What is the Internets birthday?

by Roisin Lanigan
12 March 2019, 12:12pm

on its 30th birthday, the internets creator says its not necessarily good for humanity

Happy birthday babe! Looking fab!! xx

by Roisin Lanigan
12 March 2019, 12:12pm

This article originally appeared on i-D UK.


Big birthday today! The absolute happiest of returns to The Internet, who is finally turning the big 3-0. Its hard to believe that the invention that was a few decades ago a barely-understood technology, used only by nerds on message boards discussing the best way to play DOOM, is now bigger, nerdier and used by absolutely everyone in the world -- okay technically half of everyone in the world -- even your nan, who loves posting Minion jokes on Facebook.

In 30 short years the internet has shaped aspects of everyday life that are so commonplace we now take them for granted. Your mum had to live without FaceTune, imagine that. There was once a world where pub arguments were not settled by a smug Google search. Our parents generation only ever had patchy memories of their wild nights out, not cringe 300-panel Instagram stories that you really regret posting in the morning. They had to live in a world without memes, guys. Sounds boring.

But in spite of all the good things the internet has given us over the past 30 years, its creator is dubious over whether its existence has actually done much good to the world. In fact, Tim Berners-Lee, the actual inventor of the World Wide Web, doesnt always like what he sees online. In an era of hacking, harassment, hate speech and fake news, we cant 100% blame him either.

Speaking to reporters last night on the eve of his iconic creations birthday, Tim said that the inventions digital adolescence has been, in a word, rough. Were celebrating but were also very concerned, the inventor said. Look at the 50 percent who are on the web, and its not so pretty for them. They are all stepping back suddenly horrified after the Trump and Brexit elections, realising that this web thing that they thought was so cool has actually not necessarily been serving humanity very well.


The software engineer also took the opportunity to reflect back on the internets humble origins: it started as an idea for http electronic transfers all the way back in March 1989. The first web browser as we know it appeared at the start of 1990. Since then, Tims transfer system has connected millions of people around the world, providing resources that were previously impossible to conceive. Now the creator is emphasising the need for his invention to be, first and foremost, a platform for public good in the future. Its our journey from digital adolescence to a more mature, responsible and inclusive future, he believes.

Its like Frankensteins monster all over again, but with memes.

This article originally appeared on i-D UK.

Tagged:mental healthHackingSocial Mediaharassmentthe internetfake news

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