What is the biggest reason a personal profile may be more effective than a fan page when it comes to Facebook marketing?

Frequently Asked Questions about Boosting Posts

We get loads of questions about Facebook ads from thousands of visitors per month. Here are some of the frequently asked questions.

How do I boost political ads?

In 2018 Facebook launched a new policy that requires admins to get authorized before running political ads on Facebook and Instagram. We wrote a guide for how to get authorizedthat may help.

Can I edit my post after its been boosted?

You can edit your audience, duration, budget, post text, or Instagram placement after a post has been boosted. For a long time this feature was completely unavailable to advertisers.

Does Facebook advertising work for B2B brands?

Absolutely, Facebook is an incredibly effective channel to reach qualified buyers throughout the sales funnel. With custom audiences, you can retarget prospects that have visited your websites or subscribers on your email list. You can also reach prospects by targeting by job titles. For more ideas, read our 2020 guide to B2B social media strategy.

Whats the best way to learn Facebook Ads & Ads Manager?

The best way to learn what works is through testing in small increments. For campaign feedback, we recommend joining a free Facebook Group and digging through the archives. For guided learning, we recommend a top-rated inexpensive course like Facebook Ads Mastery 2019 or Ultimate Facebook Ads in Udemy (aff), or digging through Facebook Blueprint (more below).

If youre looking for a more guided experience, you can hire a paid social agency like Sculpt to train your team on best practices.

Why am I reaching 0 people after boosting a post?

If you are seeing zero people reached, your boosted post is not being shown. Your ad may still be in the approval queue, which is especially common if this is your first boosted post. In some circumstances, it may be necessary to duplicate your ad and start over. Note: This sequence can not be performed with the Boost Post interface.

Will I get charged the total budget if I stop my boosted post early?

No! Your total budget is the maximum dollar amount you will spend if you let the Boosted Post run its course. If you stop the campaign early, so will your payment.

Can I boost a personal Facebook post?

At one point, interestingly, you could. Alas, this option is limited to pages only now.

How do I make my post eligible to be boosted if theres too much text?

As of September 2020, Facebook will run your post as an ad if theres more than 20% text in the image or thumbnail without any reach restrictions. The 20% grid tool is gone, too. Thats good news! However, while they dont outright reject or limit ads for excessive image text anymore, Facebook does still recommend keeping image text within those 20% guidelines as they tend to perform better.

How do I stop ads that click to Messenger?

In the boost post interface, an option exists to use automated placements, or manually select them. If you manually select there is a checkbox to run ads on Messenger, Instagram, or Facebook. You can manually uncheck that setting. If the ad is already running, you can use Ads Manager to change the placement settings of your ad set.

Is it better to boost a Facebook event or a Facebook post?

If your main objective is to generate RSVPs for your event, boosting an event post is worth a test. You will be paying to reach the target audience you select with a post about the event from your page, therefore it is technically the same as boosting a post. Other marketers have found that boosting a more engaging video post with a description and link to the event has been effective. We tend to agree.

Why isnt my boosted post working?

If you are having trouble boosting a post, you might be missing correct payment information, the right role permissions, or acceptable content for promotion. From our experience, it boils down to one of those. You can find a broader list of possible culprits on Facebooks Help article.

How do I contact Facebook to resolve my boost issue?

You can chat with their support team directly through email, although you must have a Page and ad account for them to reference. Once you fill out the form, you will get connected on chat to speak with a live rep. It may take a few minutes.

Whats the best payment method to use for Facebook advertising?

Your payment method is a personal choice. However, using business credit cards as a payment method for Facebook ads may allow you to earn additional points or rewards for every dollar spent on ads. One of the most popular cards used by Facebook ad buyers is the Chase Ink Preferred for one very important reason: cardholders earn 3 points for every $1 spent on search and social media advertising purchases (up to $150K per year). That means for every $10,000 spent on ads, youre earning 30,000 reward points. Its a credit card, so the usual discretion is advised when signing up. But if youre investing in ads and want an extra kickback, this is a powerful hack. (Its the one we use!) You can earn 100,000 points when you open an account and meet the minimum spending threshold by using our affiliate link, here.


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