 

"When I see people in a mostly healthy relationship, there is a security that they have in the stability in their relationship," says Jeni Woodfin, LMFT, a therapist at J. Woodfin Counseling in San Jose, California. "Without trust, and not just trust that their partner will be faithful, but trust that their partner will behave in the best interest of the agreements of the relationship, there cannot be a sense of security." 

According to Kamil Lewis, AMFT, a sex and relationship therapist in Southern California, overt forms of hostile communications include:

  • Yelling
  • Name-calling or other hurtful phrases 
  • Throwing and breaking things
  • Using your body for physical intimidation or force

According to Woodfin, subtler signs of hostile communication include: 

  • The silent treatment
  • Using 'you-statements' or blaming statements
  • Constantly interrupting
  • Listening to respond instead of listening to hear and understand your partner 

Hostile communication can cause tension and create further distrust between partners. Rather, healthy relationships rely on open communication, cooling down before things get too heated, and respect.

"[Open communication] provides opportunities to provide and receive support between partners," says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. 

Your partner doesn't have the right to control your actions or beliefs. According to Woodfin, one controlling behavior to look out for is threatening loss of something, such as financial stability, time with your children, or companionship. 

"These threats strike fear in many people and I find these are the reasons many, many people stay in unhealthy, unhappy relationships even when wishing for the relationship to end," she says. 

Other signs of controlling behavior include: 

  • Telling you what's right
  • Threatening to out you
  • Needing to know everything you do and who you're with
  • Trying to manage your money
  • Secluding you from loved ones or always being present when you are with others
  • Acting like you don't know what you're talking about
  • Requiring access to your personal devices such as phone or email accounts

"Lies — no matter how small — erode credibility over time," says Romanoff.

When a partner lies to you, it signals they don't respect you as a mutual partner who deserves honesty and care. 

"Lying to your partner indicates your allegiance is to yourself, not the relationship," says Woodfin.

If your relationship consistently revolves around what makes your partner happy and ignores your needs, it can be a sign of toxicity.

"Being considerate of your partner is one thing, but if you find yourself saying no to yourself frequently to say yes to them, you might want to consider setting some boundaries," says Lewis. "If they dismiss, belittle, or bulldoze your boundaries, that could also be a sign of a toxic relationship."

 According to Woodfin, signs of a one-sided relationship include:

  • Always being the first one to text
  • Long gaps between sending a message and receiving a response
  • Conversations that are choppy
  • Finding yourself asking over and over for your partner to change their behavior 
  • Having a significantly unequal division of labor, responsibility, or contribution to the relationship or household

Think about the last time you did something for yourself, spent time — even virtually — with a loved one, or slept soundly. 

"It is helpful to examine how your connections outside of the relationship and with yourself have been affected," says Romanoff. "Usually, self-care and self-prioritization are neglected. Time and mental energy in toxic relationships will often be spent on the other person — either directly or indirectly through the backlash of unremitting discord and strife."

Try shifting some of your energy to take care of yourself and see how your partner reacts. If their response is negative, that signals toxic traits in the relationship.

Do you often find yourself forced into a position to defend your partner? 

While it's easy to fall back on the mentality of 'you don't know them like I do,' an outside perspective from someone you know loves you— such as a friend or family member you trust — may be able to clearly see your partner's negative characteristics that are hard to acknowledge yourself. 

It is possible to mend a toxic relationship in certain instances — and when each partner is committed to trying. The relationship must become healthy and mutually beneficial for any potential to continue. If possible, meeting with a counselor is a great step to take. 

"Working with a couples therapist or coach helps provide a neutral space to talk about issues, and a skilled and non-judgmental party to witness your challenges and help you find new solutions to old problems," says Lewis. 

General advice: Practicing reflective listening — the practice of understanding the other person's perspective — and accountability are ways to identify the relationship's issues and what each partner needs, says Romanoff.

If your motivation for staying in the relationship isn't your care for the other person but fear of or disinterest in being single, it may be time to give up the relationship. If one partner refuses to work on the relationship, repeatedly acts poorly — such as breaking relationship agreements, or belittling — or is emotionally, physically, financially, or sexually abusive, it's time to make a plan to leave the relationship.

There are clear markers of an abusive relationship that has no healthy future. According to Lewis, signs of an abusive relationship include: 

  • Physical, emotional, and sexual violence 
  • Coercion
  • Gaslighting
  • Isolation
  • Intense fear of what might happen if you leave the relationship

Important: Creating a safety plan can minimize risk when leaving an abusive relationship. Resources that can help you include the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Chat at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), the Safe Horizon Hotline at 1-800-621-HOPE (4673), and RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline and Chat at 800-656-HOPE (4673). 

Toxic relationships are characterized by a lack of trust, controlling behaviors, and frequent lying. Often one partner is prioritized instead of coming together as a team. While toxic relationships can, at times, be healed, both partners must be willing to adapt and work on the relationship. 

If you are in an abusive relationship and are able to, contact a loved one for support and assistance making an exit plan. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for being in an abusive relationship, and anyone who shames you is in the wrong.

"Try to bring your full self in a relationship, and that includes your intuition," says Lewis. "Trust in yourself to make a decision that will benefit your wellbeing not only in the short term but longer-term as well."

It’s a common refrain: relationships are hard work. Fights are normal and rough patches are par for the course.

True as that may be, however, these platitudes can distract from legitimate causes for concern in one’s social and romantic life — including signs that a relationship may have become, or always was, toxic.

Here’s what you need to know about toxic relationships, and how to tell if you’re in one.

What is a toxic relationship?

Dr. Lillian Glass, a California-based communication and psychology expert who says she coined the term in her 1995 book Toxic People, defines a toxic relationship as “any relationship [between people who] don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition, where there’s disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness.”

While every relationship goes through ups and downs, Glass says a toxic relationship is consistently unpleasant and draining for the people in it, to the point that negative moments outweigh and outnumber the positive ones. Dr. Kristen Fuller, a California-based family medicine physician who specializes in mental health, adds that toxic relationships are mentally, emotionally and possibly even physically damaging to one or both participants.

And these relationships don’t have to be romantic: Glass says friendly, familial and professional relationships can all be toxic as well.

What makes a relationship toxic?

Fuller says people who consistently undermine or cause harm to a partner — whether intentionally or not — often have a reason for their behavior, even if it’s subconscious. “Maybe they were in a toxic relationship, either romantically or as a child. Maybe they didn’t have the most supportive, loving upbringing,” Fuller says. “They could have been bullied in school. They could be suffering from an undiagnosed mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety or bipolar disorder, an eating disorder, any form of trauma.”

That was the case for Carolyn Gamble, a 57-year-old, Maryland-based motivational speaker who says she fell into toxic relationships after a tumultuous childhood marked by losing her mother to a drug overdose, and suffering physical abuse at the hands of her father. When she grew up, she found some of the same themes in her marriage to her now-ex-husband, who she says became verbally and emotionally abusive. “I realized in this life, regardless of the cards that we’re dealt, sometimes there are things that we have to let go,” she says.

Sometimes, Glass says, toxic relationships are simply the result of an imperfect pairing — like two people who both need control, or a sarcastic type dating someone with thin skin. “It’s just that the combination is wrong,” she says.

Heidi Westra Brocke, a 46-year-old chiropractor living in Illinois, is familiar with these mismatches. Brocke considers herself an empath and a people-pleaser, and grew up “assuming everybody was nice and everybody wanted what was best for you.” Instead, she says her personality attracted controlling partners who forced her to sacrifice her needs for theirs, and constantly work for approval that never came.

Though they had very different stories, both Brocke and Gamble say they endured toxic relationships for years — underscoring that no two bad relationships are exactly alike.

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What are the warning signs of a toxic relationship?

The most serious warning signs include any form of violence, abuse or harassment, which should be dealt with immediately. But in many cases, the indicators of a toxic relationship are much more subtle.

The first, and simplest, is persistent unhappiness, Glass says. If a relationship stops bringing joy, and instead consistently makes you feel sad, angry, anxious or “resigned, like you’ve sold out,” it may be toxic, Glass says. You may also find yourself envious of happy couples.

Fuller says negative shifts in your mental health, personality or self-esteem are all red flags, too. These changes could range from clinically diagnosable conditions, such as depression, anxiety or eating disorders, to constantly feeling nervous or uncomfortable — especially around your partner. Feeling like you can’t talk with or voice concerns to your significant other is another sign that something is amiss, Fuller says.

You should also look out for changes in your other relationships, or in the ways you spend your free time, Fuller says. “You may feel bad for doing things on your own time, because you feel like you have to attend to your partner all the time,” she says. “You cross the line when you’re not your individual self anymore and you’re giving everything to your partner.”

Finally, Fuller says concern from family or friends should be taken seriously, particularly since people in toxic relationships are often the last to realize it. Brocke says that was true of her relationships, which perpetuated the damage for years.

“By the time I actually started realizing I was in something that wasn’t healthy, it was so normal to me that it didn’t seem like that big a deal,” Brocke says. “You get paralyzed in it, because you’re just used to it.”

What should you do if you’re in a toxic relationship?

If any of those red flags sound familiar, it’s time to take action. If you feel that you’re in physical danger, you may need to involve the authorities. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is also available for 24/7 guidance at 1-800-799-7233.

If the harm is emotional or mental, you’ll have to decide if it’s possible to work through the issue. If underlying triggers such as depression or trauma are influencing one or both individuals’ behaviors, Fuller says therapeutic or medical treatments may help. Glass agrees that getting to the root of the problem is important, but says that sometimes, the answer may be to walk away.

“I really am a firm believer that you have to try to work everything out and understand why the person is toxic. You may be able to live with it — but on the other hand, you may not,” Glass says. “[If you can’t], you’ve got to get out of it. We have to not put ourselves in that position.”

Brocke and Gamble took that advice in their own lives, and both say they’re better for it. Brocke is now happily remarried and coaches women who are leaving toxic relationships. Gamble is purposefully single and runs a nearly 7,000-person toxic relationships support group on Facebook.

“Love should never cost you your peace. It should never cost you your joy. It should never cost you your happiness,” Gamble says. “If there’s more negative in the situation than positive, something has to change.”

Write to Jamie Ducharme at .

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