What is the single most common location of food preparation that is responsible for reported outbreaks of foodborne disease?

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Number and percentage of foodborne disease outbreaks, outbreak-associated illnesses, and hospitalizations, by etiology (confirmed or suspected) — Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2009–2015

Salmonella † 896539492323,66251024,172303,168393,207602902920
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing (STEC)§1911220352,378872,46536722169313121139
Campylobacter ¶ 1554620152,0952142,30931341715131011
Clostridium perfringens 1089019855,1322,7027,834101621804043
Staphylococcus aureus 35407521,2554261,681269178620000
Bacillus cereus 2342652551288839124600000
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 35144912275328001822000000
Listeria monocytogenes 35136138083880334734167417552
Clostridium botulinum 1922118569107267814043
Escherichia coli, Enterotoxigenic617043719456110100000
Staphylococcus spp.2460381553000000000
Yersinia enterocolitica 314020424070701011
Vibrio cholerae 123031417031401011
Streptococcus, Group A21307240112000000000
Escherichia coli, Enteroaggregative303050050000000000
Vibrio other2020707030300000
Vibrio vulnificus 0110022001100111
Aeromonas hydrophila 0110044000000000
Coxiella burnetti 0110055001100000
Francisella novicida 1010303030301011
Brucella spp.1010404010100000
Clostridium other101012012000000000
Escherichia coli, Enteropathogenic101030030000000000
Enterococcus faecalis 101013013000000000
Chemical and toxin
Scombroid toxin/histamine956101228019299011200000
Puffer fish tetrodotoxin3030909040400000
Paralytic shellfish poison303012012060600000
Amnesic shellfish poison1010202020200000
Cryptosporidium 10212016022182062800000
Trichinella 819030333071800000
Cyclospora 9090432043211701700000
Giardia 303012012010100000
Hepatitis A15015026002600107010720000
Single etiology†† 2,953 1,141 4,094 71 67,130 14,658 81,788 81 5,114 237 5,351 94 140 3 143 99
Multiple etiologies§§ 33 50 83 1 925 1,070 1,995 2 56 21 77 1 0 0 0 0
Unknown etiology¶¶ 0 0 1,583 27 0 0 15,728 17 0 271 271 5 0 0 2 1
Total 2,986 1,191 5,760 100 68,055 15,728 100,939 100 5,170 258 5,699 100 140 3 145 100

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